...Similarity based Analysis of Networks of Ultra Low Resolution Sensors Relevance: Pervasive computing, temporal analysis to discover behaviour Method: MDS, Co-occurrence, HMMs, Agglomerative Clustering, Similarity Analysis Organization: MERL Published: July 2006, Pattern Recognition 39(10) Special Issue on Similarity Based Pattern Recognition Summary: Unsupervised discovery of structure from activations of very low resolution ambient sensors. Methods for discovering location geometry from movement patterns and behavior in an elevator scheduling scenario The context of this work is ambient sensing with a large number of simple sensors (1 bit per second giving on-off info). Two tasks are addressed. Discovering location geometry from patterns of sensor activations. And clustering activation sequences. For the former, a similarity metric is devised that measures the expected time of activation of one sensor after another has been activated, on the assumption that the two activations are resulting from movement. The time is used as a measure of distance between the sensors, and MDS is used to arrive at a geometric distribution. In the second part, the observation sequences are clustered by training HMMs for each sequence, and using agglomerative clustering. Having selected an appropriate number of clusters (chosen by the domain expert) the clusters can be used to train new HMM models. The straightforward mapping of the cluster HMMs is to a composite HMM, where each branch of...
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...Course Number: FINA 6278 - MSF Program 11 / 07 / 2012 Course title: Financial Theory and Research (Part 1 – Financial Markets and Asset Pricing) Team Member: Haotian Lin; Nan Bai; Wenyi Gu; Yibo Zang Summary Standard finance (modern portfolio theory), compared with Behavioral finance, is no longer modern: dating back to the late 1950s modern portfolio theory was developed (Statman 2008) Behavioral finance offers alternative explanation for investors and markets. Behavioral finance, which has been a controversial subject and is becoming more widely accepted, is finance from a broader social science perspective including psychology and sociology (Shiller 2003). Behavioral finance helps identify the financial market’s inefficient reaction to public information, which cannot be explained by traditional financial models with assumptions such as expected utility maximization, rational investors, and efficient markets (Ritter 2003; Statman 2008). Statman (2008) compares “normal” investors and rational investors by pointing out the difference that normal investors are reluctant to realize losses since normal investors are affected by cognitive biases and emotions. Statman also compares Behavioral Portfolio Theory and Markowitz mean-variance theory. Another comparison made by Statman is between Behavioral Asset Pricing Model (BAPM) and capital asset pricing model (CAPM), stating that the asset pricing model of standard finance is moving away from CAPM toward Fama...
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...Drug addiction is most often defined as a chronically relapsing disorder in which the addict experiences uncontrollable compulsion to take drugs, while simultaneously the repertoire of behaviors not related to drug seeking, taking, and recovery, declines dramatically."(1) Recent scientific research has shown significant causal relationships between drug addiction and genetic predisposition as well as between addiction and environmental factors. Both genetics and the environment influence the brain, which in turn effects the behavior of usage. Once an individual begins using psychotropic substances, such as cocaine or heroin, measurable changes in brain chemistry and physiology perpetuate the cycle of addiction. Thus, we have an example of brain affecting behavior, which in turn, affects the brain. This cycle is particularly extreme and insular in the situation of drug addiction where free will and decision making are quickly and severely impaired. In this paper, we will first explore the genetic and environmental theories on drug addiction. We will then investigate how the behavior of drug addiction changes the brain to perpetuate the circle of cause and effect between the brain and behavior. Genetic Influences on the Behavior of Drug Addiction: Addiction does not result from a single gene. However, multiple genetic trends have been identified as crucial contributors to the illness of addiction. Alcoholics and cocaine addicts often express the A1 allele of the dopamine receptor...
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...Ontario, Canada Abstract This article discusses two means by which leaders can impact on subordinate self-regulatory processes Ð making particular patterns of values salient and activating specific subordinate selfconcepts. Research indicating compatible structures among values and self-identities is discussed, and it is suggested that such structures are automatically related by networks of mutual activation or inhibition. The potential of this framework for advancing leadership practice and research is also discussed. D 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Most definitions of leadership share the common assumption that leaders influence subordinate's task and social behaviors (Yukl, 1992). However, the leadership literature, in general, has paid little attention to understanding the intervening mechanisms by which leaders influence followers. Instead, much of the research has focused on the relationship between a leader's behavior or traits and subordinates' satisfaction, behavior, and performance (Lord & Maher, 1991). In the present paper, we attempt to partially bridge this gap by focusing on two key intervening mechanisms Ð values and self-concepts Ð that link leader characteristics and important outcomes. We focus on these two constructs because of their important role in regulating behavior. Although there appears to be good reason to suspect that both values and subordinate selfconcepts serve important regulatory roles, leadership scholars...
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...Personality Paper Joy L. Hamby PSY/405 August 14, 2013 Laraine Frajio Personality Paper Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are characteristic patterns that make a person unique. A person’s personality is what sets them apart from the rest of the world. The uniqueness that each person possesses is called personality. Although individuals may possess similar qualities no two people can share the same personality (McLeod, 2007). The term personality was originated by the Latin word persona. A persona was in reference to a theatrical mask worn by stage performers to disguise their identities. The study of individual differences among human beings is called personality psychology. Psychologists strive for the construction of logical interpretations of individuals and their major psychological processes. The theoretical approaches when studying personality include biological theories, behavioral theories, trait theories, psychodynamic theories, and humanistic theories. The term personality is not easy to define because it a composition of so many influential aspects. One’s personal morals, values and beliefs are a combination of factors that shape and mold one’s personality. There are multiple factors that influence personality a few of these includes genetics, family, friends, close intimate relationship and social interactions....
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...Ontario, Canada Abstract This article discusses two means by which leaders can impact on subordinate self-regulatory processes Ð making particular patterns of values salient and activating specific subordinate selfconcepts. Research indicating compatible structures among values and self-identities is discussed, and it is suggested that such structures are automatically related by networks of mutual activation or inhibition. The potential of this framework for advancing leadership practice and research is also discussed. D 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Most definitions of leadership share the common assumption that leaders influence subordinate's task and social behaviors (Yukl, 1992). However, the leadership literature, in general, has paid little attention to understanding the intervening mechanisms by which leaders influence followers. Instead, much of the research has focused on the relationship between a leader's behavior or traits and subordinates' satisfaction, behavior, and performance (Lord & Maher, 1991). In the present paper, we attempt to partially bridge this gap by focusing on two key intervening mechanisms Ð values and self-concepts Ð that link leader characteristics and important outcomes. We focus on these two constructs because of their important role in regulating behavior. Although there appears to be good reason to suspect that both values and subordinate selfconcepts serve important regulatory roles, leadership scholars...
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...white paper | 2012 The New Frontier in Telecom Analytics: Get Better Insight Faster The dynamic nature of today’s telecom customers requires an equally dynamic use of analytics to understand customers and make decisions. ©2012 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved. 2 Telecom operators are under pressure to deliver, and deliver fast. There is tremendous focus on always-on mobile connectivity and access to information when and where we want it, both in the consumer and business worlds. Telecom operators see this new normal firsthand, providing data networks and technology convergence to bring information and access to their customers in the moment. As a result, it’s become critical for operators to have the same type of fast access and interaction with their customer data and analytics. The current competitive landscape demands it. Are traditional analytical models enough? No. If operators are changing the way they do business, this shift must apply to analytics as well. It’s become imperative to monitor the instant changes in customers’ behaviors and match them with the most relevant offer as soon as the customer needs it. This is achieved with a sophisticated blend of analytics and business sense. This white paper explores the opportunities of two dynamic analytical capabilities: transactional behavioral analysis and capturing data potential. These tools give operators real-time insight about their customer activity so they can take action to be as...
Words: 2759 - Pages: 12
...ABSTRACT Motivation is a concept used to explain why behavior changes over time, why behaviors are persistent or not persistent, and why behavior is directed toward different goals at different times. In this paper I will define the approaches that motivate us and how emotions drive us intrinsically and extrinsically. Motivation and Emotion Motivation can be described as goal directed behavior and according to the reading material Psychology and Your Life (2012) the five approaches to motivation are instinct, drive- reduction, arousal, incentive and cognitive. The first approach is instinct this approach upholds instincts or “inborn patterns of behavior that are biologically predetermined” as the factors that influence behavior (University of Phoenix, 2010, pp. 244-248). The instinct approach explains why we have food and mate- seeking behaviors viewed by all humans as, hunger and sex, they are primary instincts. According to the instinct theory organisms are motivated to behave in certain ways because, they are evolutionarily programmed to do so. An example would be how in the animal world there is seasonal migration. These animals do not learn this roaming behavior, moving periodically from one region or climate to another; it is instead, an inborn pattern of behavior. Drive-reduction is the second approach which states that a lack of some requirement drives us to obtain that need. Homeostasis, the steady internal state with in our body...
Words: 883 - Pages: 4
...appropriate in providing an initial screening of countries, other factors, notably contextual factors, can provide important insights in assessing international market opportunities. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of context at four distinct levels. Design/methodology/approach – The literature on the influence of context on consumption and purchase behavior is reviewed to provide a framework to understand contextual factors as a means to refine entry strategy and develop effective segmentation strategies. Findings – A wide range of contextual factors exert influence on consumption choices and contribute to within-country heterogeneity. These are typically examined at the macro-level, but also need to be examined at the meso-level, micro-level and situational level to fully assess market opportunities and establish viable market segments. Practical implications – Examination of contextual factors provides a richer and deeper understanding of which international markets to enter and which segments to target. Within-country cultural diversity, dramatic economic and regional disparities and marked differences in the infrastructure need to be assessed. In particular, examination of contextual factors helps to shed light on heterogeneity within countries not only in customer behavior, but...
Words: 6454 - Pages: 26
...Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (2008) 1024–1032 www.elsevier.com/locate/patrec Learning to learn: From smart machines to intelligent machines B. Raducanu b a,* ` , J. Vitria a,b a Computer Vision Center, Edifici ‘‘O’’ – Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain Computer Science Department, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain Available online 14 September 2007 Abstract Since its birth, more than five decades ago, one of the biggest challenges of artificial intelligence remained the building of intelligent machines. Despite amazing advancements, we are still far from having machines that reach human intelligence level. The current paper tries to offer a possible explanation of this situation. For this purpose, we make a review of different learning strategies and context types that are involved in the learning process. We also present the results of a study on cognitive development applied to the problem of face recognition for social robotics. Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Intelligent systems; Cognitive development; Context; Social robotics; Face recognition 1. Introduction The golden dream of artificial intelligence (AI) remains to design and build systems showing human-like intelligence. Nowadays, the machines can perform remarkable things: there are chess algorithms able to play at international masters complexity levels, applications to coordinate...
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...Behavior Leadership Approach Each person is uniquely and individually made. With this in mind, people do not think, look or even respond alike all the time. Leadership is a skill that individuals display using different techniques. Some leaders are received better than others. There are many forms of leadership. The common key to all approaches of leading is to understand what the definition of leadership is as it relates to the organization. Trait, behavior, power-influence, situational, and integrative approach have been examined by researchers in the study of leadership. This paper will provide an overview of the behavior approach study of leadership. Leadership has been defined in terms of traits, behaviors, influence, interaction patterns, role relationships, and occupation of an administrative position (Robbins & Judge, 2011). The meaning or explanation of leadership is an area that has been debated for years. Today most definitions of leadership reflect the assumption that it involves a process whereby intentional influence is exerted over other people to guide, structure, and facilitate activities, and relationships in a group or organization (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Behavior Approach The behavior approach is the result of researcher’s inability to produce steady results connecting individual’s traits with effective leadership. The shift moved from examining leaders traits to examining leader’s behaviors, in the early 1950s. Researchers began observing managers...
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...ABSTRACT Motivation is a concept used to explain why behavior changes over time, why behaviors are persistent or not persistent, and why behavior is directed toward different goals at different times. In this paper I will define the approaches that motivate us and how emotions drive us intrinsically and extrinsically. Motivation and Emotion Motivation can be described as goal directed behavior and according to the reading material Psychology and Your Life (2012) the five approaches to motivation are instinct, drive- reduction, arousal, incentive and cognitive. The first approach is instinct this approach upholds instincts or “inborn patterns of behavior that are biologically predetermined” as the factors that influence behavior (University of Phoenix, 2010, pp. 244-248). The instinct approach explains why we have food and mate- seeking behaviors viewed by all humans as, hunger and sex, they are primary instincts. According to the instinct theory organisms are motivated to behave in certain ways because, they are evolutionarily programmed to do so. An example would be how in the animal world there is seasonal migration. These animals do not learn this roaming behavior, moving periodically from one region or climate to another; it is instead, an inborn pattern of behavior. Drive-reduction is the second approach which states that a lack of some requirement drives us to obtain that need. Homeostasis, the steady internal state with in our body...
Words: 883 - Pages: 4
...WK 1 Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the foundations of psychology. In your paper be sure to address the following components: • Identify the major schools of thought in psychology and examine their major underlying assumptions. • Identify the primary biological foundations of psychology linked to behavior. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. WK 2 Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss phobias and addictions as related to classical and operant conditioning. Phobias and addictions are two emotional difficulties which learning theorists can account for. Be sure to include the following: • Explore how phobias can be developed through classical conditioning. • Explore how addictions can be developed through operant conditioning. • Distinguish between classical and operant conditioning. • Explain what extinction means and how it is achieved in both classical and operant conditioning. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. WK 3 Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the type of environment that facilitates the attention and perceptive processes of each Learning Team member. In order to prepare your report, perform the following activities: • Conduct an open dialogue about each team member’s threshold for auditory stimuli. • Compare the experiences and comfort levels of each team member with dichotic listening, or the “cocktail party” phenomenon. • Discuss...
Words: 611 - Pages: 3
...Abstract This paper reviews the interrelationship among family structure, patterns of single parent decision making and deviant behavior among adolescents. It reviews family income and non custodial parent involvement. Patterns of family decision making and family structure both have a significant effect on adolescent deviance behavior. Data on the child’s behavior, the child’s life at home, and parental relation with the child are collected through self reports. Understanding the family structure can have an important role in the intervention and prevention of deviant behavior in the child. More parental monitoring was associated with less delinquency in a single parent household. We examine family structure including two parent families, single mother families, single father families, and stepfamilies. This paper addresses the implications of different theories and findings designed to reduce deviance. Single Parent Home Effect on Adolescence Deviant behavior among youth has increased in the United States (Steinberg, 1987). According to the Nature and Meaning of Deviance (2008), Deviant behavior is described as actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms including enacted rules and social norms. This paper will examine the social factors associated with deviant behavior among juveniles. It will explore the correlation, if any, between single parent homes and the rise in deviant behavior in juveniles. The two...
Words: 2859 - Pages: 12
...Attachment Paper Maria Salsberry PSY/205 June 1, 2015 Tanya Semcesen Attachment Paper According McLeod (2009) Mary Ainsworth describes, “ as an affectional tie that one person or animal forms between himself and another specific one, a tie that binds them together in space and endures over time”. John Bowlby suggests that there is a direct correlation between the emotional and cognitive development in children and the relationship with their mother. Bowlby further believes the child’s inability to adjust relates to the early separation form he/she’s mother (McLeod, 2009). Developing secure attachment in a child starts the day they are born and continues to develop through the toddler years. Behaviors in Children Securely Attached From 0-2 months is the pre-attachment period and the behaviors are the cries, sucking, and babbling needed to achieve their mother’s attention. 2-6 months attachment starts to develop as he/she recognizes known figures they begin to cling, grasp, and vocalize their preference of their mother. 6 -11 months the toddler clearly knows who their caregiver is and begins to uncomfortable when strangers are around or when caregiver leaves the room. Children 11-18 months are relaxed and secure when their parent or caregiver is around and become upset and anxious when they leave. Upon their parents return they will seek comfort from their caregiver when contact is initiated with positive behavior (Positive-Parenting-Ally Practical Advice & Deep...
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