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Type 2 Diabetes Social Structure

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Q 2: Social Structure and Barriers Affecting Health
The unequal social structures and barriers are a leading cause of type 2 diabetes in NZ as they distribute resources such as food and education unevenly (Pasala et al. 2010). Social structures and barriers can be observed as key influencers and indicators of future health developments at an individual and population level (Hill et al, 2013). If the role of these social influences is not addressed as they should be, the manageability and control of the key barrier that inhibits future improvement of population health. As the sociobiological cycle of diabetes suggests, type 2 diabetes is part of a repeating process that leads to and causes adverse consequences. Low income and material deprivation …show more content…
For example, people at a disadvantage with lack of higher education, are at a constant drive to make ends meet resulting in chronic stress. Eventually triggering destructive behaviour and choices that overlook health and fitness. The physical consequences of chronic stress are increased blood pressure and blood glucose levels, that also affects its ability in responding to future stressors (Hill et al, 2013). In addition, these detrimental physiological, psychological and behavioural responses to this situation increase the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes over time. Amongst less advantaged diabetics or potential diabetics, it is much more problematic to have type 2 diabetes as the burden of their personal finance increase with the health costs causing a rise in poverty (Hill et al, 2013). Another factor is that the disadvantaged person might not have the necessary resources to control type 2 diabetes, such as proper housing, food with high nutritional value and health care services (Hill et al, 2013). The lack of resources can leave the condition unmanaged, which will result in the individuals’ ability to work or study decrease significantly and eventually lead to further problems with their

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