...13 Appendix 15 Reference 15 Survey Questionnaire 15 Introduction For construction sector bricks are considered the main raw material. . In a developing country like Bangladesh, brick fields are playing the most important role for construction business. By determining the importance of construction and the future growth, Saver auto brick started its journey in 1989. It is located in Joina Bari, Savar, Dhaka. Since Saver Auto Brick is operating business for a long period of time, SAVER AUTO BRICK have a very good reputation in the sector of manufacturing bricks. SAVER AUTO BRICK is the second company using automatic brick manufacturing technology to produce high quality bricks. It is more eco friendly. Using both the manual and automatic process, they have the capacity of producing around 40 million bricks in a year. The company produces two different types of bricks with two different types of machines. As the brick fields are not that much good for environment, SAVER AUTO BRICK is very much concerned about the wastage of soil and the safety of its labor. Communication problem is very common in this type of production factory. After we did our research, we came across a lot of communication problem in this company. They also mentioned that not only Savar Auto Bricks faces this sort of problem but also all the brick manufacturing companies come across the same type of communication problem. Scope of the report: This paper adopts both the descriptive and explanatory...
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...Shopping can be enjoyable whether one chooses online or brick and mortar kinds of shopping. With the fast paced all want every aspect of our lives to be as convenient as possible. We are the world that does not sleep and is never unplugged from the electronics that run our world. It is easy to see why online shopping is becoming so popular. Online shopping and brick and mortar shopping are very similar but also very different, but both types of shopping are still vulnerable to criminals. Brick and mortar shopping is becoming more of the past and online shopping is taking its place. Brick and mortar shopping has some advantages over online shopping. When one purchases an item online, all they show is a picture and some specifications. Clothing can be difficult to buy online because it cannot be tried on, one has to buy it and hope for the best. In the store, the item can be compared to similar products. The item can be obtained immediately when shopping in a brick and mortar store. When shopping online overnight shipping is always option, it will hit you hard in the pocket book, and it will still take a day to receive the item. Brick and mortar offers many benefits for one’s shopping experience. Either brick and mortar or online shopping offer benefits to help in the search for the item desired. When shopping online the main goal is convenience or the item needed is only available online. Online shopping can be done from anywhere at any time. While...
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...is an industry that is in constant change. It is the type of industry that must change with the times, including how it conducts business, how it sells its products and services, and how each link of their supply chain works and connects with the rest of the chain. While each brick and mortar location and travel website are similar to their counter parts, each one has a varying supply chain they use in order to get their product and services to the customer. We will take a look at how a brick and mortar travel agency uses its supply chain, and how changing to a website location can and will affect their supply chain. Supply Chains Let's begin by understanding what exactly a supply chain is and what it does for a company. A supply chain, or supply network as it is sometimes called, is a coordinated system of people, activities, information, organizations and resources involved in moving a product or service in a physical or virtual manner from the supplier to the customer (Wikipedia, 2007). Supply chains transform raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. In this case, the travel agency must be able to connect the airline, hotel, car rental, cruise lines and event tickets to the customer wishing to take a trip to a particular location and meet their individual wants and needs for that trip. Brick and Mortar Agencies Travel agencies began years ago by opening brick and mortar locations throughout the United States. They...
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...and cooling May have high probability to cause straw bales damaged in moist areas Evalutions Adobe bricks Consists of types of mud bricks with addition of organic materials Low-cost material with high durability Meet the demand of maintaining stable structural in Zambia Concrete mixtures Adding silica fume and polypropylene shore fibers Improves the durability of shelters and reduces maintenance required Getting a lower opportunity to shrink or crack High cost of construction. Design Adobe Bricks Demonstration of the process to create the brick. Source: http://www.adobebuilding.com/Natural%20Building/Natural%20Building/cob.html Wooden Form Sample. Source: . Adobe Bricks dried and ready for use Common dimensions of each type of brick. Source: http://www.solidearth.co.nz/earth-building-products-adobe.php Source: http://www.rootsimple.com/2011/11/mud-for-the-people-building-an-adobe-garden-wall/ Design – Simple, Inexpensive and Comfortable 50 square meters 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Living room with Kitchen In total 2300 bricks Validation Plan Culture changes – workshop Low impact on environment Thermal mass Preventing shrinking Flexible material – cutting bricks Low cost - self build Fireproof Implementation Plan Stage Workshop Construction of Adobe Bricks Construction of a house made...
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................13 Marketing Plan...............................................................19 Financial Plan……….....................................................27 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Enviro-Mat is a construction company that seek to specialise in the manufacturing of building materials from waste. The main aim of the business is to reduce the amount of land and water pollution at a profit. Environ-Mat is aiming at producing workable bricks from post-consumer used products. Enviro-Mat is owned by four directors Mr Ngonidzashe Utete as the CEO, Miss Lavender Marisa, Miss Epiphania Rwodzi and Mr Noel Jiri as the board of directors. Enviro-Mat will provide a great deal of environmental responsibility by putting in place measures to facilitate that the environmental input of its operations is minimal. It intends to start operation by 1August 2013. The company projects US150000 in sales in year one. The market segments are clearly defined and all are subject to high growth trend. Enviro-Mat seeks to design the first local Polli-bricks from waste. A continuous and mass production method will be adopted by Enviro-Mat. The company maturity is projected to be 6 years as the company is potentially profitable in one year. BUSINESS...
Words: 6454 - Pages: 26
...Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 60155-BD Introducing Energy-efficient Clean Technologies in the Brick Sector of Bangladesh June, 2011 Public Disclosure Authorized Environment, Climate Change, and Water Resources Unit South Asia Region Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC, 20433, USA Tel: 202.473.1000 Fax: 202.477.6391 Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433, USA Fax: 202.522.3018 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing August 2011 Copyright © 2011 Standard Disclaimer This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/the World Bank. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) reports are published to communicate the results of ESMAP’s work to the development community with the least possible delay. Some sources cited in this paper may be informal documents that are not readily available. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this report are entirely those of the author(s) and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, its affiliated organizations, members of its board of executive directors for the countries they represent, or to ESMAP. The World Bank and ESMAP do not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accept no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence...
Words: 15772 - Pages: 64
...Brick Pollitt is described by Williams as very charming and the embodiment of masculinity. However, as the play progresses the subject of the type of relationship he had with his now deceased close friend Skipper is being brought up by members of the family constantly. Brick states that it was the only true and good thing in his life. The fact that he describes their apparent platonic relationship as 'true' may point to the fact that Brick was in fact homosexual despite his constant denial and that their relationship meant so much more than people realised. After Skipper’s death Brick became a heavy drinker, throughout the play Brick is often described as having an alcoholic drink or empty glass. Brick uses alcohol as a measure to withdraw from the world, as many people do and try to suppress his grief and forget about his intimate relationship and love for Skipper. Brick’s heavy consumption of alcohol clearly has an effect as several times throughout the play Brick is seen as emotionless and seems like he’s never fully present except in a few scenes. It is interesting to note that the word gay or homosexual is never used in the play. Only the word ‘queer’ is used. Brick constantly denies having a homosexual with Skipper. This can be seen when Brick goes on a rant; “You think so, too?You think so, too? You think me an’ Skipper did, did, did! -somody!ʼ-together?” The fact that Brick gets so uptight when the subject is brought up and that he even stutters shows that it’s a...
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...EinkaufswagenImage via Wikipedia Often times, it is easy to overlook the differences between selling online through a shopping cart and retail selling through a brick and mortar storefront. Online retail is different from selling through a store in many ways and you should become familiar with the differences so you can better understand the many benefits of selling online compared to selling through a physical storefront. The obvious differences are the way the products are displayed to customers and the way in which they enter your store to browse around. Main Differences Between Online Retail & Physical Storefronts Display: By shopping at a brick and mortar store the customers are able to physically touch and handle items they are interested in buying. Online retailers are forced to display items using only pictures, graphics and text based product descriptions. Expense: Typically, there are major differences in the amount of funding or startup capital needed to open the store. Brick and mortar stores usually require a bigger budget since you have to lease space, rent property and pay for other location expenses. Online store owners do not usually have to worry about building leases or property expense. Location: Online retailers are not limited to one location and have no geographical boundaries like a traditional brick and mortar storefront has. Physical business locations can limit the amount of customer traffic and foot traffic from shoppers, especially if they are not...
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...Mechanical Engineering Division of Material Mechanics 2007:224 CIV • ISSN: 1402 - 1617 • ISRN: LTU - EX - - 07/224 - - SE Summary: For the fabrication of iron ore pellets at LKAB (Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB), one of the methods used is to sinter the pellets in a rotary kiln. This Kiln has a drift temperature of 1250°C in average. During this process a coating, causing the wear of the refractories materials, is formed, inducing expensive maintenance periods. The aim of this work is to find the reaction that takes place between the Slag and the bricks, in order to find the parameters that have to be changed to improve the bricks lifetime in the kiln. The use of bricks with higher alumina content is one of the solutions, but it is expensive. The influence of Alkalis and especially Na2O has been studied before in inert atmosphere. In this work it will be studied in air as well as the influence of the alumina content of the brick. Experiments were performed in air atmosphere, using powder samples that have been compressed into pellets. The devices used to characterize the reaction and the product of the reaction were: Kanthal furnace, X-ray diffraction (XRD), dilatometer, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry (DSC/TG) in-situ mass spectrometer, Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The XRD experiments permitted to show the presence of a glassy phase after a heat treatment of the samples containing alkalis at 1350°C. Dilatometer...
Words: 20108 - Pages: 81
...TRADITIONAL BRICK IS MORE VULNERABLE IN EARTHQUAKE Dr. Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumder The history of brick making is not known to me but nearly 2050 years ago temple were made of these traditional brick. Nowadays the style of making home is that the cement and sand is kept between two brick but previously it’s a clay that is kept between two brick. In ancient times the styles of roof were also different. It used to be flat tiles but nowadays concrete and steel are used for making the roof. In ancient times the tiles were also made up of clay mud after burning in the fire. Today in Bangladesh the size of brick is 9.5''X4.5''X2.75'' which is seen all over the country. This brick is kept one after another and make the wall. In between two brick the paste of cement and sand is being used as a binding material. The readers might think that all these things are earlier whenever we keep our eyes it is seen. What new to tell. My opinion is that year after year we are doing the same mistake to make our buildings in local construction practice by using those ancient clay brick. What is this mistake and to recover the mistake and doing appropriate work is not concerned by anyone. When I saw that one or two organization understood this problem and try to change the ancient brick use and to do something new and facing lots of criticism then there is no other way except being disappointed. honestly speaking when the use of clay brick started is not known to me but in some places some temples...
Words: 1004 - Pages: 5
...Are brick-and-mortar stores dying? More specifically, in the future will there be fewer and fewer physical stores until at some point, there are no physical stores in existence? After reading these articles, I believe that brick-and-mortar stores are not dying. In today’s digital environment, no one can stop brick-and mortar stores from going online. Ecommerce is capturing more and more market share, online and mobile commerce continue to grow for both web-based and traditional retailers. Most of examples and statistical data in these articles show the recession of brick-and mortar stores, like in the last holiday season, there is only half the holiday foot traffic of 2010 (Is the death of brick-and mortar retail a myth?); the Sears store in Coralville is going out of business (Death of sears). With the rapid development of digital commerce, it is a constant fact that there be fewer and fewer physical stores. Even the number of brick-and mortar stores is going down, but I still believe the quality for them is rising, and the presence of physical stores is necessary, and there still have many reasons for physical stores existing. As mentioned in the articles, some physical stores can offer unique experience that consumers cannot get online, such as providing opportunities for customers to touch and feel merchandise, gain expert advice from customer service. In addition, we cannot deny the fact that there are some brick-and-mortar model more successful than online model, like...
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...a commission from the supplier if the customer purchased service through their web site. Travel service suppliers such as airlines, hotels, or rental cars offer their regular or scheduled service through the agents on-line system. As an example, Travelocity is using SABRE to link supply chain affiliates and partners to customers. Other travel service suppliers such as ATA vacations are channeling a limited variety of specials, one time deals, or overstock. The on-line process is basically the same as with other e-business travel service suppliers. The difference is that the travel arrangements are not based on a regular schedule. According to G. Schneider companies involved in supply chain management whether on web sites or in a brick and mortar environment should develop harmonious relationships with their travel suppliers resulting in quality improvement as expected by the consumer-direct and business travelers. Travel suppliers should meet the highest standards for goods and services, and be committed to quality assurance, and trust. Such attributes play...
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...Introduction: Brick Works Park: The Don Valley has been a significant cultural landscape. The region has been utilized by Torontonians for hundreds of years which shaped their relationship with the landscape and nature of the valley (Evergreen 2009). The lower Don River runs through one of the most populated and developed areas in Toronto. Its ravine and waterway has played a significant role in Toronto’s history, attracting housing settlements, industries, and agricultural activities. Don Valley Brick Works’s productive industries thrived in that region due to the river’s abundant resources of water and clay, which compelled paper, brick, and beer manufacturing businesses (Nicholson 1997). Brick Works has flourished for several years as a...
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...PLAN SUPERLIGHT CONCRETE BLOCK I. Executive summary Vietnam-Russia Technology and Investment Joint Stock Company (VRG) is preparing to launch a new type of concrete brick to the growing constructing market in Vietnam. It is called superlight foam concrete block with some striking features such as superlight weight, sound-proof and water-proof and heat resistance. The product will be offered at a good-value price. We are targeting at two main market segments including household and large construction corporation, taking advantages of increasing demand for non-baked bricks, cost-efficient technology and supporting government policies. The primary objective is to achieve first-year sales of 160,000 m3 of superlight concrete in the northern part of Vietnam. In other words, the financial goal is 40 billion VND in the first year of operation, keeping the loss less than 20 billion VND. The second year objective is to reach the sale of 200,000 m3, and break even in the middle of the year. II. Current Market Situation We decide to enter the market of industrial material (constructing block/brick) because it is a potential market in Vietnam. Traditionally, baked bricks are commonly used in construction in Vietnamese market. However, due to its bad effects on environment (clay exhaustion, toxic chemicals emission…), baked bricks are used less and less. Moreover, Government also has policies to promote the production and use of non-baked bricks.Technology of superlight concrete block...
Words: 3873 - Pages: 16
...CASE STUDY 3 MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP Case Study 3 Mountain Equipment Co-op Mountain Equipment Co-operative (MEC) was built in the late 1960s due to the heavy demand of buying outdoor gears and equipments across Canada. In the past few years, the company opened several stores in Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary and so on to serve the outdoor enthusiasts in the major regions in Canada. But its not enough, MEC wants to serve more customers and expand its market countrywide. The best way to achieve the goal is to create a website, and hence allow the customers buying on-line despite of where they are. This is what the president and chairman of MEC concerning about recently. By analyzing the following aspects, the company may create a successful website to match the customers' requirement indeed. First, MEC should consider how the market segments will impact the website and it's ecommence strategy. Customer segmentation is a method for grouping customers based upon similarities they share with respect to any dimensions the company deem relevant to its business (http://www.mindofmarketing.net). And Trites & Boritz (2008) identifys "an ebusiness strategy is the sum of all the choices that a business makes to offer unique value to its customers that differentiates its business model from those of its competitors" (pp.23). There are five major market segments MEC deal with: Young adults, Retired, Families, Businesses, and Gift buyers...
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