...Types of Business Writing Dear Ms. Talbot, Our company would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss the project that is currently on the drawing board. Your insight into this venture will be much appreciated. Mr. Boss would be honored if you can join him for lunch at the King Charles Hotel on River Street, this Wednesday, at 2:30pm. Also attending would be a Mr. Rory Webster who is our assistant manager. Please let me know if you are available and if the meeting would fit your busy schedule. If you do need to reschedule, that would not be a problem. Sincerely, Assisant. To: Dr. Melaine Dobler From: Assistant Re: Arrangements for Upcoming Seminar Date: May 5, 2009 The purpose of this memo is to inform you of the arrangements made for the upcoming departmental training seminar. The seminar has been arranged in the Golden Rose Hotel, which is located atXXXXX Nowhere, USA. A deluxe, non-smoking suite, number 345, has been pre-arranged for you at the hotel. The seminar’s participants have been informed of the location and of the fact that the hotel graciously offered a 15% to any guest of the seminar who wishes to stay overnight at the hotel before or after the seminar’s date. The hotel has also agreed to let us make use of their modern conference room, which includes a projection screen which is compatible with our laptop, making PowerPoint presentation possible. The conference room is large, and has a boardroom design, with thirty executive chairs...
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...Task 1 (P1) To answer this task you will therefore need to interview the manager of a local business. This could be a firm that you work for, a shop that you visit regularly or even a family business. Your interview should find out the following: • The types of information they use with examples • The sources from which they get information • The purposes to which they put the information Different Types of information There is a different and wide variety of ways information can be used and sourced, and with an effective business person, they will research the information from a range of different sources before making that decision on which one their business should use. The types of information are: Verbal, written, onscreen, multi-media, and web based. Verbal information This type of information is based on a face-to face verbal communication and is considered the best way to communicate both internal and external. This means there is less scope for misunderstanding and it allows both verbal and non-verbal messages to go through. This is with the constraints of time and budgets in business, and it is not always possible or practical to meet the person, this is such as using telephone conversations, face time, that are also useful ways to communicate verbally, but it is still as important always to use a combination of methods. These ranges of verbal communications are huge as many businesses use this method for information, as speech enables complex ideas to be expressed...
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... | | |School of Business | | |COM/285 Version 3 | | |Introduction to Business Communication | | |Group ID MEBM091AS: | Copyright © 2010, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces students to the foundations of communication in a business setting. Students are exposed to various topics related to interpersonal and group communication within the context of applications in an office or virtual office setting. Students will develop skills in the forms of written communication, including memos, e-mails, business letters, and reports. Communication ethics and cross-cultural communications are also explored. Upon completing the course, students will have an awareness of their personal communication style and be able to identify areas for further exploration of communication as a business skill. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies...
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...form letter. Resources: Writing Different Kinds of Messages, Week Three CheckPoint, Model Documents Gallery, and Writing for Your Reader Checklist Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum • Use the information in your Week Three CheckPoint to determine how to communicate with the manager, teammates, and travel agent in the scenario. Consider how much information and what type of communication (email, memo, or letter) is appropriate for each party, based on information in the Week Three reading Writing Different Kinds of Messages. Review the sample emails, memos, and letters in the Model Documents Gallery at http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/modeldocs/business.htm Write a letter to one party, a memo to one party, and an email to one party. Each communication must be a maximum of 250 words. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, style, and format for each type of communication. • Review the Writing for Your Reader Checklist at http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/axia/write_audience.html to ensure you have followed the guidelines for communicating effectively with an audience. If you cannot answer yes to every question, revise your messages before submitting them. Post the messages as attachments.Assignment: Negative Messages Using templates or sample documents to help you write emails, memos, and letters can be helpful for inexperienced writers; however, customize the communication so the document does not appear as a form letter. Resources: Writing Different Kinds of Messages...
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... ICT 133 Summer Assignment: 1.) What is Technical Writing? * Technical Writing is a specialized form of exposition: that is, written communication done on the job, especially in fields with specialized vocabularies, such as science, engineering, technology, and the health sciences. (Along with business writing, technical writing is often subsumed under the heading of professional communication.) 2.) What is the importance of Technical Writing? * The importance of Technical Writing can be seen in a variety of applications, both in consumer products as well as the industrial environment. Without clear, precise writing that outlines the specifications and directions for use, products can become meaningless at best and dangerous at worst. Technical writing provides a context to products and processes, and allows them to be used safely and as intended. 3.) Style of Technical Writing * Write clear sentences. * Keep the main idea on top. * Use normal word order. * Use active voice. * Use parallelism. * Repeat for emphasis. * Avoid wordiness. * Avoid redundancy. * Choose a tone. * Use positive words and verbs. * Tune to the audience. 4.) Types of Technical Writing * User Documentation Technical writers compose instruction materials that accompany products including consumer electronics, home appliances...
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...Business Correspondence Topic: Types of audience, purpose of communication and writing. Audience Audience generally refers to a listening, reading or viewing public. It is important to determine the level of education and understanding that our audience has about the subject of our communication. Are we addressing experts in the field of our subject, or lay people? Generally, audiences can be classified into three categories; they are the "lay" audience, the "managerial" audience, and the "experts." The "lay" audiences are people with no special or little knowledge. They are usually clueless and need background information; they need more definition and description; and they may want attractive graphics or visuals to help them know better and learn more. The "managerial” audiences are people that have more knowledge than the “lay” audience about the subject, but they need more detailed and expert knowledge so they can make a decision about the issue. Any background information, facts, statistics needed to make a decision should be highlighted. The "experts" audiences are people that are the most knowledgeable compared to the “lay” and “managerial” audiences. However, they may be the most demanding audience in terms of knowledge, presentation, and graphics or visuals. Experts are often "theorists" or "practitioners." How do you determine your audience? Writers determine their audience types by considering: * Who they are (age, sex, education, economic...
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...| | |XCOM/285 Version 2 | | |Essentials of Managerial Communication | Copyright © 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces students to the foundations of communication in a business setting. Students are exposed to various topics related to interpersonal and group communication within the context of applications in an office or virtual setting. Students will develop skills in forms of written communication, including memos, e-mails, business letters, and reports. Communication ethics and cross-cultural communications are also explored. Upon completing the course, students will have an awareness of their personal communication style and be able to identify areas of further exploration of communication as a business skill. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly...
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...have on them. In my opinion, it is all about the money, and the ratings. There is a bigger issue out there besides both of those things. Our youth is being exposed to so much violence; they are becoming immune to it. Today, it is the norm for them. All media is to blame, but in my opinion, electronic media is the biggest culprit. The youth of today are being consumed by all types of electronic devices. Violence is big business in the media. No matter if it is Facebook, YouTube, music on an IPod, internet radio, MySpace, or any other of the sites on the internet or electronic devices, violence is present in some way or another. There are youth out there in society that are committing heinous violent acts, just for the fun of it. What I want to know is when did violence become fun? Kids listen to gangster rap, and believe everything they hear. (Dawursk Jr 2007) In 1994, two teenagers that murdered a police officer from Milwaukee, stated, they did it “just for the fun of it”, because they were influenced by “2Pacalypes Now”, a song by @ Pac Shakur. Everywhere you look, there is a kid walking with some type of electronic device, with ear plugs on. (International Telecommunication Union) In 2008 61% of the world population uses cell phones, in 2000 only 12% used cell phones. The cell phones today are like mini computers, they give the kids access to everything. Our children do not want to be bothered with their parents, teachers, mentors, church, and community leaders. They are consumed...
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...occur in a workplace, make communication important. I will explain some things about effective business communication require effective practice. There are five factors relate to effective business communication closely. They are communication theory, business writing styles, team building and interpersonal communication, negotiation and persuasion techniques, and intercultural communication. Generally, communication theories can teach people many skills to accomplish a successful business communication. Also, the ability to generate clear, vigorous and concise written materials are critical for people to be successful in business world. So writing process and writing styles play important roles in effective business communication. The best way for business organization to survive and grow in surroundings of intense competition and pressure on resources is building team for sharing information. Because organizations are consisted of interdependent relationships, interpersonal communication has useful functions to manage organizations. Negotiating and persuasion skills are extremely important in business as they can be applied in a wide range of personal and workplace situations to help a person and other parties agree on the best outcomes. With the economic and trade increasingly globalized, a good understanding of intercultural communication can contribute to support effective business. Communication Theory Communication theory is a basis for...
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...SUBJECT: Effective Business Communication As undergraduate students, we strive to acquire the knowledge and abilities that will allow us to function successfully in the world of business. In all our efforts to prepare for employment, we often overlook the importance of knowing how to communicate effectively in a business setting. We learned from Long Pham and Isidore Okoro that employers look for good communication skills beginning with the hiring process. For any prospective businessperson, it is imperative to understand the role of verbal and written communication and how it should be conducted effectively. This memo is an effort to share and inform you of some of the most important features of business communication. Choosing a Medium When choosing what medium to use for a message, Isidore and Long suggest that it depends on the culture within the firm. E-mail is accepted for most information. The article by Inc.com “How To: Communicate with Employees”, states that as a general rule, anything that requires development of an interpersonal relationship with an employee requires face-to-face communication. Urgent matters are best handled in person as well. Because words on a screen lack context, tone, and nonverbal cues, Long Pham emphasized: when in doubt, speak in person. Verbal Communication Verbal communication is vital to the success of any company. Having good verbal communication within the workplace can help build good relationships among coworkers and employees...
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...Course title: Strategic Business presentation skills Course objectives: This course has been designed for individuals who will have significant management, leadership or consulting responsibilities in their career. The Strategic presentation typically include following type of presentations: 1. External Presentations- a. Sales presentations to Clients, Industry forum, Community presentations, Analyst presentation b. Proposals Executive summary preparation and presentation c. Mail communication to clients 2. Internal and Functional presentations d. Training, Technology; R&D, management proposal presentations e. Project report preparation- developing and presenting executive summary f. Mail communications with peers, superiors and team members Specifically the course goals are: * Develop the strategic presentation skills for leaders. * Apply the program elements to real-time strategic presentation situations. * Develop strong content preparation, content design and content presentation skills Type, plan and session-wise content of the course: Each session is assumed for 1 hour 20 minutes. Total duration: 10 sessions Session | Topics | Case/discussions | 1 | Importance of strategic business communication in corporate world.Characteristics of “persuasive presentation”Experiential case studyS3P3 Presentation Model elements | Anchor case from Faculty corporate experience | 2 | Learning...
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...P7- Outline the various electronic methods for communicating business information using examples for different types of audiences. A type of written communication that can be used when communicating business information is a letter. This type of written communication would be suitable for KFC to communicate with when writing to the government. To elaborate on, this is because the format of a letter is set out as professional and formal and when writing to the government it is required that you write formal and professionally. This is why a letter would be the most suitable written communication for KFC because this letter will give the government a good first impression on KFC and it will prove to them that KFC is a company that is very capable of being successful. In addition, when writing the letter to the government KFC would also need to make sure that they know their audience. Because their audience is the government it means that they are inexperienced in the situation that you are talking about to them. This means that when writing the letter KFC would need to explain everything in detail so that the government fully understand the concept of the letter. A Memorandum, also known as memo is also another non electric communication that can be used when communicating business information. A written communication like this would be most suitable for the sales department in KFC to communicate to the finance department. This is because a memorandum expresses its communication...
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...sell the company in 2008 failed yet the company continued doing business. create an aggregate review of an establishment for subscribers to utilize. Problems came when it was time to transition to an online presence, an attempt to sell the company in 2008 failed yet the company continued doing business. Q2. compare Zagat's and Yelp's e-commerce business models. How have those models affected each company's Web strategy 1. Zagat used a membership type model when entering the e-commerce market creating an elite status market, and kept the model close to what they were comfortable with when writing books 2. Yelp used a social media type model going off of the wiki model where anyone in the world can add content. Q3. Why was Zagat's content well suited for the Web and for the mobile digital platform? - Zagat's is digital content is very well suited for the internet - Content is streamlined, with a minimal number of search boxes and links immediately available. - Organized by several major “hub” cities as well as popular lists of the top restaurants of a certain type. Collects information from surveys of customers of restaurants, hotels, and night life. From surveys they create an aggregate review of an establishment for subscribers to utilize. Problems came when it was time to transition to an online presence, an attempt to sell the company in 2008 failed yet the company continued doing business. create an aggregate review of an establishment for subscribers...
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...The Art of Writing Business Letters Write letter in a manner such as to secure the respect and consideration of the person with whom you correspond. The rules for the mechanical execution of a letter are few; understanding and observing the rules already considered for composition, the writer has only to study perfect naturalness of expression, to write a letter well. [pic][pic] Variously missing from their letters are headings, dates, inside addresses, salutations and complimentary closings. And the forms are disheveled. Frankly, in terms of form, often I am unable to distinguish any discernible differences between letters written by students, their teachers and by many other professionals. Apparently, for many, the art of writing a standard business letter has been lost. What are considered essential elements for a standard business letter. Know the format. Whatever the content of your letter, visually it should resemble the picture below. Note that business letters are composed in common fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman, and that they are justified to the left. Most employ block paragraphing - i.e., to start a new paragraph, hit "return" twice and don't use an indent. [pic] [pic] Letterhead. Include the sender's company and the company address; if you're self-employed or an independent contractor, add your name either in place of the company name or on top of it. If your company has pre-designed letterhead, use this; otherwise, simply typing the...
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...2012 Name: Ayutthaya Rajabhat University Type of Business: Education (Thailand) Position Held: English Lecturer Main Activities: Academic Writing, English for Technology, and Tourism Studies Date: March 2008 to March 2009 Name: Ayutthaya International School Type of Business: Education (Thailand) Position Held: English Teacher Main Activities: Elementary/Middle School Level Speaking, Grammar, and Social Studies Date: March 2001 to March 2007 Name: Ayutthaya Rajabhat University Type of Business: Education (Thailand) Position Held: English Lecturer Main Activities: Academic Writing, Public Speaking, and Tourism Studies Date: November 2000 to March 201 Name: Utah School for the Deaf and Blind Library Technician Type of Business: Education (United States) Position Held: Library Technician Main Activities: Library Service for Deaf and Blind Students: Information Storage and Retrieval Date: August 1999 to August 2000 Name: Nice Language Academy Type of Business: Education (South Korea) Position Held: English Teacher Main Activities: Elementary/Middle School Level Speaking, Writing, Grammar, and phonics Date: August 1998 to August 1999 Name: Berzsenyi Daniel College Type of Business: Education (Hungary) Position Held: Assistant Lecturer Main Activities: Adult Level: Teacher Training, Classroom Pedagogy, and American Studies EDUCATION & TRAINING Date: April 2005 to May 2005 Name and Type of Organization: Text and Talk, Teacher Certification...
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