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USS Cyclops Conspiracy

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Today is March 15, 1918. A major search party has been dispatched to the Atlantic Ocean along the course of a giant U.S. freighter ship called the USS Cyclops. The USS Cyclops was carrying a load of cargo. It was scheduled to arrive in Baltimore, Maryland on March 4,1918, but it never arrived. People all over the world are claiming that it was the Germans, sabotaging our supplies. So far, the search party hasn’t found any wreckage or evidence that could indicate the whereabouts of this large vessel. So where did this ship really go? Or, did it even go anywhere? Wouldn’t there be evidence of an attack? Until this day, the world has pondered the disappearance of this large freighter and what the cause of it could be. Most blame it on the Bermuda …show more content…
You may be familiar with the term Flight 19, or the Lost Patrol. In the december of 1945, five fighter jets took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to practice bombing runs. Suddenly, the leader of the force’s compasses were malfunctioning and the group of planes became lost, very lost. Just like the other incidents, nothing was found. On the same day, a rescue plane got lost and disappeared without a trace. The U.S. spent weeks and weeks of searching, but still never found anything.

Millions of people have created conspiracy theories about this mystery spot, trying to devise explanation for it. People let their imagination take over and create theories that probably aren’t the reason for the incidents at the Bermuda Triangle. Most of them are wild predictions that probably aren’t true. However, there are a few theories that could potentially be true about the Bermuda Triangle, although they are created by …show more content…
Today, people sail and fly through the Bermuda Triangle, without any difficulties. Only a few ships and planes are affected by the weirdness of the Bermuda Triangle. Want to know why? Since Earth is slanted while it spins, there is a true north and a magnetic north. These imaginary lines only intersect in one spot, somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. When these lines intersect, there is a magnetic interference and ship or plane machinery will malfunction. However, these lines rarely intersect so if this theory is correct, then it’s probably why only a few ships and planes have

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