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Uncle Tom's Cabin


Submitted By brisheldelarosa
Words 8111
Pages 33
Part I : Summary The book started with two men who are talking. It was Mr. Shelby, the master and a man who lend Mr. Shelby money, named Mr. Haley. They were talking about Mr. Shelby’s debts and how he could pay the man. They came up to the idea that Mr. Shelby will pay the man through his slaves. He will give slaves to Mr. Haley and the man agreed to it.

Mr. Shelby decided that he will give Tom, one of his honest slaves and the Harry who was the son of, Eliza and George Harris.

Eliza heard what Mr. Shelby said and he planned on escaping with his son because he don’t want to be far from it. She told her plan to her husband hoping that they will reunite in Ohio. Mr. Haley knew this and followed her when she tried escaping. She escaped in Ohio using only a floating ice on the river and that made her escape Mr. Haley. On the other hand, Tom stayed with Mr. Haley because he believes that Mr. Shelby will be disappointed if he will run away.

Mr. Haley and Tom, traveled. While they were travelling, Tom saved a little girl from drowning which was Little Eva. Augustine St. Clare bought Tom from Mr. Haley to make him the personal servant of Little Eva. Eva and Augustine were both kind, unlike the mother of Eva. Tom and Little Eva became close to each other and comfortable. Eva became ill and when she was about to die he gave something to the servants so that they will remember Little Eva.

Augustine promised Tom that he will be freed but even before that happened, Augustine died. Most of the slaves from the house of St. Clare were sold in the auction wherein Tom was included. On the other hand, Eliza and George Harris was reunited with each other and went to Canada.

Tom’s new master was an evil man named, Simon Legree. Despite the bad treatment of his new master, Tom still maintained his honest and kind characteristic. Tom was beaten to death when Legree found out that Tom encouraged his two slaves he’s making as prostitute to escape. It took few days after being beaten up to die. When he died, his old master’s son, George Shelby came to him to say that he is now free but it was late because he is already dead. And what he did is he just buried the dead body of Tom. George Shelby was in the same ship as the two prostitutes who was helped by Tom to escape. Their names were Cassey and Emmeline. They told their story to George Shelby and they found out that Emmeline was George Harris sister which was sold because of slavery. They also found out that Eliza, the wife of George Harris was the daughter of Cassey. They traveled to Canada to be with their family and they lived together.

Part II. Reaction
Chapter 1 : The novel started with two man talking, Mr. Shelby and and Mr. Haley. They were talking about the debt that Mr. Shelby has to Mr. Haley and he was a slavestrader so he wants a slave of Mr. Shelby in trade of the debt. Mr. Haley wants Tom only at first but when he saw Harry he also wanted to get him not minding that he will get away from his mother. I really don’t understand why there are such people who are very cruel to the other people. The lesson of this chapter is that we should consider others feelings before we make harsh decisions, even if it is going to be better for ourselves, others also should not be affected or will be benefited by the decision you are going to make. The main theme in this story is about cruelty. I say that it is about cruelty because the slavestrader is being cruel and harsh towards Harry. He wants to get Harry even though he knows that the child will be away from his mother.

Chapter 2 : The chapter two states of how Eliza was lucky that she has Mrs. Shelby as her master. She was protected and helped by Mrs. Shelby from every bad thing that she may encounter. A part of life of Eliza was also seen in the story, like it was said that she was married to a slightly white slave also named George Harris. He was smart that he was able to invent a machine for cleaning hemp. Because of this his master was jealous because his wiseness, he was assigned to the lowest jobs in their house. I think that all of what the master did was wrong. It was like crab mentality he don’t like others to be above him so he pulls him down and that is the lesson of this chapter, that we should not pull others down instead we should lift them up and help them. The main theme of this chapter is about jealousy and envy, because of this, George Harris suffers.

Chapter 3 : At this chapter, George visited Eliza in the house of the Shelby’s and told her what had happened to him. That he was not treated right by his master. Before he came to Eliza, he was whipped him. Eliza, his wife, is telling him to be patient and just to believe in God. George Harris has no plan of staying anymore at his master’s house so he plans on escaping to Canada, and wait until he can pay for the freedom of his son and wife. I really like the chareacteristic here of Eliza, she really believes in God, and even telling her husband to believe also. She supports her husband in all the thing she does. The main lesson in this story is just to believe and trust in God. Like what Eliza had advised his husband to never lose faith in God because he always know what is best for us. The main theme on this chapter, is about religion. It is mostly about having faith in God.

Chapter 4 : In this chapter, Uncle Tom’s cabin was described and he was living there with Aunt Chloe which is also a servant of the Shelby’s. She was the head cook and she cooks very well. Her pie crust is also sometimes being described like a female body. While they were having a ceremony with the other servants, Mr. Haley and Mr. Shelby talked and came to the plan that Tom will be sold to Mr. Haley, Mr. Shelby asked Mr. Haley to put Tom in good hands and with a good master, and Mr. Haley answered that he will try but he will not promise. In this chapter, we saw again the cruelty of Mr. Haley, he really wants to get Tom not bothering if he will leave someone while the main theme on this chapter is love. We saw how Mr. Shelby loves Tom, it was against his will to sell Tom, but he has no other choice. Instead he just asked Mr. Haley to take good care of Tom. He was attached to Tom although he was just a servant.
Chapter 5 : Mr. Shelby took Mr. Haley to eat dinner with them. Mrs. Shelby asked him, who that was and said that there was something the settled about debts. Mrs. Shelby asked if he was a slavestrader then Mr. Shelby admitted that he sold Tom and Harry. Mrs. Shelby was asking if there were things that they can do to take back that decision, but Mr. Shelby said that it was already settled. Eliza heard what the two were talking about so he decided that they will escape to Canada. She also told this to Aunt Chloe and asking Tom to escape also but he said that he cannot leave the Shelby’s that way. I really like this chapter because love and loyalty revolves in this chapter. The love of Mrs. Shelby for their servants and the loyalty of Tom to his mater. The lesson in this chapter is that, we should also consider the feelings of others although they are not part of our family. Like what Mrs. Shelby did, she does whatever she can do to avoid Harry and Tom be sold. The main theme in this chapter is consideration, the consideration that Mrs. Shelby is showing to Harry and Tom.

Chapter 6 : Early the next morning, Mrs. Shelby was confused of why Eliza was late coming to their house today when she usually doesn’t do that. When Mr. Shelby has found out about this, he sent one of his personal slave named Andy to look for Eliza. They found out that Eliza had ran away with his child. Mrs. Shelby, felt happy of Eliza running away with her child. Mr. Haley knew what happened and accused Mr. Shelby of helping Eliza from running away so for proving that he doesn’t know anything about this, he sent Black Sam to look for Eliza, but instead of looking for Eliza, he helped them escape. It was so nice that Black Sam instead of getting back Eliza and the child, let them escaped. Maybe he knows what Eliza will feel when his child will be taken from him. The lesson of this chapter, not doing the things that you are asked to do is bad. It still depends on the thing that you are asked to do. The main theme in this chapter, is the love and consideration for other people just like what Mrs. Shelby and Sam had shown.

Chapter 7 : Eliza continued to run while carrying his child on his arms. She was tired but still continued on running. When she saw a river which have blocks of ice. She went to the house near the river and asked if how could they pass through the river because her child is ill. The stranger answered them that there are no more ferries operating that time. She let Eliza and the child rest at one of their rooms. She saw that Sam and Mr. Haley was already coming, Sam tried to distract Mr. Haley but he saw them. She jumped into the ice and crossed the river. After crossing he saw Mr. Symmes who helped them stay in a near house. It was so nice that there are still some people who are like good Samaritans. Even though they don’t know that someone, they still help them without asking anything in return. The lesson in this chapter, is that we should be willing to help others even though we don’t know them. Anything we do will return to us. The main theme in this chapter is kindness like what the two strangers have shown towards Eliza.

Chapter 8 : I really didn’t thought that there is someone else more cruel that Mr. Haley and that is Loker. She even told Mr. Haley that when he sells the son of their female servants, they cannot agree because he smash them on the face which I think is not right. I am against abusing and hurting women. The main lesson on this chapter is that we should not hurt women and children especially that they do not have the ability to fight back. The main theme in this chapter is cruelty and slavery. Which we can see with Loker and Mr. Haley of how do they treat their servants.

Chapter 9 : It is really nice and good to know that there are people like Mr. and Mrs. Bird. Even though Mr. Bird is a senator and they have passed a new bill, which was no to help the escaped slaves, they still took care of Eliza and her children. They helped them because they were pitying at Eliza and they think that Eliza really needs their help, and because of the new bill they have to send Eliza to John Van Trompe, which is also a good person who frees and take care of his slaves. The lesson in this chapter is to help all those people in need. Even though they cannot give back what we have given them, we still need to help them, because that is our duty as Christians. The main theme in this chapter is kindness which we can see with Mr. and Mrs. Bird as well as John Van Trompe.

Chapter 10 : Mr. Haley really didn’t took pity on taking Tom away from his family and master. And I really hate him for that. All of them are crying while saying goodbye to Tom who is now going with Mr. Haley. I pity Mrs. Shelby because she really don’t want that to happen but she can’t do anything. On the other hand, I hate Mr. Shelby because he seems like he is not strong enough to face what he have done. But I really admire Tom because of his good heart that he readily accept what will happen to him. They can’t do anything but to tell Tom to trust in God. The lesson in this chapter is to just accept what is happening to you because there maybe something better planned for you. The main theme in this book is acceptance which we can see in Tom’s personality.

Chapter 11 : We can see in this book that the owner of George is really persistent in getting him back, he even posted an advertisement that he will give a reward to the person that will return George. I agree to what the other men said that slaves are also men and not just a property. One man did a good thing, which is he arranged the papers of his slave once he died and that is a good thing for the slave instead of being sold to other masters. The lesson in this chapter is, to be persistent and never give up on something that you want. The main theme in this chapter is persistence which can be seen with George’s master.

Chapter 12: During that time, selling slaves was really popular. Mr. Haley was with Tom when they passed an auction, wherein the son is being sold and the mother was begging for her to be sold also with her son. Mr. Haley bought the son and the mother was begging him to take him also, we can see here that the mother really don’t want to be far away from his son that she will beg for her to be also taken. On the latter part of the book, the young woman committed suicide because her son was sold, she jumped of the boat. The lesson in this book, is we should never take our mother for granted. We should see how much they love us that they never want to be far away from us and they will do anything for us. The main theme in this book, is the love of a mother to her child.

Chapter 13: This chapter just show that not all people on that time are bad. Like the people who helped Eliza, they were protective over her and was really kind. They even bought her husband to him. They were really God-fearing because when they were being thanked they said that they are not doing that for them but for God. The lesson in this book, is to still be don’t affected by the attitude that is around you. Just go for what you believe in just like the persons who helped Eliza, even they knew that there is a great punishment for what they have done, they still helped Eliza because they fear God. The main theme in this book is the fear for God.

Chapter 14: We can see in this book how much Tom likes kid, we can see it on how he treated Eva St. Clare. Eva also likes him even the first time she saw Tom. She even told Tom that he will ask his father to buy him, which proves on how much he wants and likes Tom. But when she was about to tell her father, she lost her balance and fell, good thing that Tom was there to save her. Because of this, Eva’s father wanted also to buy him so he made a negotiation with Mr. Haley and when he was bought, he was assigned to be a driver. We can see here how important Eva is to Tom although they just met. The lesson in this chapter is, we should be willing to save and even risk our lives for the persons that we love just like what Tom did with Eva. The main theme in this chapter is friendship which can be seen between Eva and Tom.

Chapter 15: In this chapter we can see the lives of Augustine St. Clare as well as his cousin Ms. Ophelia. I pity Mr. St. Clare here for what had happened to his life. He loved someone and when he got back to his home to arrange their marriage he received a letter saying that his loved on will already be married. He was so upset and heartbroken that time which caused him to marry someone he don’t love. He again received a letter saying that his loved one would wait but it was already late. The person whom he married was really really selfish and I pity him for that. We can also see in this chapter his cousin, Ms. Ophelia, for me she was a perfect person. Not that very perfect but those things that she had from the New England made her like that. The other person are also afraid that her mind will be corrupt because of her trip to the South. The lesson in this book is to never make decision especially when you are hurt because maybe you will regret this just like what happened to Augustine St. Clare. The main theme in this book is the love for our cousins and relatives, like Augustine St. Clare and Ms. Ophelia, even though they have many difference, they still love each other and treated each other as their favorite.
Chapter 16: I really hate the mother of Eva in this chapter. She is such a whiner. She is always whining and complaining about her slaves, and I agree to what Eva said, if the slaves annoy her so much then why does she insist on keeping them. And I don’t think that is a good thing to shown on your visitors, like Miss Ophelia, she saw what Marie is doing with her servant Mammy. Miss Ophelia might have a bad impression about her. And I really can’t believe that on the attitude Marie was showing that she is a church person which was said in the latter part of the chapter in which she went to the church with Miss Ophelia. The lesson in this chapter is to still be good and kind to servants and stop complaining, those servants are also human and they are being hurt also and they also need what we need like resting. The main theme in this chapter is slavery, which can be seen with Mammy and how she was treated by Marie.

Chapter 17: I salute Eliza of how she encourages her husband George to just believe that God is on their side no matter what will happen to them. Although George is in doubt about it she still encourages him to the best that she could do. When they found out that the slaves hunter are coming for them, George said that he don’t want to fight but he will defend his family and I like him for that. That is what a father’s duty and he will do it no matter what. But luckily, maybe with the help of God they are believing in they have escaped the slaves hunter although there is a battle that happened and somebody got hurt. And I was also grateful to the Quakers who helped Eliza and Tom to escape. The lesson in this chapter is to believe in God no matter what is happening and never doubt him for what is happening to us. Maybe there is a better and bigger plan for us. The main theme in this chapter is religion and believing in God no matter what.

Chapter 18: It was really nice of Tom to care for his master. When his master St. Clare got drunk he even talked to it and said that he should not do that again and such things and St. Clare agreed to him. He was very honest that even St. Clare is careless with money he never even think about stealing from his master. He was really a honest man. On the other hand, Miss Ophelia doesn’t like the way the house being run by the servants so she tried to bring up the things that she learned from England but I don’t think she has the authority to do that, because she is just a visitor in the St. Clare’s house. The lesson in this chapter is to never take advantage of someone, just like what Tom did, he never thought about stealing from his master because of its carelessness. The main theme in the chapter is honesty which can be seen with Tom.
Chapter 19: It was a sad chapter because of Prue’s death, even the Eva was really affected of what had happened to Prue, she was whipped to death for me that is really a cruel act. Even Miss Ophelia and St. Clare raised a discussion about this. I have also read about his brother Alfred and how they try to ran a plantation but they have different beliefs. St. Clare doesn’t want slaves to be miserable and his brother thinks the other way. And when he was asked by Miss Ophelia on why he keep his slaves, I was really amazed and surprised with his wonderful answer and how I wish that all the masters during their time thinks the same way as he did. The lesson in this chapter is to still love and never be cruel to our slaves/servants. We would not want to commit a crime just like the master of Prue did to her, those servants still have feelings like us. The main theme in this chapter is slavery.
Chapter 20: I pity Topsy, even though she posses a not so good character there is still a reason behind it, of why she’s like that. She doesn’t remember her mother/father, she don’t even know who God is, there was no one to raise her as a good children, and that maybe the reason of her attitude. I was also against Miss Ophelia whipping her even though she have already reached her limit, maybe she should just talk to the little girl to know why she’s like that then maybe she’ll understand the girl more instead of whipping her. The lesson in this chapter is to talk to someone you are having problems with, maybe you know nothing about them and when you do this, you’ll get to know them better. The main theme in this chapter is patience which we can see with Miss Ophelia which she was lacking.

Chapter 21: This chapter just shows the saying “promises are made to be broken” just like with Mr. Shelby, he promised Tom and Aunt Chloe that he will buy back Tom but that will never happen. They have financial problems so buying Tom back will be impossible. I think that he is just making up excuses not to buy back Tom. Good thing that Aunt Chloe is willing to sacrifice for her to be with Tom again. The lesson in this chapter is to never make promises if you are just not going to do them. You are just going to hurt the feelings of the person you are promising to. The main theme in this chapter is love, love is sacrifice. As we can see with Aunt Chloe, she is willing to sacrifice for Tom.

Chapter 22 : I was really surprised with Eva’s kindness. She was such an angel. She thinks for the good of all their servants. Most of us girls, want jewels to wear them but unlike her, when one day she will get the jewels of her mother, she would just sell it to buy a house for their servants and she would ask a teacher to help them read and write. The lesson in this chapter is to be like Eva, like an angel who is willing to help others without any hesitation. The main theme in this chapter is kindness.

Chapter 23: Henrique was the total opposite of Eva. Eva was a sweet and kind little girl, while his cousin Henrique was an arrogant child. Maybe the cause of this was his father, as said in the earlier part, his Alfred was on the aristocrat style and loves that he is being served. I salute Eva because even though she is just a little kid, she still wants her cousin to have a better attitude. The lesson in this chapter, is to never be afraid of correcting the wrong deeds of other people. The main theme in this chapter is still the kindness that little Eva is showing.
Chapter 24: Finally, Mr. St Clare admitted the sickness of Eva and as usual, Marie, the mother is having a hard time to admit and accept what is happening. On the other hand, Eva have already accepted her fate and she believes that God has a reason of why is this happening. The main lesson in this chapter is to just accept what is happening to us because God will never do something that will harm us. The main theme in this chapter is faith. Another theme of this chapter is love, the love of mother for her child, that we can see with Marie when she found out that Eva is sick.
Chapter 25: I was amazed of how little Eva have done something that changed Topsy for the better. She is really angelic. There is nothing more I can say about her. She is a kind little girl and how I wish someday when I have my own family, I would really love to have a daughter like her. If only Miss Ophelia had a little more patience with Topsy then the things that Topsy have done will never happen. She is just a little girl who needs to be love and needs attention, luckily Eva was there. The lesson in this chapter is we should affect others life for the better just like what Eva have done to Topsy. The main theme in this chapter is loving someone even they don’t love you in return like Eva to Topsy when she said that she loves Topsy amidst all she have done.

Chapter 26: I salute Eva for being so brave. She is not afraid to face her death. She faced it with courage because of her strong and great faith with God. She believes that she will be going to somewhere that is better from where she is now. She even gave a remembrance to all the people who are important to her so they would always remember her. I really like Tom because he just stayed in the side of her friend up to her last minute here on Earth. The lesson in this chapter is to never be afraid of death, because maybe this means going somewhere better that where we are now. The main theme in this chapter, is faith in God.

Chapter 27: It was so nice of Miss Ophelia to finally try loving Topsy. On the other hand, I feel very sad for Topsy, she lost the first person to love her and it was like being alone again, luckily, Miss Ophelia tried to calm her and told her that she will try to love Topsy. We can see in this chapter the attitude of Marie that I really hate. She is concluding that St. Clare doesn’t love Eva just because he’s not crying for the death of Eva, she says that he is already forgetting their daughter. Not just because someone doesn’t cry, doesn’t mean that they are not hurt. I sometimes feel it to, I am really really hurt but I don’t cry, simply because I just want to keep all the feelings to myself. The lesson in this chapter is to not conclude something just because that is what you’re seeing. The main theme in this chapter is the love of a parent to his/her child.

Chapter 28: We can see here that St. Clare really wants to fulfill his promise to her daughter. We have read in a previous chapter that when Eva died, St. Clare will free Tom, and he now like to do it since her daughter already died. On the other hand, Miss Ophelia wants Topsy to be her own property maybe because Topsy have already grown near her heart. We can also see here that St. Clare is now reading some verses from the bible which I think is the outcome of Tom persuading him to be a Christian. The lesson in this chapter, is to never stop if you really want something to happen, like with Tom, he never stopped persuading and telling St. Clare about his faith to God and now, it became fruitful. The main theme in this chapter is the conversion into being a Christian.

Chapter 29: I really pity Tom on this chapter. She is really struggling hard on his life. After the death of his best friend, now, his kind master is also dying and he is not yet freed. I really hate Marie, she doesn’t even care for the feelings of the persons who are always there to serve her. Maybe the death of her kid and her husband is his karma for being so bad. The lesson in this chapter is to never do a bad thing if you don’t want anything bad to happen to you. Just remember the law of karma, the main theme in this chapter is struggling to be free.

Chapter 30: 2 new characters are seen in this chapter which is Susan and Emmeline. Susan is the mother of Emmeline and they are also being sold on the slaves warehouse. Emmeline as described is a pretty girl and that is the reason of why her mother is afraid. Susan doesn’t want to be far from her daughter, and that is just common with all the mothers, as much as possible, they always want to be near their kids. Luckily, Emmeline was with Tom, and we all know that Tom is really kind so I believe that he will not let anything bad happen to Emmeline. The lesson in this chapter, is to as much as possible, do all that you can to be with someone you love, like what Susan did to be with her daughter, he begged the person who bought him but he can’t afford Tom. The main theme in this chapter, is the love of a mother to her daughter.

Chapter 31: Simon Legree, the man who bought Tom and Emmeline as said, was just the typical kind of master to his slaves. He is so harsh, he told the gentleman near them that he likes to work his slaves up to death. He even threw some Tom’s things. He even told that he will take away the religious side of Tom and that made Tom somewhat angry. I pity them for having a master like Simon Legree. The lesson in this chapter, is not be affected by what is happening around you and do not be threatened. Like Tom, I don’t think that he will just give up his religious side just because of what Simon Legree told him. The main theme in this chapter is being strong, and trying to fight for what you believe in.

Chapter 32: We can see in this chapter one of the seven capital sins that is being committed by Simon Legree to Emmeline which is lust. She looks at the little girl with lust. We can also see here Tom trying to hum to release his tension while going to the house of Simon, yet his master yelled at him and told him to stop. Most of us do that also, when we are nervous, stressed or tensed, we tend to hum to release our tension and I think that is what Tom is doing. On their busy day at work, he even have time to read a bible verse to his co-workers which is the verse that says that those who are tired must just go to God and they will be given rest by God. She even dreamt of her dead friend and after which he felt much better. The lesson in this chapter is, sometimes we tend to look for something which can give us rest or live better but we don’t know that the answers we need are just in the bible and maybe we just need to read it. The main theme in this chapter is still, believing in God and having faith in Him, no matter hard your situation is.

Chapter 33: It is being proved in this chapter that Tom is really a good person. He keep on putting his cottons to Lucy’s basket. Even the new slave named Cassy noticed Tom’s kindness, she even said that Tom was not there for a long time because he is really kind. Sambo, a slave also, told their master of what is happening with Tom, that he is putting his cottons to Lucy’s basket and he asked Tom to whip Lucy. For me it was a brave act for Tom to not agree with what Legree is asking him to do even he knows that he will be hurt if he will not do it. His religion is much more important for him than being hurt, like Jesus Christ, he don’t mind suffering himself just for the good of others. Lucy was so lucky that he have Tom, who is willing to sacrifice himself for her and that proves that for a short period of time, Tom have already loved Lucy, not on a romantic kind of love, but like a love of a person to his co-human being. The lesson on this chapter is, love is to sacrifice for the better of others like what Jesus Christ and Tom have shown us. The main theme in this chapter is love.

Chapter 34 : Like on what I have said on the previous chapter, if you want something you must do everything to have that and that is what Tom is doing, although he is being hurt and he is not treated well by his master he still want to remain kind. Like with the people nowadays whenever they are suffering on different things they tend to blame God for what is happening with them, they say that if there is God then why are these bad things happening to them, like with Cassy, she don’t believe that there is God because of what she have experienced throughout her life, I agree that what she have experienced is really hard and traumatic but because of these things, she is telling Tom that there is God, because if there is, then why would that God let her suffer like that? How I wish that Tom could explain things to her and change her for the better. The lesson in this chapter is to don’t blame God for all the bad things and sufferings that we have because God doesn’t want his sons/daughters to experience pain, maybe there is a reason behind of what we are experiencing, maybe God did that for us to become stronger and better. The main theme in this chapter suffering.

Chapter 35 : It was so nice to know that Cassy confronted Legree for treating Tom badly. I didn’t even think about that something was going on with Cassy and Legree although Cassy was just forced to. I really think that Cassy is a kind woman here, because he cares for Tom and also for Emmeline, she doesn’t want Emmeline to be like her, because as we all know, Simon Legree have this feeling for Emmeline which is lust. She have the guts to warn Legree which I think is nice. On the other hand, I pity Tom because the only remembrance that he had from Eva was asked by Legree to be burnt, because they were thinking that it was some sort of a witch thing, maybe because of the curls that was in the necklace of Tom. If I were Tom, I won’t let that happen because that is something important. But that was also a great thing, because of the necklace and the fear of Simon Legree, he have decided that he will leave Tom alone. The lesson on this chapter is to believe on what we think is right, like Cassy, he knows that treating Tom badly is not right so he confronted Legree, amidst the fact that she might get beaten up by Simon Legree. The main theme in this chapter is fear, which we saw on Simon Legree when he thought that Tom is a witch or something.

Chapter 36 : I agree to what Tom was thinking about Cassey, she was like an angel. First, she calmed Emmeline. Emmeline was so afraid that time and luckily Cassey went to her room and helped her to loosen up a little bit and release tension. Simon Legree being drunk, goes to Tom’s room and wakes him up by kicking him. I don’t think that is the right way to wake up someone, but Tom up to that time is trying to compose himself to be calm and not get back on Simon Legree and I admire him for that he have a really nice, self-control because if I were him, I don’t think I can do that. He still tolds Simon that whatever it takes he will never hurt an innocent person if he will be killed for it, and that just proves his humanity, he will never do anything bad against others. The lesson for this chapter is to be like Cassey, to be always there for others especially when others need us, no matter what we can do for them, maybe just listening to them can help them a lot. The main theme of this chapter is goodness, which we can see with Tom. No matter what, he still want to do good even if it takes that he will be killed as long as he is doing something good.

Chapter 37 : The chapter 37 just show how lucky George and Eliza is. They have escaped and on this chapter it showed that they are now free. Unlike Tom, which up to now is experiencing pain and suffering, they are much more lucky. In this chapter, it also show that it will never be too late to change, for the better. Like Tom Loker, on the first few chapters, I said that he was much worse than Mr. Shelby is, but now, he changed. The lesson on this chapter is if we can, let us always change for the better, as a saying goes, “it’s better late than never”. The main theme in this chapter is change.

Chapter 38: This chapter just show that even with the temptations, Tom would stay on the religion that he has right now. He is now having doubts about his God, but he still overcome that because of his dream about Jesus Christ, and when he was asked if he would like a higher position but he must forget about his religion. He still stayed on the position that he has because of his religion. And he even turned down the plan of killing Legree for them to escape because of his religion, he really is a good person. The lesson in this chapter is to stick to our religion even there are temptations. Just like what Jesus did on his 40 days in staying on a mountain. The main theme in this chapter is temptations which we can see with how he was tempted by Legree and Cassy.

Chapter 39: It was really nice to know how Cassey’s mind work. She even thought about the plan that she did. She transformed the simple attic to a haunted attic for them to escape. I think that it was really a bright idea to even think of something like that. She really want to escape so she came up to that idea. The lesson on this chapter is, if you want something, you really can think of different things to do that, like in the Filipino saying, “Kung gusto may paraan.” The theme of this chapter is determination that was shown by Cassey.

Chapter 40 : The scene here was like the scene in the life of Jesus Christ when was being crucified. Tom knows where Emmeline and Cassey where hiding but he would never want to say it to Legree, because definitely as a friend you don’t want your friends to be in trouble so even if Simon would whip him to death he will never tell where Emmeline and Cassey is. Sambo and Quimbo were assigned to whip him, and when he was almost dead, he opened his eyes and told them that they are forgiven. It was like the 7 last words of Jesus Christ when he was crucified. And luckily, the two men repented for what they have done. The lesson on this chapter is to repent when you know that you are doing wrong deeds. The main theme in this chapter is repentance.

Chapter 41: While Tom was dying, George Shelby, the sson of his former owner showed up. Luckily, he saw Tom before he died. Miss Ophelia was the one who told the Shelby’s where Tom is. It was so brave of Tom to tell George that he is ready to die. If I were in his position, I will do anything to save me from my death, unlike him who was ready. When Tom already died, George wanted to buy him but Simon doesn’t want to. So George just get back to him for what he have done to Tom. He gave a decent burial to Tom which I think he deserves. The lesson on this chapter is, we must always give a decent burial to others even if they are just servants because everybody deserves that. The theme on this chapter is revenge which George did to Simon for Tom.
Chapter 42: Maybe karma is now striking Simon Legree, he is now dying because of him being scared to ghosts. He really thought that the ghosts in the attic are all true. Because of this, Cassey and Emmeline had the chance to escape. They went with George Shelby and while they were talking a woman came when he found out that George was from Kentucky, he was looking for his long lost brother who was George Harris, while they were talking about that, Cassey realized that the Eliza they were saying was her daughter. Unfortunately, it is now in Canada. The lesson on this chapter is, never do bad things because there is karma in everything that we do. And I think that Simon just deserve that. The main theme in this story is still revenge done by Cassey and Emmeline to Simon.

Chapter 43 : Most of them have achieved a happy life in the end. Cassey was reunited with her daughter as well as George Harris to his sister. Emmeline married the first mate of the ship. Topsy is now a good Christian and even a missionary. They have achieved success that they have been already waiting for years, unfortunately, Tom was not one of them but at least he is now happy in heaven maybe with Little Eva, his friend. Maybe they have achieved this things because they really are good persons. The lesson on this chapter is to never stop believing that one day you will achieve what you want and succeed. The theme of this chapter is success that almost all of them have already achieved.

Chapter 44 : I feel so sad for Aunt Chloe, she was expecting that she will be now reunited with Uncle Tom but unfortunately he already died. Mrs. Shelby also felt sad for what had happened. George Shelby was a really kind master, it was like the traits of Tom was passed unto him. He wants the slaves to be free unlike his father. He even taught him the rights that free men and women should have. He wants to be like Uncle Tom, the Christianity that Tom has and that was the reason of why he is doing such things for their slaves. The lesson on this chapter, is we should stop expecting if we don’t know if there would be something to be expected. Expectations always leads to disappointment. The theme of this chapter is sorrow that Aunt Chloe was feeling.
Chapter 45: The last part of the story was just the narration of how the novel was written. It was written by the author because of the things that he have saw or the other people he knows have experienced. It was like she woke up the Americans of how slavery have circulated in their society and how awful it was. Luckily, it is not happening now. He also want to give justice to the good people by putting their attributes to St. Clare.

Part III. Character Sketch
Uncle Tom – He was the main character in the novel. He was a slave sold to another then to another. He was a really good person. Even in the most difficult times in his life he still believes in God. He was a good Christian that influenced and touched many lives to change for the better. He died like Jesus Christ, sacrificing himself for the benefit of others who are important to him.

Aunt Chloe - The wife of Tom that was left in the Shelby’s house. Even after a lot of years have already passed, she still believes that Tom will come back. Unfortunately, Tom died and she really felt sad about it.

Eliza Harris – She was also a servant in the house of the Shelby. Her kid was about to be sold together with Uncle Tom and she doesn’t want that to happen so she escaped with her son. Luckily, she have escaped and already found her mother on the last part of the story.

George Harris – The husband of Eliza Harris. They escaped together to go to Canada and live there. He was a talented and intelligent man that caused him to be hated by his master. Like Eliza, she found her long lost sister, Emily at the last part of the story.

Eva St. Clare – She was an angelic kid who was a friend of Tom. She was the daughter of Tom’s master. She was very kind and she share the same faith that Tom has. She was one of the most important person in Tom’s life. Unfortunately, she died because of her sickness.
Augustine St. Clare – He was the father of Little Eva. He doesn’t believe in God unlike her daughter but she was much more kind than the other masters. He still treats his servants well.

Topsy- The servant girl who doesn’t have anyone to love her. She was some kind of a rebel girl because she don’t have anyone to love her. Luckily, Little Eva changed her and Miss Ophelia was there to continue loving her after the death of Eva.

Simon Legree – He was the last master of Tom. He was an evil master to all his servants. Most of his servants never last long on his house because of his attitude. He died because of the revenge of his servants Emmeline and Cassey.
Emmeline – She was a young pretty woman that was bought together with Tom. She was bought because Simon have some interest on her, he wants her to be his mistress as replacement for Cassey.
Cassey – She is the mother of Eliza Harris. She is also the mistress of Simon Legree. She have proved herself by making the intelligetn plan in which let her and Emmeline escape the house of their evil master Simon Legree.

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