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Understanding China’s Foreign Policy Crisis Behavior


Submitted By holdadezer
Words 385
Pages 2
This article is an opinion of the standoff between China and the Philippines. As I understand it seems that China is trying to make their presence recognized by the other nations of their superiority and authority in the area.

The United States has interest in the area, which is claiming a “rebalance towards Asia”. The United States needs to act as a diplomat and brokerage an understanding between the Asian-Pacific countries. It is crucial that the US understand when China might escalate towards a conflict or just negotiate. China as any other nation, does not like other nation to dictate what can or cannot do in their territory.
Assistant Professor Kai He attests that the studies that the governments are focusing about China are of military conflicts like the Korean War, the Sino-Indian War, and the Sino-Vietnamese War. However, since the end of the Cold War, China has not engaged in any conflict with another neighboring country.

The way China reacts to any political situation with their neighbors depends of the severity of the crisis, the authority of the leadership, and the international pressure. China cannot back down if their interests are being challenged, or they perceive that they are victims in the situation.

Besides, China has a big bureaucracy, which whoever is trying to lead has to prove himself in order to control the interests of the different factions in the communist political and military communities. Therefore, it is difficult to establish a coherent foreign policy.
China’s relationship with the United States is fragile due to the China’s bid to join the “World Trade Organization and the release of the Cox Report, which accused China of stealing nuclear technology secrets from the United States” among other incidents. There might be a new successor in China as the same time there might be a new president in the United States.

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