...Govt-2301-WS3 What makes us so different? Understanding Political Ideology through Partisanship People today think that it doesn’t matter how you vote, the outcome will always be the same because the Democratic and GOP parties are run by corporations. Some think that in order to break away from the special interests and influences, there should be a strong third party and that party with a different platform is the Libertarian Party. Historically the main two parties were not much different. In the beginning both parties believed that “men (not big government) was to rule them” (The Fundamental Differences Between Republican and Democrats). There was a mutual desire for individual freedom. Currently it seems that their fundamental beliefs have changed. The Democratic Party wants to increase government involvement in the lives of the American public, whereas the Republicans would like to see decreased national government and have each state govern themselves (The Fundamental Differences Between Republican and Democrats). The Libertarians seem to want to get back to what the founding fathers envisioned. Each party has very strong convictions on the topics that confront America today. The hottest topic facing the nation is Same Sex Marriage. Since the beginning the Democrats have defended Civil Rights and supported the expansion of opportunities for all. They fight to end all forms of discrimination, but this is an uphill battle. “We support marriage equality...
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...Through this course I acquired the knowledge to use in different approaches when dealing with a company internationally. I now have a perspective of the international network, and the challenges in the international environment. My first perspective is the component parts of an international company, and understanding internally how it all comes together. Now I see why it helps to identify the company’s strengths and weaknesses, prioritize the company’s tasks to solve them in the right order and synchronize efforts to move in the same direction. We covered subjects such as globalization, differences in cultures, the strategy of international business, and the organization of international business, global human resource management and global marketing. This knowledge is important because it gives me an understanding of how to utilize the knowledge behind a product, and bring inside knowledge to everyone on the team I create. I see how it’s not the physical product itself that makes an impact on the market, but how you utilize the knowledge behind the product such as the services and culture. The real value of knowledge is not the product but how to use everything to create a competitive advantage anywhere. A company has many different units, and sometimes they are not all aligned to the same. By looking more closely at challenges, when dealing with forming the strategy to implementing the strategy, I am now able to identify the misunderstandings between the decided strategy...
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...Key points A clear regard for history, an honest understanding of where we are today, and having the intellectual curiosity as we look to the future will be key to one’s ability to be an effective leader. These are the key points that I gleaned from the readings that were assigned to me. As a student of history and political science, I am always impressed when an author can help us understand where we are today, by giving us a clear understanding that much of what we will see in the future has at least some basis from the past. This is not to say that we will be in an endless cycle of repeated patterns, but that we will for the most part see traces of the past as our future unfolds. I was particularly impressed with the way Devereaux described the 75 year cycle and how we are now in the midst of the final 25 years of what she describes as the badlands. It is true that the majority of the transformational change that we encounter typically happens at the end of a cycle just as we transition into a new era. In my opinion, sound decision making should be made with an understanding of history as it relates to the question at hand. Thomas Friedman’s words give us an understanding of history, but he also talks about how we can learn from the successes and failures of America’s decisions during the last 50 years. He paints a vision for us to look to as we sit on a precipice where we as a nation clearly have a choice to make. Do we continue to act ‘as dumb as we wanna be’...
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...topics throughout the story about the different Founding Fathers, such as their lives when they lived through the time period of the 1790s and the personal interactions between the Founding Fathers such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton. Ellis has a way of presenting the information to the readers to easily understand and to comprehend the style of his writing helps you understand more in depth of the context. Although Ellis has a way of easily understanding his form of writing he finds various ways to involve you in the argument he presents to us and the diverse opinions from others that are being debated over....
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...What global attitude do you think would most support, promote, and encourage cultural awareness? Explain. 50 P A R T 1 I D E F I N I N G T H E M A N A G E R ' S T E R R A I N 2. Would legal, political, and economic differences play a role as companies design appropriate cultural awareness training for employees? Explain. 3. Pick one of the countries mentioned in the case and do some cultural research on it. What did you find out about the culture of that country? How might this information affect the way a manager in that country plans, organizes, leads, and controls? 4. UK-based company Kwintessential has several cultural awareness "quizzes" on its website (www.kwintessential. co.uk/resources/culture-tests.htrnl). Go to the company's website and try two or three of these quizzes. Were you surprised at your score? What does your score tell you about your cultural awareness? 5. What advice might you give to a manager who has little experience working with people in other countries? DEVE LO PING YOUR INTERPERSONAL SKI LLS: BECOMING MORE CU LTURALLY AWARE ABOUT THE SKILL "Understanding and managing people who are similar to us are challenges-but understanding and managing those who are dissimilar from us and from each other can be even tougher." Workplaces around the world are becoming increasingly diverse. Thus, managers need to recognize that not all employees want the same thing, act in the same manner, and can be managed in the same way. What is a...
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...benchmark assessment Anna Skinner Grand Canyon University EDA 534 September 3, 2013 Standard One * * Standard: A school administrator is one who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. i.e. A successful school administrator leads with vision… | Knowledge | Skills | Enduring Understandings | Essential Questions | Administrators will know and understand… | Administrators will be able to … | Administrators will understand that… | | 1. 1 Systems and data knowledge | 1. 2 Analyze, breakdown data and implement programs that will maximize on student performance | To stimulate student success the education leader needs facilitate the design and implementation of a school vision by which the learning of each student is put first and is supported by students, staff, parents and stakeholders. | 1. 3 What tools, data, and focused understanding are necessary to develop a vision? 1. 4 What technology and resources are necessary to articulate and support the vision? | 2.1 Implementation of strategic planning | 2. 2 Effectively plan, implement, communicate and articulate the vision | | 2. 3 How can the staff and community be involved in the implementation of the vision? | 3. 1 Effective communication and negotiation skills | 3. 2 Set goals and continuous improvement reflection | | 3. 3 What...
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...change as well as being open to new ideas. Motivation, the next characteristic of emotional intelligence, has four different subcategories: achievement drive, commitment, initiative, optimism. I think that I have a high amount of motivation because of the objectives I have achieved in my life. For example, in high school, I tore my ACL and I got through the surgery and moved my way through recovery in a remarkable amount of time. Another example is graduating college. I am a senior this year and getting my degree in accounting has been more than difficult, however, I did not give up on myself and got the help I needed to succeed. The next trait is Empathy. Empathy includes service orientation, developing others, leveraging diversity, political...
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...with God. Throughout the novel so far, God has left as well as come back to Marji as a result of certain actions on Marji’s side. After God returns to Marji on page 25 frame 8, he is not displayed in any frames for a great span of time. He takes no presence in the storyline and has no underlying significance, yet, what I find intriguing is the fact that God is again seen on page 53 frame 9, after this long absence. His sudden appearance made me ponder, why is God seen in this frame? Why did he return and what significance does that have to the storyline in that specific moment? Previously, God left Marji’s side has she began to accept the revolution and all it stood for. Marji is young and therefore has no complete understanding of what a revolution for political reform can incorporate; the hurt, the destruction and the emotional torment. Marji is still innocent. She has no background knowledge of war through experience or academic knowledge like other adults such as her parents have. Because Marji is innocent, she is also flexible. Her mind can easily be altered and tempered with. In other words, she is not yet old enough to have developed concrete opinions about such things as war which she has no first-hand experience with. However, God see all and knows all. He is aware of the things that Marji is accepting by supporting the revolution and by glorifying its morals and...
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...She would not, however, let that dampen her spirit and took the amount of people willing to stop and ask questions to heart. This memorial, it seems, is a step in the right direction. Instructor of communication and media studies, Dr. Matt Bernico sees this memorial as one outlet to acknowledge and approach the issue of violence in our country. “Police violence, along with poverty, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia all contribute to the overarching violence of everyday life for marginalized people. With movements like this hopefully more will understand what it is like to be the overlooked person in this country.” America is not perfect. America is still young. Actions in the entertainment world, the athletic world, and the political world have shown us this. We all still have areas we can grow in. This memorial has been another stepping stone in a much-needed conversation about race, religion, sexuality, and gender. It must be understood that we will not truly be a nation for the people until we are a nation for the...
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...2. Global Mindset Understanding the concept of global mindset allows for an examination of the subtle differences between the multiple viewpoints of what constitutes a global mindset. According to Rhinesmith, a global mindset ―is a way of being rather than a set of skills. It is an orientation of the world that allows one to see certain things that others do not. A global mindset means the ability to scan the world from a broad perspective, always looking for unexpected trends and opportunities that may constitute a threat or an opportunity to achieve personal, professional or organizational objectives‖ (1995: 24). Murtha, Lenway, and Bagozzi (1998) argue that managers who achieve a global mindset cognitively balance competing country, business, and functional concerns. Kedia and Mukherji (1999), echoing an argument similar to Rhinesmith (1995), explicate that within the firm, an individual manager‘s global mindset provides him or her with the insight to recognize the firm‘s interdependence on the global economy even though the firm‘s activities appear confined to the domestic market. Maznevski and Lane argued that rather than seeing situations through an interdependence lens, a global mindset is ―the ability to develop and interpret criteria for personal and business performance that are independent from the assumptions of a single country, culture, or context; and to implement those criteria appropriately in different countries, cultures, and contexts‖ (2004: 172). This paper...
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...of an individual’s character and life into societal structure. By cultivation, one is schooled in the beliefs and practical attitudes of a particular group of people who own the culture. However, the word culture is most commonly used in three basic senses: excellence of taste in fine arts and humanities; an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behaviour that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning; shared attitudes, values, and goals. Culture has been defined as the totality of way of life evolved by a people in their attempts to meet the challenges of living in their environment, which gives order and meaning to their social, political, economic, and religious norms and modes of organization, thus distinguishing a people from their neighbours. The understanding of personhood, one’s immanent metaphysics and the idea of phenomenal inquiry into the existence generally is rooted in culture. Culture explains, a great deal, the reason why one acts the way one does. Culture shapes man. It makes man read into his environment as to understand what exactly informs a people’s life style and how the people’s worldview cuts into their life world(by analysis of their existential structure). The explanation of culture opens to us the need for culture in the first place. It is accepted that culture sprang in time from human rationality and this is not without a purpose. Primarily, the need for culture arose from the necessity of maintaining social...
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...I believe that global awareness appeals to me more than the others, because of the field I would like to peruse and my experiences. According the Merriam Webster dictionary, being aware is defined as “having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge". The globally aware person has the knowledge, competencies, values, and dispositions to act in an informed manner, demonstrate empathy, engage in effective intergroup communication, and build community across social, cultural, political, environmental, geographic, and economic boundaries. My mother and I immigrated to the United States from Peru. The fact that we were not born here leads me to understand the global implications of a saying, or a song or even a joke. Further enforcing my understanding of global awareness is my Step-Father. He is in the US Army and works in Army Acquisitions Foreign Military Sales. I see him work with a multitude of foreign governments which help me understand that we are in a global economy and when something happens in the world it can and most likely will affect the global economy. It is important for me to develop myself as a professional and as an individual with awareness or knowledge of how my actions will affect my future, the future of others, my community, country and ultimately the entire planet. I believe that the more aware we become, the less we will be subject of behaving in a way that will negatively affect others. You do not have to look to far in history to see...
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...D M A S O N understanding understanding S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y O F N E W Y O R K P R E S S Published by State University of New York Press, Albany © 2003 State University of New York All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the publisher. For information, address State University of New York Press, 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany, NY 12207 Production, Laurie Searl Marketing, Fran Keneston Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mason, Richard, 1948– Understanding understanding / Richard Mason. p. cm. — (SUNY series in philosophy) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7914-5871-7 (alk. paper) — ISBN 0-7914-5872-5 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Comprehension (Theory of knowledge) I. Title. II. Series. BD181.5.M27 2003 121—dc21 2003042557 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 for Margie Contents INTRODUCTION, 1 CHAPTER ONE WHAT WE UNDERSTAND, 7 CHAPTER TWO HOW WE UNDERSTAND, 21 CHAPTER THREE UNDERSTANDING AND KNOWLEDGE, 39 CHAPTER FOUR INTELLIGIBILITY, 51 CHAPTER FIVE FAILURES OF UNDERSTANDING, 67 CHAPTER SIX BEYOND UNDERSTANDING, 89 viii CONTENTS ...
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...will all have a different interpretation of what occurred. In Essay Two you will select a text and write a review. A review provides critical evaluation of the subject through commentary. Your review will allow you to enter into a dialogue and discussion with the author and with your audience. You should offer agreement or disagreement with the writer’s work and identify what may be lacking in the text such as specific knowledge, organization, etc. How will you interpret the text and how does your background shape your understanding of the topic? Can you convince your reader of your interpretation of the text? Your review should include the following information: 1. Name of author, text and theme 2. A concise summary of the content which includes relevant descriptions of the topic, its overall perspective, argument, or purpose. 3. A description of the author’s point of view/lens of perception 4. Note any political, social, historical or cultural context in which the work is written. 5. Offer your interpretation of the text and support your interpretation Here are some questions that you might ask yourself as you are seeking to interpret the text and place it in perspective: ➢ What is the main thesis or argument of the text? ▪ What idea did the author want you to take away from the text? ▪ Did the author achieve his goal? ▪ How does it compare to your lens of perception...
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...Fallacies around Social Services Name Institution Instructor Course Date Introduction The paper is intended to enumerate and analyze the fallacies that are built around the human services department. It is meant to make a critical inception of the roles and the functions that are the mandate of this department. That will enable the observers to understand the fallacies that are built around this issue and the implication it has on the aspect of service provision. That will, therefore, provide the required insight into the issues with a broader perspective and understanding. It is, therefore, imperative that the organization understands the existence of these fallacies and therefore device ways of mitigating them. PART I Fallacies can be defined as issues that are considered true but lack subtle bases. They cannot be proven and but most people believe them blindly. They can be a set of arguments that are held dearly but cannot be proven. They may appear logical but may fail a simple critical test. Many fallacies exist in the precincts of human services department (Thompson, 2000). They entail issues that relate to the acceptance of human weaknesses as well as the challenges that emanate from the same. They are numerous and some of them are listed in the statements shown below. The first fallacy that is believed in the human services department is that most of their clients are rowdy. They, therefore, need to be subjected to constant controls to ensure that they are...
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