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Submitted By memaljameela
Words 1982
Pages 8
The weather is changing and the scientists discovered that the climate is changing too. The climate is the average weather over a period of time. Climate will not stop changing if the factors that impact on are happening. The climate change is defined as one of the environmental problem. The climate is change in the global level by the number of heat which enter to the system or the number of the heat which comes out of the system. The climate change will happen if the factors that change the amount of the heat or the energy that enter or comes out happened. There are many indicators which prove the climate change and which we know through that the climate change is happening. Noticed increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, snow and ice melt, and the rising of the sea level. Responses to climate change come from planet and animals throughout observing the warmth and the natural and managed environment.
Climate change is made by human activities and the nature. The warming that happening know is caused by the human activity like; fossil fuels burning process and the transformation for forestry and agriculture land. The human influence on the climate system have increased significantly and started while the industrial revolution time. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the command product of fossil fuel calcinations. Since the industrial revolution the overall effect of human activities was a warming effect. This effect was due to the release of carbon dioxide and emphasized by the release of other greenhouse gases. The existence of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to emphasis the natural greenhouse effect. This emphasis of the release gases was the reason behind warming the planet up to highest levels since the history of the human civilization. This change in climate may have further effect in the environment, social and economic

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