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Union Diversification

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I would definitely say union diversification make unions stronger considering how union membership has declined in the past when it was centralized and focused on certain specific areas or industries. Nonetheless, union diversification is needed because many believe it provides more power to unions and their members by strengthening their numbers and preventing their dependency on one particular industry. However there are some naysayers that argue that union diversification prevents unions from being very influential in setting wages and policy in a particular industry given the need to spread time and resources across multiple industries. Union diversification is looked upon as an aspect to help with the faltering numbers in union memberships …show more content…
Likewise, the UAW is known for its representation outside of the auto industry and the representation into many other vital industries and occupations. More important, given the UAW's broad industry coverage, the outcome of the key bargain has historically set the pattern for all UAW negotiations with automobile manufacturers, farm implement producers, aerospace equipment firms, and producers in other industries especially before 1980. Although the pattern is not always achieved, these interindustry pressures make the UAW case especially interesting and important (Budd, …show more content…
They provide a voice for working people from those who prosper to the most dispossessed and they allow for the checks and balances essential in a thriving democracy. As we look to the next 80 years, the role of the UAW is more important than ever in bridging the gap between mere survival for workers and a prosperous and inclusive future for us all (para. 18).
More so, without unions are sort of powerless and stagnant in their intent to prompt better working conditions, better salaries, and equal opportunities. Therefore, union diversification is essential and needed because it allows for many various entities to come together and be a force to be reckoned with but not only that they are able to come together and gain better outcomes for employees rights and make a difference. By only staying specific to a certain industry limits the power many unions once held. Now it is imperative for union diversification because “it aims to maximize return by investing in different areas that would each react differently to the same event” (“The Importance of DIversification”,

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