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Unit 1 Ip for Financial Management


Submitted By suburbanmomma
Words 766
Pages 4
The NYSE and the NASDAQ the two leading stock exchanges on the globe, and the NYSE is the best one and the location of them both is New York City. The NYSE as well as the NASDAQ has their likenesses as well as their differences. This report also will give an explanation of The Public Company Accounting and Investor Protection Act of 2002.

There are several similarities between the NYSE and the NASDAQ. Both of these exchanges are responsible for most of the trading related to impartialities inside the U.S. and European stock markets. Both of these stock exchanges concentrate on stock trading options, capital impartialities, fixed incomes, and exchanging traded goods as well. To maintain the flow of the market, both the NYSE and the NASAQ maintain the flow with traffic controllers. Yet another similarity is that both of them exhaust an electronic screen and they are both screen-based electronic stock exchange systems. The Stock Exchange Commission organizes both of these exchanges and participants in the exchanging of stock impartialities (Hamlett, 2013).
Other than their names, these two stock markets have several differences. One particular difference is that when NASDAQ began, they used bulletin boards to display stock prices, which inhibited consumers from connecting, but presently, they conduct trading online only. NASDAQ usually deals with IT businesses. The person that sells the stock does business via a merchant where the merchant finds the appropriate buyer and couples them with a vendor who happens to sell the particular kind of stocks that they are interested in buying. The NASDAQ stock exchange normally conducts business only with people who trade electronically, or through the Internet (Hamlett, 2013).
After saying that, NASDAQ is thought to be a high-tech stock market. The

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