...In this assignment I am going to be explaining the concepts of equality, diversity and a client’s individual rights in relation to a health and social care environment. In a health and social care environment, carers and employees are expected to put the client at the centre of the health and social care provision meaning although every person is completely different, they are all entitled to equality, diversity and equal rights. The definition of diversity is ‘the state or quality of being different or varied’ (Collins dictionary). Diversity is used to describe the differences of individuals, it means that all individuals are respected and valued excluding their differences. In a health and social care setting, carers must ensure that an individual’s differences do not affect the way they are treated and cared for. There are so many different aspects of diversity that can appear in an individual. For example race, culture, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, even their hobbies and interest can make a person diverse. In a health and social care setting such as a hospital, every individual is diverse in their own way whether it be the colour of their skin, their age or their gender. The employees must understand than no person should not be treated any differently because of this. For example an elderly man should not be ignored and given less care than a younger male. It is important that everyone is treated equally not in the sense that they...
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...BTEC LEVEL 3 – Business & Enterprise, Learning Outcome 1 How human resources are managed Lecturer: Tricia King Describe the recruitment documentation used in a selected organisation. The organisation that I am going to use is John Lewis. John Lewis is the third largest private sector company that supplies product such as Clothing, cosmetics, housewares, food and direct services. It currently employs 91,000 members of staff and I also in partnership with Marks and Spencer and Waitrose. Job Description A job description is a list of working conditions that come with a job with a broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on the breakdown of the job. It generally includes duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope and working conditions of a job along. Also involving the job's title, and the name or designation of the person to whom the employee reports. Job description usually forms the basis of job specification. It also includes overall targets that you will need to hit. This is specific to each job. Job description can also be used as a guideline for employees to help track progress the guide them to completing their tasks. At John Lewis for the Email Executive (Online Marketing) Job, they use the general format with questions that will be specific to their job role also describing what the purpose of the job is. For example it includes the breakdown of the job and different subdivisions that you will be covering. Moreover it gives you an initial...
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...Job Profile |Job Profile Ref Num: |Metropolitan Financial Services | |Job title: |Management Accountant | |Grading: |Job Family: |Finance | | |Band: |L | | |Step: |3 | | |Region: |Nottingham | | |Level |Service Manager | [pic] Job purpose: The Management Accountant will manage the provision of a comprehensive and cohesive management and financial accounting service to the following areas of the business: • Housing services • Regeneration schemes • Service charges [pic] Main accountabilities Providing direction: • Interpret management accounts and budget reports and guide partner operational services on what this information means in relation to the performance of the operational service. Suggest actions for improvement, as required • Guide partner operational services when assessing all new business opportunities and their commercial viability (with support from corporate finance colleagues as required) • Feed in to Metropolitan corporate planning activity as the financial representative of your operational...
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...P1 describe the recruitment documentation used in a selected organisation Evidence for Task 1 Identify a particular job role and obtain application forms and a job description for the job. Produce a written report in which you: Describe the recruitment documentation for the specified job role. (P1) The application form that I have identified is GAME and a copy of this form is at the bottom of the page. Job Applications Form Describe a job application form A job application form involves the employee’s personal details, a description of the job the person has applied for and a contract of employment. The personal details required are name, address, phone number, email, date of birth, ethnicity and education etc. They require certain details like phone number, email and address so they know how to contact the potential employer. Also, education is an obvious choice because the employer needs to know what grades you got and any previous experience you have had may come under this too. Write about the job application form you have identified The job application form that I have identified is for GAME. The application form for this store has everything that is required for an application form. The game application form also has an availability table so that you can specify the times that you could work if you were to get the job. This is useful for if there are a few main candidates for the job and it goes down to who can work the more appropriate hours....
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...P1: Recruitment documentation in Standor. The application document for Standor is there because that is all they need to know, they have carefully selected everything they need, and all they need to know about you. It is neatly presented so people can understand how to apply for the job and weather the job is for them. The reason why they add this is because it is appropriate to the job. The application form is lay out very carefully, at the top half it is just information about the applicant, such as surname, forename, address, qualifications and whether they have passed their driving test, in the second half of the application form there is a maths test, the reason why they have put this test is because they can pick and choose the intelligent ones and the people who are into maths, another reason why they put the test there is because it puts people off if they are not maths related people. As well as this it askes in the application form for previous employment history, they have done this because if people have had experience they won’t need as much training, if they employed a brand new client from college It would take more work to train the employee to a high standard. At the bottom of the page it asks for and health issues and also for 2 references, the reason for these 2 references is because they need to know if the applicant is reliable etc. After the process of the application form being handed in, normally the manager has to decide who he is giving a interview...
Words: 332 - Pages: 2
...Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses. (A1) Sainsbury’s is a British supermarket, it’s a private sector business this means that the original owner J.Sainsburys invested his own money into this to create the business; Being a private business means that it has its shares bought and sold on the stock exchange by anyone and is also owned by shareholders. The business operates a number of stores including supermarkets and convenience stores and an online grocery and general merchandise operation. Sainsbury’s is in the tertiary and secondary sector, this is because Sainsbury’s provide services (tertiary sector) for example their stores, online service, their properties and services like their bank, their energy provider which works with British gas to provide a secure and affordable gas and electrics to customers and a unique i2c scheme which works with different food companies to build their relationships to provide their best possible foods. They also have a farm (primary sector) in which they grow their wheat for their bakery and slaughter the animals for their meats. The purpose of Sainsbury’s is to deliver a quality shopping experience for their customers with great products at reasonable prices. Their aim is to outdo customer expectations for healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food, making their lives easier every day. Their slogan is live well for less, they support that all their products should be affordable but still high quality...
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...Reflection of WP1 I would like to say I enjoy the process of writing this paper. After this writing project, I felt that I learned a lot of techniques and skills throughout this entire paper. First and foremost, I have learned to generate ideas by using outline and freewriting. After the freewriting I can organised my ideas well and understand what I would like to talk about in my piece of writing. I realised that this is a very effective way to start a paper. Moreover, peer review was very helpful for my writing project. I received some feedback and comments from my classmate during the peer review activity. I think those comments are very useful for me to improve and do some correction for my writing. On the other hand, read and give comments...
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...Unit 2 P1 Aims are broad statements of desired outcomes, or the general intentions of the research, which 'paint a picture' of your research project. They emphasize what is to be accomplished (not how it is to be accomplished). They address the long-term project outcomes, i.e. they should reflect the aspirations and expectations of the research topic. Once aims have been established, the next task is to formulate the objectives. Generally, a project should have no more than two or three aims statements, while it may include a number of objectives consistent with them. Objectives are subsidiary to aims and are the steps you are going to take to answer your research questions or a specific list of tasks needed to accomplish the goals of the project. They emphasize how aims are to be accomplished and must be highly focused and feasible. They must address the more immediate project outcomes and make accurate use of concepts. They must be sensible and precisely described and should read as an 'individual' statement to convey your intentions Private owned companies such as Tesco focus on customers, employees, the cost of their products and whether they are offering value for money. Tesco’s mission statement is ‘we create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty.’ Publicly owned organisations such as the Department of Transport may mention the service they provide, the work they do and include statements about quality, efficiency and customer service. The Department of Transport...
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...Unit 2 P1 & P2 For this assignment I will be describing the recruitment documentation used in ASDA. I will be talking about the employability, personal and communication skills required when applying for a specific role. Every organisation has different recruitment documentations and I will outline which documentations will be cost effective for a business. And I will also explain the different skills needed for different jobs. Job Description I have searched online for a job suitable for my demographic in a well-known supermarket; ASDA. I have chosen the job role of being a checkout operator. The first recruitment documentation I will be explaining would be the job description. The purpose of this section is to allow the candidates to be aware of what they need to do for the role. The description covers the job title and explains what duties the candidates are responsible for. It is also a document stating the initial role of the job that is being advertised and allows candidates to know what they are applying for and allows them to be prepared for the interview. Job descriptions are used through all stages of the recruitment process and is often used in the advertisement, be reminded of this again in the interview stage and being a successful employee by revisiting this document that the job requires and the hours that they are expected to work. Person Specification Each job role will have a different person specification because each one will need different skills...
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...Student name | Vionna Meijer | NP email address | vrmeijer@st.noorderpoort | Assessor name | Ms. de Jong | Unit | 3 | Submission number | 1 | Cohort | 2014 - 2017 | Authenticity statement | I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. | Inhoud Introduction 3 Bijenkorf 4 H&M 10 Human resources H&M 10 Staffing to meet changing business demands 10 Coordination of team resources to meet targets 10 Monitoring team performance 10 Liaison with other departments 11 Establishment of professional culture 11 Provide appropriate incentives 11 Encourage creativity and initiative 11 Outsourcing versus in-house decisions 11 Introduction The author will describe the recruitment documentation used by the company Bijenkorf and H&M. P1 Describe the recruitment documentation used in an organisation. Bijenkorf Meer informatie? Neem voor meer informatie over deze vacature contact met ons op via het contactformulier Medewerker Customer Service Vestiging: Groningen Afdeling: Customer Service Uren per week: 15 uur Sluitingsdatum: 29 Juli 2015 Print deze vacature Mail deze vacature Deel deze vacature Solliciteer direct Over de functie Medewerker Customer Service Als Medewerker Customer Service ben jij het visitekaartje van de Bijenkorf en sta je voor Premium Service. Je helpt onze gasten bij het retourneren van producten, het ophalen van hun internet...
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...Task 1: (P1) Describe the Recruitment and Documentation used in selected organisation. The organisation I have chosen to research is Haringey Sixth Form Centre. Haringey Caters to 16-19 year olds who have left secondary school or have switched sixth forms/colleges to continue their studies. Haringey provides several courses like; Business and ICT, Creative Media and Performing Arts, Entry and Foundation Studies, Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Public Services, Maths, Science, Sport and Leisure. The purpose of this institution is to educate young people into a brighter and better future, whom may move onto becoming; Apprentices’ University Graduates, Employees etc. June Jarret, The Principal believes Haringey’s mission is to “Transform lives of our students through high quality teaching and learning programmes that inspire them, enabling then to succeed and achieve their goals”. The only modern purpose-built sixth form centre in Haringey is situated in Tottenham, White Hart Lane- just off high road, where different transports can navigate you to the sixth form. What is Recruitment Planning? Recruitment planning can be very time consuming for any organisation as many factors are considered in the process, for instance; the organisation need to work out if they even need to recruit and why?, as there are various reasons why an organisation would have to recruit, whether it be internal or external- the cost of this and how this will take place. There are five main...
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...P1; Explain the concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care. Equality; the act of equality is everyone being treated by the same standard. In relation to health and social care everyone needs to be treated equally. The equality act protects people rights to be equal regardless of their differences, there are 116 legislations. This act protects people legally from discrimination in the work place. In health and social care this is important so that everyone can experience the same opportunities and treatment. Diversity; the term diversity is used to explain peoples differences for example; race, gender, ethnicity, age and many more. No one should feel out of place because of differences, we all have protected characteristics. There are 9 protective characteristics; * Age * Disability * Gender Reassignment * Marriage and Civil Partnership * Pregnancy and Maternity * Race * Religion or Belief * Sex * Sexual Orientation Rights; everyone has rights regardless of who they are these are referred to as human rights. These rights are protected by the human rights act and if ignored it can lead to legal prosecution. The human rights act 1998 gives people the right to; * Life * Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment * Right to liberty and security * Freedom from slavery and forced labour * Right to a fair trial * No punishment without law * Respect for...
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...P1: Assignment 1 In this assignment I will draw up a number of key documents required for the recruitment of a Finance Manager position in order to establish the correct documentation required in the recruitment process, which will then be adopted for all employment opportunities in Elite Management. I will also include the description of the recruitment documentation used in Elite Management. The position I have chosen to look into is that of the Finance Manager for Elite Management. In order to recruit the right people for the organisation, management needs to pay attention to the various stages of the recruitment process. Here I will discuss the four important documents used in the recruitment process. These are the Job Advert, the Application Form, Job description and the Person Specification. 1. Job vacancy advertisements A job advertisement is an announcement about a job vacancy. The advertisement is part of the recruitment process designed to attract suitable qualified candidates for a job. Traditionally job adverts have been placed on newspapers and other printed media, however nowadays a large number of Job advertisement are placed on internet on job websites as well as on the company’s own internet or intranet websites. Adverts include a summary of the job description, the person’s specification and remuneration for the job. Elite Management will advertise in its website and other job websites. We shall also place the adverts in national and local newspapers...
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...Recruitment methods Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring suit Different methods of recruitment suitable candidates (from within or outside the organization) to fill the empty positions. The process involves searching, sourcing and select the right candidates for the roles to play within the organisation. Different recruitments require different recruitment documents. Here is a short list of different recruitments internal and external. Internal External Internal advertising Job portals Word to mouth recruitment/head-hunter agencies Promotions Campus recruitments The biggest advantage of internal recruitment is that it doesn’t or almost doesn’t cost any money and its less time consuming, also there is already a relationship with the employee and the person won’t need much training. And the advantages of external recruitment is that you got a brand new opportunities and can choose the best candidate for the role. The cost for the employee is also lower and there is less chance of partiality. Recruitment documentation Recruitment documentation basically means filling information and personal details about the vacancy that the person is applying for. Recruitment documentation consist of all the copies of application forms and supporting documents, and notes from all the panel members as well as regarding...
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...Assignment 2 Task 2.1 * Marketing * Merchandising * Online * Opticians/optometry * Other * Personal Assistant/Executive Assistant * Pharmacy * Placements * Procurement * Programme Management * Project Management * Property * Public Relations/Corporate Affairs * School Leaver * Security * Stores – Colleagues * Stores – Managements * Strategy * Supply Chain * Technical and Trading Law * Technologist I have decided to look into Tesco and their process of recruitment. Tesco is a public limited company and is a multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer. It is the second-largest retailer in the world measured by profits and revenue. It has over 6,000 stores worldwide and employs over 500,000. As they are such a large employer, Tesco’s employs people to do different job roles, such as: * Administration * Apprenticeship * Audit * Business Analyst * Business Development * Buying/Sourcing * Communications * Customer Services * Design * Distribution – Colleagues * Distribution – Management * Driver * Engineering * Finance * Graduate * Health and Safety * Human Resources/Personnel * IT * Internships * Legal * Maintenance This shows that Tesco employs a range of people to do all the different types of jobs, making it a diverse employer providing opportunities for people...
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