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Unit 3 Assignment 1 (OHIP)

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2) OHIP:
This tool is beneficial in all age groups, as it was originally designed for adults. Currently, it has been adapted and validated for teenagers as well (Navabi et al., 2012) OHIP-14 is a short version, designed with 14 questions, which measures seven domains: functional limitations, physical pain, psychological disability, physical and social disability and handicap. OHIP-14 scores follow a Likert scale of 1 (never) – 5 (very often).
3) Child-OIDP
Locker, in 2004 designed this instrument, which is an adaptation from the OIDP model. It is administered as a questionnaire to 11-12 year olds, with a recall period of 3 months. It measures oral impacts on eight daily activities: eating, speaking and pronouncing clearly, cleaning the teeth, smiling and laughing without embarrassment, studying, sleeping and relaxing, social and emotional contact. It measures variables such as frequency scales with …show more content…
Broder et al. developed the 38-item COHIP questionnaire, and is regarded as a refinement of the CPQ questionnaire. COHIP is applicable to paediatric, orthodontic and craniofacial clinical groups. It is also the only tool that uses both positively and negatively formulated questions. COHIP-38 comprises of five subscales: oral symptoms, functional well-being, emotional well-being, school and peer interactions. The variables measured are frequency of oral health impacts on daily life and uses a Likert scale of 1-5. It also includes “I don’t know” options, for validation purposes. A further adaptation of this instrument, is the COHIP-Ortho, which is more applicable to individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment and 11 items were selected from COHIP-38, to construct the short version (Kragt et al.,

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