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Border Patrol Technology

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Technology has countered illegal immigration in different ways over the last one hundred years. One of these ways is the addition of aircraft to border security. During World War II, aircraft was introduced into Border Patrol. This was helpful for surveillance and for the mass deportations in the 1950’s (“Border Patrol History”). In more recent years, aircraft has still been used in similar ways but has been advanced. Border Patrol uses their aircraft equipped with video, radars, and other sensor technologies to patrol the border, conduct surveillance, and to gather data ("DHS/CBP/PIA-018 Aircraft Systems"). For example, the P-3 Airborne Early Warning and Long-Range Tracker Maritime Patrol Aircraft scans 200,000 miles with sensors, detecting for …show more content…
From the growing recruitment numbers of Border Patrol to the barriers and fences on the border, the government has added effective reinforcements to prevent illegal immigration. Only seventy-five men patrolled the southern border in 1924, but now 21,000 agents patrol the border every day (“Border Patrol History”)(“Cost Immigration Enforcement”). Legislation has also made huge steps forward by adding security and creating Acts to prevent illegal immigration. The addition of Border Patrol has been one of the best border enforcement tactics in American history, while Donald Trump, the current President of the United States, has questionably plans for immigration in America. Finally, technology, perhaps the biggest advancement in border security, has grown to be a leading factor in border enforcement. Surveillance is one of the main ways Border Patrol uses technology because it’s effective and multi-purposeful ("Remote Video Surveillance”). While border enforcement has already grown and matured into a notorious achievement, there could possibly be more ways to improve, only time will

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