...P6 – Imogen Durston For P6 you must develop a coherent marketing mix for a new product or service. Evidence for P6 Topshop/Topman has contacted you to launch a new range of children wear. They have asked you to develop a coherent marketing mix for the new products and service. The marketing mix can be an Information sheet/Word Document and should include the 4 Ps along with an Introduction to the technique. Introduction – the product I am creating for Topshop is a children’s clothing range. I am going to call this TopKidz. Products from this range will be sold online and in all Topshop stores. To promote this new range I am going to use celebrity endorsement and TV adverts to attract customers. This range will appeal to parents as well as children and I will ensure this happens by making the clothes stylish and affordable for the everyday family. * The objectives of developing a mix (support brand building, satisfy needs and aspirations of targeted group of customers). | * The importance of need for cohesion of different elements of the marketing mix | TITLE - TOPMAN/TOPSHOPS CHILDREN WEAR The name of the new range – TopKidz. * Product: product range; benefits versus features of product or service for targeted customers; concept of product life cycle.My product range is a new, stylish, affordable children’s wear range that will appeal to both the parents and their children. The benefits of this new children’s range is that all materials that...
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...Training Programme In this assessment I am going to carry out some tests on Daniel Matthew to improve his aerobic endurance and resistance. I am going to do this by carrying out a series of tests, exercises and drills that are related to football. Daniel will be taking part in aerobic and resistance training. Aerobic training is endurance training, which is a term that refers to any low-intensity and long duration activities such as running. Aerobic training can help him in football as it will improve his cardiovascular fitness, the long term effects will be hypertrophy in the heart that will allow his heart to pump more oxygenated blood to muscles in need. The acute effects are that your heart pumps more to supply muscles with oxygen and your breathing rate will increase. Resistance is to develop muscular strength and endurance. Resistance training will help a footballer as it will allow them to be stronger in tackles such as shoulder barges. The muscular endurance training will allow them to last the duration of a football match and also have a higher work rate during games. During my six week training programme I will focus on both energy systems: Anaerobic – Lactic Acid System This means that there isn’t enough oxygen in your body due to the short duration of the actions you have carried out can’t create enough oxygen, this would be with activities that last less than about 90 seconds and require power e.g. weightlifting. Aerobic This system needs oxygen,...
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...It also gives the right for people to know where information is held and what type of information is being held about them. Anyone who processes information's which is personal, must register with the DPA and has to stand by with the 8 rules that they have and they are: • Accurate and up to date • Proceed for limited purposes • Adequate, relevant and not excessive • Fairly and lawfully processed • Not kept longer than necessary • Secure • Processed in line with your rights • Not transferable to other countries without adequate protection. This act also gives people with important rights. This includes the right to find out what personal information is being held on computers and on most paper records. Computer misuse act 1990 There are 3 offences of the computer misuse act: Unauthorised access to any computer program or data. Unauthorised access with the commitment to commit a serious crime. Unauthorised modification of contents on computer. Damaging the operation of a computer, a program or the reliability of data. This also includes preventing access to any program or data. A virus could be an example as it modifies or destroys the user’s files. Consumer credit act 1974 • Customers paying by credit card are protected by this Act for payments up to £25,000. • If a payment is not made by the customer the bank will pay the business. • This Act also permits 14 days period whereby customers can change their mind about purchase. • Good for the customer but not for the business...
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...Finally, your Editor has asked you to produce a report to your readers which discusses the business activities of your global organisation. You are to report on the following issues in a way that is easy for them to understand. • Describe how the main political, legal and social factors effect the business activities and the stakeholders of the organisations described in P3 & P4. (Drayton Manor and your chosen Charity). Business activities should include any activities carried out by the organisation to achieve its purposes. Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders (P6) • Select at least three business activities from those you identified. • Analyse how each of these has changed because of political, legal and social aspects of the business environment. (Why has the activity changed and how and why has this affected the organisation?) Analyse how political, legal and social factors have impacted on the two contrasting organisations (M3) Make a list of your selected organisations aims and objectives. Evaluate how future changes in economic political, legal and social factors, may affect the strategy of the organisation. Evaluate how future changes in economic, political, legal and social factors may affect the strategy of your organisation. For each factor you will need to research future changes. (E.g. economic – inflation; new laws; government...
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...Factor (Political, Technological, Social) Name of organisation 1 impact on business activities and stakeholders. Name of organisation 2 impact on business activities and stakeholders. Consumer protection (Social) Consumer protection is a group of laws and organizations designed to ensure the rights of consumers as well as fair trade, competition and accurate information in the marketplace. This also can be a political factor as it makes the information of the business correct to make sure the business is selling items honestly and fairly. Tesco uses Consumer Protection so that they do not advertise goods as something they are not and to make sure they have described the products correctly to the customers. This can affect Tesco as a business because if they were to sell products to Customers that are described as something else Tesco can get in to problems not following the consumer protection act. They would be heavily fined, which can then lead to bad publicity or some of Tesco's outlets can get closed which could mean that the business would lose a large part of its loyal customers and this could mean that the businesses reputation can go down. Tesco gives Customers the chance for a 28 day refund for goods that they do not want which means that the customers are able to return faulty goods that they have brought from the store or if they feel they do not want the product. This means that Tesco are following the law. This gives the customer the assurance that Tesco are doing...
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...Marketing Plan CROP - Salon | Unit 3 – Assignment 4 | Kiranpreet Multani BMC151602551 | In this assignment, I am going to develop a coherent marketing plan for a product or service. The service I have chosen for this assignment is a salon. First, I will explain marketing mix and then I am going to develop a marketing plan for this service. Marketing mix The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a business uses to promote its product or service in the market. The 4Ps of marketing mix are price, product, promotion and place. Nevertheless, marketing mix is increasing and it includes other Ps such as packaging, position, people and even political. (http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/definition/marketing-mix, 18/01/2016) Marketing definition and opportunity The service I have chosen for this task is a salon. A salon is a very competitive business and we are more than likely to set up a business where there are already salon established. The salon is based in the city centre of Birmingham, near the bullring. We decided to open our salon here because there are many people who come here every day for shopping and we have an audience of 26 000. The services we provide are haircuts, hair dying, waxing, bridal makeup, and other services such as threading and IPL laser treatment. We will also offer hair smoothing and other services such as threading, waxing and IPL laser treatment. Crop is a unisex hair salon and spa. People can come with their...
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...P5- Describe the influence of the two contrasting economic environments on business activities within a selected organisation The chosen organisation to which I am going to be writing about is Asda. This is from the fact that Asda is a large supermarket to which everyone knows about. I am going to be looking at their contrasting economic environments on their business activities. There are 2 important economic environments that have an influence on business activities, growth and recession When economic growth occurs, when more goods are being produced and consumed, and incomes are rising. A growth company tends to have very profitable reinvestment opportunities for its own retained earnings. Economic growth will affect Asda as it would increase their profits due to more people wanting more products and wanting to spend their money. As people have more money to spend on luxuries instead of the essentials it means that the higher value products will be brought. For example the finest range or more expensive brands will be bought instead of Asda’s value range, because of this it means more money is being spent in the store which is an advantage for Asda. Fast economic growth also means that Asda’s output is high due to increased demand in products. This would mean that unemployment is lower than it should be. With the business confidence, this means that it may be a high leading to increased investment and could also be classed as a boom. With boom what happens is that they...
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...P6 review physiological data collected, describing the effects of exercise on the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and energy systems Copper 12 Minute Run I thought that the copper test was reliable. This was because it allowed me to compare my score against the national average. It also gave an accurate prediction of my fitness levels. This enabled me to see and identify improvements that I needed to make to my fitness in order to improve it. When doing the test, I had to record my heart rate before and after the test. This was so it allowed me to see how hard I worked when doing the test and how my fitness level was. One problem when recording my results was that I couldn’t record my heart rate when doing the test. This was...
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... |Problems | |Study Objectives |Questions |Exercises |Exercises |Set A |Set B | |1. Describe the steps in determining inventory|1, 2, 3, 4 |1, 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |quantities. | | | | | | |Prepare the entries for purchases and sales of |6, 8 | 3 | 2, 10 |2, 8, *9 |2, 8, *9 | |inventory under a periodic inventory system. | | | | | | |3. Determine the cost of goods sold under a | 5, 7, 8 |4, 5 | 3, 4 | 2 | 2 | |periodic inventory system. | | | | | | |4. Identify the unique features of the income |9 | 5, 6 | 5 | 2, 3 | 2, 3 | |statement for a merchandising company using a | | | | | | |periodic inventory system. | ...
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...inventory methods (LO 3) P6-1C Giles Manufacturing uses a periodic inventory system and has the following transactions for the month of June 2012: |Date |Transactions |Units |Cost per Unit |Total Cost | |June 1 |Beginning inventory |17 |$240 | |$ 4,080 | |June 7 |Sale |12 | | | | |June 12 |Purchase |13 |230 | |2,990 | |June 15 |Sale |11 | | | | |June 24 |Purchase |14 |220 | |3,080 | |June 27 |Sale |15 | | | | |June 29 |Purchase |8 |210 | |1,680 | | | | | | |$11,830 | Required: 1. Calculate ending inventory and cost of goods sold at June 30, 2012, using the specific identification method. The June 7 sale consists of beginning inventory, the June 15 sale consists of three units from beginning inventory...
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...research: 40 hours Outcome Content Learner activity Resources Assessment and PLTS LO1: Know the range of different businesses and their ownership Introduction to unit and the structure of the programme Introduction to LO1 Range of different businesses: local; national; international; global; public; private; not-for-profit/voluntary; sectors of business activity (primary, secondary and tertiary) Business purposes: supply of products or services; difference between profit and not-for profit organisations Set up file for new unit Reflective questions AS1 Business types and ownership, Task 1; as individual or pair activity SB activities: • Starter stimulus • Tony and Guy • Aresenal • VSO • Primary, secondary and tertiary businesses Sample assignment brief Task 1.1 for P1; learners should spend the session time and NS time on this activity SB activities: • Poundland AS1 Business types and ownership SB Sample assignment brief Task 1.1 Stretch and support Assessment P1 PLTS RL BTEC National Business © Pearson Education Ltd 2010. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Business Unit 1 The business environment Unit 1 The business environment Scheme of work 5 3 4 5 Content...
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...BTEC National Certificate (Level 3) in Health and Social Care UNIT 11 ASSIGNMENT – Safeguarding Adults and Promoting Independence Student Name: Teacher: Ms Tumoe | Date assignment issued: 10th March 2014 Final Completion Date: 29th June 2014 | Welcome to the first of two Units as first year students that deals with the sensitive issues surrounding the need to safeguard adults, whilst understanding ensuring how the rights, independence and the wellbeing of adults are promoted through a person-centred multi-agency approach. In order to make sure that you complete the unit on time and meet all your deadlines, you will find that the assignment is broken down into key tasks. Each task will start with the part of the grading criteria that the task relates to, example P1, P2. It will finish with a deadline for the task to be completed. Introduction This unit looks at ways in which adults are supported and protected within the health and social care sector by practitioner’s whose main job role is working with adults. The unit covers sensitive subjects including physical, psychological, sexual and financial abuse. It aims to develop your understanding of the differing needs of people who use health and social care services. You will gain understanding of how to develop supportive relationships that respect individual rights, and also an understanding of how such relationships...
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...Assignment Front Sheet| Learner name|Assessor name| |S. Guzman-Rodriguez| Date Issued|Completion date|Submitted on| |See deadline spreadsheet|| Qualification|Unit number and title| Btec Level 3 National Extended Diploma in IT|Unit 8: E-commerce| Assignment title|Assignment 2 Shopping and Handling Money Online| In this assignment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found | Criteria reference|To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:||Task no.||Evidence| P5|Examine the social implications of e-commerce on society||1||Booklet| P6|Plan an e-commerce strategy||3||Magazine article or a Podcast| M3|Design an interface for an e-commerce business||5||Interface| D2|Compare different payment systems used by e-commerce systems||2||Booklet| |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| Learner declaration| I certify that the work submitted or this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.Learner signature: Date:| Assignment brief| Qualification |Btec Level 3 National Extended Diploma in IT| Unit number and title|Unit 8: E-commerce| Start date|| Deadline || Assessor name|SGU| | Assignment title|Shopping and Handling Money Online| Assignment BriefIn this assignment you will be looking at alternative payment...
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...underlying preferences directly!! Application: Miller Beer Miller beer is interested in setting the price for their products to maximize revenues. For simplicity, let’s assume that they only have three products: six packs, twelve packs, and cases. At first pass, we could say that all Miller needs to do is estimate a demand curve: That is, Q = D ( P, I , Z ) Quantity of Beer Function of Price, Income, and other Demographic Variables Problem: What are your units??? Suppose that we treat six packs, twelve packs and cases as three different products. We could estimate three demand curves: Q6 = D(P6 , I , Z ) Q12 = D(P12 , I , Z ) Q24 = D(P24 , I , Z ) That is, the demand for each good as a function of each good’s price, income and demographics. Problem: Shouldn’t the price of a six pack affect demand for a twelve pack??? We would need to add all the cross-prices (prices of other goods) to the estimated demand curves. Q6 = D(P6 , P12 , P24 , I , Z ) Q12 = D(P6 , P12 , P24 , I , Z ) Q24 = D(P6 , P12 , P24 , I , Z ) Problem:...
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... P4 (486) Processor - Although fourth-generation processors were more about refinement than redesign, the Intel 80486 was another major leap forward in the race for speed. The additional power available in the 486 fueled tremendous growths in the software industry. [pic][pic] P5 (586) Processor - After the fourth-generation chips such as the 486, Intel and other chip manufacturers went back to the drawing board to come up with new architectures and features that they would later incorporate into what they called fifth-generation chips. On October 19, 1992, Intel announced that the fifth generation of its compatible microprocessor line (code- named P5) would be named the Pentium processor. [pic] [pic] P6 (686) processors represent a new generation with...
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