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Unit 4 Assignment 1


Submitted By mozurjus
Words 271
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IS3340-WINDOWS SECURITY | Auditing Tools for Windows System | Unit 4 Assignment 1 | | | 5/1/2014 |


1. You want to schedule a weekly analysis for the Windows servers in your data center. The command should run as a scheduled job and report any available patches for the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system, Internet information services (IIS) Web server, or structured query language (SQL) server that have not been installed. Which tool would be the best choice?.
MBSA command line interface

2. You like the way MBSA presents scan results but you need to scan for vulnerabilities in older Windows products, including Microsoft Office 2000. Which tool provides extended scanning and the ability to use MBSA to view scan reports?
Security Configuration and Analysis (SCA)

3. Your organization wants to encourage its employees and contractors to use vulnerability scanners at home as well as at work. You want to select a single vendor that can provide scanner software products for home and enterprise computers. A single vendor product line can streamline coordinating and analyzing scan results from many different computers. Which set of tools would be the best choice?
Secunia Security Analyzers

4. You have developed several templates that consist of security settings for several types of computers, including desktop workstations, laptops, and various servers. You want to quickly compare a computer’s settings to its corresponding template to see if any configuration settings have changed. Which tool would be the best choice?
Shavlik Security Protect

Works Cited
Solomon, Michael. "Access Contols in Microsoft Windows." In Security strategies in Windows platforms and applications. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011.

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