Premium Essay

Unit 4 Marketing Principles


Submitted By Agens
Words 2332
Pages 10
Table of contents

| introduction | 3 | | outcome 2 – the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning | 3 | §2.1 | macro and micro environmental factors which influence marketing decision | 3 | §2.2 | segmentation creterias for products in different markets | 4 | §2.3 | targeting strategys | 5 | §2.4 | how a byer behaviour affects marketing activities in different buying situations | 5 | §2.5 | new positioning for a selected product/service | 6 | | outcome 3 –elements of the extended marketing mix | | §3.1 | explantion of how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage | 6 | §3.2 | explnation of how distribution is arranged to provide customer convinience | 7 | §3.3 | explnation of how prices are set to reflect an organisation’s objectives and market conditions | 8 | §3.4 | evaluation of how promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing objectives | 10 | §3.5 | the analyse of the additional elements of the extended marketing mix | 12 | | outcome 4 – use of the marketing mix in different contexts | 14 | §4.1 | the plan of marketing mixes for two different segments in consumer markets | 14 | §4.2 | the illustration of differeces in marketing products and services to businesses rather than consumer | 16 | §4.3 | how and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing | 19 | | conclusion | 21 | | bibliografy and references | 22 |

introduction Marketing - “… the business activity that involves finding out what customers want, using that information to design products and services, and selling them effectively ...” [1] outcome 2 – the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning
§2.1 macro and micro environmental factors which influence marketing

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