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Unsuccessful Small Group Communication Analysis

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uccessful small groups can be marked by a range of different communication behaviors. A large part of communicating is Listening. In order to communicate with the group properly you must listen to all of the individuals to get a full understanding of what they are saying so you can respond properly. Non-verbal behaviors are also just as important. For an example looking at people when they speak or nodding your head when you agree with something. Another important thing to remember when communicating is to make clear statements. If you want your group to preform a certain task it is important they clearly understand what the goal is. Groups also communicate with each other through deliberating and discussing. When in a group it is important for others to feel they are important in order for the group to be successful. If members do not feel important or utilized this will lower moral and motivation. To avoid this respond to other people and engage them by agreeing or adding on what they say. A group may also want to brainstorm to avoid unproductive conflict and avoid groupthink. A way to improve the groups productivity constructive criticism or feedback is important. Communication styles can vary according to group dynamics. For an example a small group that is …show more content…
There are several different types of leadership roles we see in small groups. Leaders need to clearly communicate their goals in order for the team to be successful. As a leader it is helpful to assign roles and delegate tasks to different individuals based on their skills and knowledge. When speaking to the group as a whole it is important to communicate in a life giving way. Non-verbal communication is also important. If a group feels that its leader is not focused or does not know how to complete the task at hand it will lower the moral of the other group members resulting in a less productive task

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