...Roles and Responsibilities for IT Projects Project Title | [type the project title here] | Project Manager | | Document Version & Change History & Update Date | | | Title | Role | Name | Project Sponsor | Commissions the team to deliver the project and champions the cause throughout the project. Typically a senior member of staff with a relevant area of responsibility that will be affected by the outcome of the project. This may be a senior executive, director, or program manager. The sponsor is continually involved, including defining the project and actively reviewing the progress. | (Name of Individual) | Responsibilities | * Ultimate authority and responsibility for the success of the project. * Communicates on behalf of the project or defers to Project Manager. * Garners commitment from other key stakeholders. * Assures availability of essential project resources. * Approves the budget and decides tolerance levels. * Authorizes and approves/rejects “Project Change Requests” issues that affect Scope, Cost, Time or Quality which are outside of tolerance levels. * Leads the project steering committee. * Facilitates organizational level problem solving and ensures escalated risks/issues are resolved. * Makes key decisions on changes, risks, conflicting objectives and any other issue that is outside of the project manager's designated authority. * Negotiates a path through complex diplomatic areas of the project...
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...The Role of the Project Manager The Project Manager is responsible for carrying out the more detailed day-to-day management of project activities. These responsibilities include: * acting as the single point of contact during project delivery; * managing Delivery Stage activities of the project in accordance with the NPMS. This includes: * providing support to the Project Leader during the development of all Identification Stage deliverables; * preparing the Project Management Plan; * initiating the request for a PRAC meeting and providing the related documents as per the National Project Management System Real Property Procedure on Project Reviews; * organizing the project using planning and analytical tools for work breakdown, responsibility assignments, and schedule preparation; * estimating the benefits and costs for project options; * assessing risk and planning for risk mitigation; * planning to phase the project where necessary or appropriate; * entering project costs and maintaining accurate forecasts in the current PWGSC corporate business management systems (i.e. SIGMA, etc.); * monitoring the project progress to ensure conformance to the Project Management Plan and updating the Plan as necessary; * monthly reporting of progress to internal management (Project Leader, Team and to Treasury Board (TB) if required); and providing input to briefing notes, TB submissions and other documentation as required...
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...Global Finance Risk Assessment Introduction What is project management? What are the roles of a project manager? What are the various industries that employ project managers? Are there some industries that experience more success with project management than others? These are some of the questions that will be explored in this essay. Project Management as a Discipline and Its Role What is project management? Before examining project management, it is important to understand a project. The Project Management Institute defines a project as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.” This means that its start and end date is defined with a scope and resources (PMI, 2015). The Institute goes on to further state that a project is “unique” and “not a routine operation” but one that is created for a specific goal. Individuals for this team are often from many different fields of employment and can be from different physical locations. There are numerous tasks that are projects. For example, the involvement of the Red Cross following Hurricane Katrina, the update of Microsoft Office, and the building of the Eiffel Tower are all examples of projects. With a clear understanding of a project, one can examine project management. The idea of project management has been in existence for thousands of years but has only recently been recognized as a specific profession in the 20th century (PMI, 2015). This concept is very similar to a quarterback on...
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..."The Project Office" Please respond to the following: •*From the scenario, compare and contrast two (2) important types of project organizations. Next, examine one (1) advantage and disadvantage of each type that you have chosen. Support your response with real-world examples of such advantages and disadvantages. •The project management office is an organization/department developed to support the project manager in carrying out his duties. Determine the type of project office that exists in your current or past organization and analyze how closely it resembles the model project management offices described in the Kerzner text. If a project office does not exist in your current or past organization, provide a rationale for or against establishing a project office and describe its type. BONUS TOPIC: Change is hard, it is easy to get into a routine. In the week 1 "Instructors Insight" area, I posted an excellent Youtube video on how to study so you don't fail. Watch the video and if you are an over-achiever, the other related videos :). Then specifically state what what you learned about your own study habits and how you are going to improve in this area. The post needs to be substantial (4 to 5 sentences), specific and well thought out AND be sure and put "BONUS TOPIC" in the subject line. Remember, this must be done in addition to your other 2 Quality post for the regular topic. From the scenario, compare and contrast two (2) important types of project organizations...
Words: 1443 - Pages: 6
...What is the role of a Project Manager? Project managers are the point people responsible for coordinating activities of project team members to achieve project objectives. Whereas project team members tend to have narrowly focused skills and expertise, and are primarily concerned with day-to-day functions, Project Managers focus equal attention on near- and long-term activities. Historically the role of Project Manager focused on the larger, more technical projects. However, in recent years it is being applied to a variety of smaller, less technical projects as well. The Project Management function has received a lot of attention over the last 10 years and has become a highly desired competency in most organizations. Specifically, what are the responsibilities of a Project Manager? A true Project Manager is responsible for effectively and efficiently: • Defining the scope of projects; • Developing project schedules; • Estimating project costs; • Gaining stakeholders’ approvals; • Measuring project progress; • Controlling project changes; • Closing out projects. Why are soft skills important to being a great Project Manager? The common thread running through all the essential skills needed to be a great Project Manager is working with people. Whether it’s defining the scope of a project, exercising change control or closing a project out, the more comfortable Project Managers are with interacting with people the more successful...
Words: 2642 - Pages: 11
...Project Roles and Responsibilities This template can be used to define roles and responsibilities – Below is a few typical examples of the different types of roles involved in delivering a project and their respective responsibilities. Title Project Manager Role The person responsible for developing, in conjunction with the Project Sponsor, a definition of the project. The Project Manager then ensures that the project is delivered on time, to budget and to the required quality standard (within agreed specifications). He/she ensures the project is effectively resourced and manages relationships with a wide range of groups (including all project contributors). The Project Manager is also responsible for managing the work of consultants, allocating and utilising resources in an efficient manner and maintaining a co-operative, motivated and successful team. Responsibilities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Managing and leading the project team. Recruiting project staff and consultants. Managing co-ordination of the partners and working groups engaged in project work. Detailed project planning and control including: Developing and maintaining a detailed project plan. Managing project deliverables in line with the project plan. Recording and managing project issues and escalating where necessary. Resolving cross-functional issues at project level. Managing project scope and change control and escalating issues where necessary. Monitoring project progress and performance....
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...Project Management Institute (PMI) defines project as “a temporary endeavour undertaken to produce a unique product, service or result”. The PMBOK Guide definition of project management is “application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. Project management is accomplished through the application and integration of the project management processes of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. Project manager plays a vital role in project management as there is a big need of such a person who can control, manage, support, facilitate, and direct people working for project and project as well. Because it cannot be done by robots. Leadership can make a project perfect and it can be provided through a project manager. He is responsible to get the work done on time, within budget (not exceeding the projected cost) and scope, at the correct performance level, and to make sure expected outcomes of that particular project are achieved. He provides the resources that team members need to perform their tasks and he tries to exploit resources up to optimum level, and make right use of them effectively because it affects cost. Project Manager aligns the purpose of project with the values, mission and vision of organization. It is mandatory to deal with people effectively because they are the foundations of project. Manager alone can do nothing as it is a team work. Therefore, He deals with the...
Words: 452 - Pages: 2
...Managerial Roles of a Project Manager Sara Guenther Liberty University The Project Management Institute defines project management as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements” (PMI, 2013). Using a combination of human and non-human resources, project management is designed to provide a sustained management for an organization to achieve an objective. In a journal article, And Then Came Complex Project Management, Stephen Whitty and Harvey Maylor state that “project management is recognized to be the key enabler of business change and a vital contributor to future business success” (Whitty & Maylor, 2004). To achieve these objectives, the project manager steps in. They are the people “assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives” (PMI, 2013). The Project Management role has become more and more necessary in today’s economy. Businesses have become more reliant on the projects within their corporation to achieve the organizational goals. There is a growing need for more cost-efficient, higher quality and faster projects, which increases the demand for well-developed and experienced project managers. In a structural survey, “research shows that the number of roles undertaken by a project manager changes with age and also the nature of the roles undertaken moves with the maturity of the project manager” (Sommerville, Craig & Hendry...
Words: 3658 - Pages: 15
...What is the role of a Project Manager? Project managers are the point people responsible for coordinating activities of project team members to achieve project objectives. Whereas project team members tend to have narrowly focused skills and expertise, and are primarily concerned with day-to-day functions, Project Managers focus equal attention on near- and long-term activities. Historically the role of Project Manager focused on the larger, more technical projects. However, in recent years it is being applied to a variety of smaller, less technical projects as well. The Project Management function has received a lot of attention over the last 10 years and has become a highly desired competency in most organizations. Specifically, what are the responsibilities of a Project Manager? A true Project Manager is responsible for effectively and efficiently: • Defining the scope of projects; • Developing project schedules; • Estimating project costs; • Gaining stakeholders’ approvals; • Measuring project progress; • Controlling project changes; • Closing out projects. Why are soft skills important to being a great Project Manager? The common thread running through all the essential skills needed to be a great Project Manager is working with people. Whether it’s defining the scope of a project, exercising change control or closing a project out, the more comfortable Project Managers are with interacting with people the more successful...
Words: 2642 - Pages: 11
...Project management is not easy but tough, however, the project still success in completion and handover if a Project Manager have the following roles and responsibilities imposed into the project as earlier as possible in the whole project life cycle: Interface management 1. Interface between project and clients - Deal with the clients for getting the project requirement and specification, especially the complication for stakeholders; - Ensure the integrity including conflicting demands, client, and engineering or production department 2. Interface between project and upper management - Keep notice of the project progress to senior management - Report about the projects status, cost, timing, and performance - More the communication to top management , more their supports 3. Interface between project and Contractor, Consultant & Authorities - Negotiate with those people as much as possible - Negotiate working contribute to the project - Better communication avoids misunderstanding, help for easy seek for approach - Reasonably supportive to them will get the work smooth 4. Interface between project and suppliers & sub-contractors - Ensure their works finished on time - Prepare contingency plan (i.e. risk management) if any problem occurs. Resource management 1. Manpower management - Design how many engineers and workers in the project - Know when to allocate additional manpower during the project life cycle time. 2. Procurement...
Words: 348 - Pages: 2
...Leadership Roles 1 Leadership Roles in a Small-Group Project Merlla McLaughlin Professor Bushnell Communications 102 February 22, 2004 Source: Andrea A. Lunsford (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004) Leadership Roles 2 Abstract Using the interpersonal communications research of J. K. Brilhart and G. J. Galanes, as well as that of W. Wilmot and J. Hocker, along with T. Hartman’s Personality Assessment, I observed and analyzed the leadership roles and group dynamics of my project collaborators in a communications course. Based on results of the Hartman Personality Assessment, I predicted that a single leader would emerge. However, complementary individual strengths and gender differences encouraged a distributed leadership style, in which the group experienced little confrontation. Conflict, because it was handled positively, was crucial to the group’s progress. Source: Andrea A. Lunsford (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004) Leadership Roles 3 Leadership Roles in a Small-Group Project While classroom lectures provide students with volumes of information, many experiences can be understood only by living them. So it is with the workings of a small, task-focused group. What observations can I make after working with a my peers on a class project? And what have I learned as a result? Leadership Expectations and Emergence The six members of this group were selected by the instructor; half were male and half were female. By performing the Hartman Personality Assessment (Hartman, 1998)...
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...A project manager has imperative position within an organization. This person will encounter many challenges. The most significant challenges is ensuring that as a team all various aspects of the situation are brought together to finish the project on time. A good project manager must be able to lead and guide the team to work together on complex matters and reach their goal on time. It is also vitally important to reach the goal within budget. Uphold the team enthusiasm and stay motivated to achieve the goal of the project. Keeping up with all aspects of the project and ensure that the project is being carried out satisfactory. “A project manager is the person with the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.” (Project Management Institute, Inc. 2008 pg. 6) A project manager is responsible for many tasks through out the process. This person will be accountable for planning, managing and implementation of all trade shows, partners and customer events. Most projects will have limited resources and a budget. The project manager will be responsible for the entire project and should over see all scheduling and changes that are made to the project in it entirety. Project management is accountable for planning all aspects of the project in it entirety. Developing the project and being creative that stands out from the rest. This person will hand pick their team to assist in completing or developing the project...
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...Purpose of Project Project Purpose The determination of this project was to analyse project in the light of our course requirement. Which is MS Project. Project Description Shadab & Company is a reliable company in construction industry. It active in building projects for the last couple of years. The main purpose of Shadab & Company is to fulfil the needs of customers and satisfy them by providing first class construction and satisfy them by providing best possible solutions regarding construction. We provide better life to our clients at reasonable cost. Our Company just contracted a contract of construction of house in Murree with Mr Talha. He floats a request along with their specification and necessities and choose our company for...
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...ROLE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. INTRODUCTION 1. Background of Management Information Systems The concept of Management information system (MIS) has been in existence as early as the 19th Century. Works of majorly were in the form of tabulated cards which could be counted and sorted commonly referred to us punch – cards. The punch-cards still remembered by many, could capture elements of information keyed in on punch-card machines; the cards were then processed by other machines some of which could print out results of tallies. Each card was the equivalent of what today would be called a database record, with different areas on the card treated as fields. The initial idea of MIS was to process data from the organization and present it in the form of reports at regular basis. The system was largely capable of handling the data from collection to processing. It was more impersonal requiring each individual to pick and choose the processed data and use for his requirements. This concept was further modified when a distinction was made between data and information. Information is a product of analysis of data. However the data could be analyzed in different ways producing different shades and specification of information as a product. It therefore demanded that the system concept be an individual oriented since each individual has different orientation. This concept was further modified that the system should present information in such...
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...C Project Management Team roles C.1 Project Board The Project Board is appointed by corporate or Programme management to provide overall direction and management of the project. The Project Board is accountable for the success of the project, and has responsibility and authority for the project within the remit (the Project Mandate) set by corporate or Programme management. The Project Board is the project’s ‘voice’ to the outside world and is responsible for any publicity or other dissemination of information about the project. C.1.1 Specific responsibilities The Project Board approves all major plans and authorises any major deviation from agreed stage plans. It is the authority which signs off the completion of each stage as well as authorises the start of the next stage. It ensures that required resources are committed and arbitrates on any conflicts within the project or negotiates a solution to any problems between the project and external bodies. In addition, it approves the appointment and responsibilities of the Project Manager and any delegation of its project assurance responsibilities. The Project Board has the following responsibilities. It is a general list and will need tailoring for a specific project. At the beginning of the project: assurance that the Project Initiation Document complies with relevant Customer standards and policies, plus any associated contract with the Supplier agreement with the Project Manager on that person’s responsibilities...
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