...Urbanization Although modern communications technology has made it easier for people to communicate, urbanization apparently is still available. In the article Behind Instagram’s Success, Kevin Systrom uses telecommunication to carry out the many details of his business to colleagues and potential investors. Modern communication technology plays an important role in Mr. Systroms business because it not only helps his company grow but it also makes it easier for him to transact over long distance without having to travel or having to make himself available for face- to -face meetings. Mr. Systrom also uses the old way of networking. He uses his personal contacts to meet investors, managers, technical experts, buyer and sellers. UBS, also known as one of the largest Banks in North America, has considered relocating in New York City for many reasons. Relocating in New York City will help the firm succeed by attracting a talented, motivated work force. Relocating In New York City means that UBS employees would have to perform their job duties by physical contact rather than by telecommuting with their clients. Instagram's location in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay area helped Mr. Systrom find investors and also some of the best technicians in the area. Locating in Silicon Valley also gave Mr. Systrom the opportunity to meet Marc Andreessen, a venture capitalist who wrote him a check for $250,000 and also helped him form connections with people of enormous expertise...
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...Homework # 1 Younger people are driving less and less today because of cultural changes such as new technology as well as a poor economy. The “Millenials” and young people of “Generation Y” no longer see it as imperative that they get their license immediately upon turning sixteen. Instead they have waited longer and been relying more on social media such as Facebook and smartphones to communicate with each other rather than driving everywhere as teenagers did in the past. According to an article by Jordan Weissmann, “Young people are buying fewer cars than ever before, just 21 percent ages 21-34 while in 1985 it was 38 percent”. (Weissmann) Not only are young people driving less because social media is more convenient, it is cheaper too. Programs like Facebook are free and smartphones and other devices are becoming less and less expensive. In a poor economy such as ours, young people would rather buy a cheaper smart phone than put payments down on a car. Not only do teenagers not want to get a license early or buy a car, but they don’t even want to buy gas for it. Gas has been more expensive than ever and teenagers weigh this con as another reason not to drive somewhere and instead Skype their friends online. For example, “The average number of miles driven by people younger than 35 fell by 25 percent according to survey data compiled by the U>S Transportation Department. (Arizona Republic) Teenagers do not want to buy gas, and for good reason, very few have jobs. “Youth...
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...The Impact of the Economic Globalization on Urban and Rural Spaces The world is experiencing the largest wave of urban growth in history. For the first time ever, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities. This rapid urbanization trend is fueled by globalization and should concern all of us because it will continue to effect the way we live for many years to come. In order to survive in the globalizing world we need to become educated of the global economy and figure out how to benefit from it. With this in mind we first need to understand how the globalizing economy impacts cities and rural places worldwide. Many cites around the globe are continuing to expand and integrate themselves into the global economy. Likewise, processes related to economic globalization continue to extend and affect even the remotest rural places. Thus, challenging the distinction between urban and rural spaces. To understand how the globalization economy impacts cities we need to be familiar with the economic globalization. This term refers to the process which integrates economies between cities which has lead to the emergence of a global market. In other words it’s the rapid increase of interdependence between national economies worldwide facilitated by the increasing movement of goods, services, technology and capital internationally. The new global economy calls for highly specialized markets and firms which are concentrated in global cities. This makes cities places...
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...Theorising the peri-urban As a result of the rapid growth of cities across Nigeria, peri-urban settlements, referred to as transition zones, where urban and rural activities exist side by side have experienced rapid alterations induced by human activities (Thando & Gwebu, 2013). Furthermore, to understand this dynamics of change in peri-urban settlements, different scholars have undertaken a myriad of studies with a view to explaining the patterns, determinants, impacts and policy implications of the spatial expansion of cities in the developing world. Most of these present-day discussions of peri-urban settlements emphasize patterns of change, mainly resulting from infringement from a neighbouring city as explained in their expressions....
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...Urbanization Insert Name Here Insert Affiliation Here Urbanization/CASE Urbanization refers to the reallocation from a rustic to an urban social order due to shifts in global variants. It is a product of economic, political and social advancement that has paved the way for the emergence of large metropolis, cause a spike in the population density of the region. A survey predicted that half of the earth’s inhabitants would reside in urban centers towards the end of 2008 (United Nations). Intimately connected to the processes of modernization, industrialization and rationalization, the phenomenon has it genesis in the Renaissance period. Continuous attacks by the Turks caused the Christians to migrate from the east to the west of Europe. Consequently, the volume of trade rose and European cities besides the coastline progresses impressively. An additional push was given to urbanization upon the advent of the Industrial Revolution; the population density of European and American cities continued to intensify. For instance, the city of Chicago saw it population rise from fifteen individuals to over twenty million in a timeframe of seventy eight year. Yet, the phenomenon took hold of the Asian and African region only after sovereignty from colonial subjugation; in the first and second half of the 20th century, respectively (Howard Gillette Jr.). As mentioned before, the process of urbanization takes place when individuals abandon their rural lifestyle and migrate to...
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...Urbanization is defined as a population shift from rural areas to urban areas. Due to China’s economic boom, China is currently experiencing a rapid movement of people from rural areas to urban areas. The article, “The End of Agricultural in China” estimates that one-quarter of China’s rural population, about 200 million people, are moving to urban areas in search of work. This movement of people has resulted in urban areas having to expand to in order to accommodate the increase in population. But as a law of physics states, with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore as urban areas increase in size and population this has resulted in rural areas both decreasing in size and in population. As globalization becomes more common, many businesses and companies have looked to China as a country that shows a great potential for expansion and investment. As a result China is experiencing a tremendous growth in their economy. Urban areas in China have expanded with new buildings and factories being built to keep up with demand. But this urban expansion has come at the cost of losing agricultural land. Many farmers who owned land in rural areas are losing their land as the government has mandated the land be sold to the state so the state can then turnaround and sell it to companies looking to build factories in China. This had led to farmland that was once abundant with agricultural crops, now being used to house factories. As the article states, seizure...
Words: 668 - Pages: 3
... http://jtlu.org . 6 . 1 [2013] pp. 7–24 http://dx.doi.org/10.5198/jtlu.v1.425 Linking urban transport and land use in developing countries Robert Cervero University of California, Berkeley a e mobility challenges of the developing world are considerably different than those in wealthier, advanced countries, and so are the challenges of coordinating transportation and land use. Rapid population growth, poverty and income disparities, overcrowded urban cores, poorly designed road networks, spatial mismatches between housing and jobs, deteriorating environmental conditions, and economic losses from extreme traffic by congestion are among the more vexing challenges faced by developing cities that could be assuaged through improved coordination of transportation and urban development. is is underscored by examples reviewed in this paper from South Asia, Southeast Asia, China, India, Africa, and South America. It is concluded that whatever is done to improve transportation and land-use integration must be pro-poor. e cardinal features of integrated and sustainable transport and urbanism everywhere—accessible urban activities and safe, attractive walking and cycling environs—are particularly vital to the welfare and prosperity of urbanites in the world’s poorest countries. Abstract: Keywords: Urban transportation; land use; Developing cities; Air quality; Poverty 1 The challenges of rapid growth in developing cities e...
Words: 11398 - Pages: 46
...inquiry - University of Witwatersrand’s Urban Framework Design Development Analysis in its Architectural Design Concepts and Strategies. Buildings analysed and compared in research proposal: School Of Construction Economics and Management Building, University of Witwatersrand by Michael Scholes and Associate Architects. (discussed in Assignment 1) Wits Science Stadium, University of Witwatersrand by Savage and Dodd Architects in collaboration with Urban Solutions, Urban Design Framework proposed by Ludwig Hansen Architects & Urban Designers. Following Assignment 1, I now analyse WSS and its design strategies that are used to achieve the objectives of the universities urban framework design development scheme and compare them to the strategies used in the design of the CEM building. Key questions developed from urban framework document investigation- What are the architectural design concepts and strategies incorporated in the respective buildings, which relate to the primary goal and the individual main objectives of the University of Witwatersrand established urban framework Intended layout of the essay - • Intro: Brief History into the urban framework of the University of Witwatersrand and its development. • Discussion of problems acknowledged in existing urban framework • Explain and discuss the new urban framework design scheme and how it aims to enrich the urban fabric and resolve existing problems in urban the urban framework. • Discuss the primary goal and...
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...growing significantly in size and number with the continuation of mass migration. At the start of the 20th century only about 17.8% of the entire population of a third world country lived in a city, but today the proportion of urban and rural dwellers is approximately equal, in-fact today 3 Billion of the world’s population are urban residents, accounting for half the world’s population at the rate of a 180,000 people moving into cities each day (60 Million a year). It is projected that at this rate many of the cities in developing regions of the world such as Africa and Asia may double in size to compensate to this process. Rapid urbanization has presented a series of issues in the third world and has thus been a leading factor in shaping third world politics. Urbanization in the third world has drastically increased by as much as 50% over the last century. For instance Bangladesh has an urbanization rate of 3.5% resulting in 27% of the country’s population being urban settlers; which has been on the rise over the past century from a mere 1.1% urbanization rate. Urbanization was in part the result of population increase, both due to natural causes and immigration. This has been a common characteristic with third world urbanization. Drastic increases with urban populations with drops in rural populations, the process can be attributed into two categories of...
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...Robert Hayes II Geog 413 Midterm November 10, 2013 Megacities or Suburbs? Urbanization and growth rely on each other like cause and effect. However; when one asks does urbanization trigger economic growth and development, or is economic growth and development the result of urbanization is like asking which came first the chicken or the egg? Urbanization and growth rely on each other, however; does there come a point in which the diseconomies start to outweigh the benefits of agglomeration? Annez and Buckley state in Urbanization and Growth: Setting the Context that “Urbanization is necessary to sustain growth in developing countries.” Annez and Buckley point out that urbanization affects the growth process through the enhanced flow of ideas and knowledge attributable to agglomeration in cities. They drew in evidence from Landes (1969 cited in Willamson 1987, p. 6) whom believes “Urbanization is an essential ingredient in modernization”. (Anez & Buckley p. 1 & 2) Industrialization is triggered by urbanization which leads to modernization. Modernization leads to economic development which allows people to use current technology. Part of the modernization process is education and creation of a centralized bureaucracy. These creations enable their people to advance and compete in the modern world. All these concepts are related and rely on each other. Annez and Buckley show in several graphs as countries become urbanized their GDP rises. In almost every...
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...of Nassau and its immediate environs. Understandably, they more easily identified with the town in which they lived rather than the expanse beyond the actual and imagined town-limits. We call residents of Nassau, Nassuvians. Yet, unlike Abaconians, Cat Islanders and Inaguans, what is the demonym for those of us who live at New Providence? During the 20th century the population of Nassau climbed significantly through a combination of high birth rates among Bahamians and an influx of immigrants from Haiti who also tended to have high birth rates. The influx of Family Islanders also boosted the capital island’s numbers. Beginning around the middle of the last century, the mutual forces of majority rule and black economic empowerment ignited an urban expansion. With considerable rapidity, the majority of the island’s population shifted beyond Nassau. Urbanization has engendered many benefits as well as significant challenges for New Providence. These varied challenges include ongoing infrastructural needs in the areas of housing, ground transportation networks, public services and facilities, and reliable utilities, among others. There are also a complex of sociological challenges including increased crime and violence, social alienation by some and the changing nature of social networks such as neighbourhoods. The environmental and health challenges related to urbanization are also significant. What we are continuing to get our hands and collective imagination...
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...India India urbanized rapidly. The urban population in India at the beginning of the 20th century was about 25.8 million constituting 10.8 % of the total population in 1901. The problem with urbanization arose when the definition of urban center could not be standardized in the first Census which was conducted after gaining independence and also because of massive rural-urban migration which occurred due to partition of the country. The highest level was noted during 1970 (3.8%). It increased to 286.1 million comprising 27.8 % of the total population in 2001. The average annual growth rate of the urban population was 2.37 % in 2001. There was a slight decrease in the period of 2005-2010, and annual growth rate was 2.31%. However, with the beginning of 2011, the situation changed to 2.76%. It is predicted that this number will only increase. Industrialization started with the help of first Prime Minister. It was a key to alleviating poverty. Thus, India gave priority to heavy industry and neglected agriculture. The government was allowed to regulate all basic business decisions. Beginning of 1980 brought mild trends of deregulation together with economic reforms and liberation of trade and financial policies. In 1991, there was adopted a major reform program. The government promoted competitive economy and foreign investments. Global integration was encouraged with a significant reduction in the usage of important tariffs and licenses. In 1993, trade was completely free. An average...
Words: 586 - Pages: 3
...As an African nation experiencing the phenomenon of urbanization in expanded scale and in prominent pervasiveness, Nigeria is generally perceived as a newly-emerged modern state, which is characterized by rapid industrialization and extensive urbanization (Jiboye,2011).In particular, the term “State” is defined as the politically organized people of a particular land(Antai& Moradi, 2010). When it comes to the cohesion and stability of modernized state, it refers to the condition of a system which is the condition of Nigeria as a whole. In this essay, the threats on the cohesion and stability of Nigeria induced by industrialization and urbanization are assessed in threefold: health threats, criminal threat and threat regarding food insecurity. The aforementioned threats to be analyzed are intertwined with the concept of urbanization and industrialization and the repercussions of food insecurity and the physical health threat in urbanized cities are interrelated with the criminal threat, which could be accounted by mental illness(Antai& Moradi, 2010). With this introductory overview, the essay proceeds to outline the modern situation of urbanization and industrialization in Nigeria with definitions conceptualized. The following part is an evaluation of the health threats comprised of two section, in which the overcrowding issue is explored and illustrative case study focusing on health surveillance in Niger Delta is examined. The next part dwells on the positive correlation between...
Words: 1572 - Pages: 7
...Urban Geography * Urban is a matter of scale * Large size * High density * Vertical geography * Social heterogeneity * What is the minimum population to be categorized as a city in the US? * 2,500 * Physical Definition of a City * Central City – delimited municipality within which local government has legal authority * Urbanized Area – central city plus surrounding built-up suburbs (DOES NOT correspond to government boundaries) * MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) – functional area of a city- zone of influence * Central city * Urbanized area with at least 50,000 * County within which city is located * Adjacent counties with high pop. Density plus large % of people work in central city’s county (includes land area that is NOT urban) * Micropolitan Statistical Area – smaller urbanized areas between 10,000-50,000 plus the county in which it is located * Newberry is an example * Consolidated MSA – overlapping MSAs (conurbation) * Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, NY and to Boston (Megalopolis) * 1/4th of every American lives there * Megacity – city with more than 10 million inhabitants * About 30 of these exist * Urbanization – process by which the population is cities grow * 2008 – urban/rural = 51/49 * Larger % Urban = higher level of development in the country * Cities occupy < 1% of Earth’s...
Words: 764 - Pages: 4
...city’ is a notion popularly cited among planning academics and practitioners in describing some strategic places in the world economy. Pioneer researchers in this area define global cities as basing points of capital in a world economy (Friedmann, 1986: 71); production centres of specialized information services such as financial services, media services, educational and health services, and centres of tourism (Hall, 1998: 24); and centres for servicing and financing international trade, investment and headquarters operations (Sassen, 2004: 171). Summarizing those perspectives and recognizing the influence of a new economy, which can be characterized as informational, global and networked (Castells, 2000: 27), global cities can be seen as the urban nodes where globalization materializes so that they are (1) highly concentrated command points in the organization of the world economy; (2) key locations for finance and specialized service firms; (3) sites of production of innovation; (4) markets for the products and innovations produced (Sassen, 2001: 3 and 4). Taylor (2004) has argued that these perspectives involve understanding just the attributes of cities and suggests that the key roles of global city are shaped by the relationships and connections they have with the rest of the world. He illustrates a hierarchy of cities reflecting such relationships by analyzing the location of advanced producer service firms and produces. Olds and Yeung (2004) provide a comprehensive coverage of other...
Words: 47333 - Pages: 190