...Geographical process that are always shaping Australian cities. control these issues within a city is a key role of geographers as they work to make cities attractive, well-organized and sustainable areas to live. don Urban growth is the expansion of city both spatially and in population size which can occur in both inner and outer areas of a city. Urban decline is the physical decay of an urban area, occurring due to the close-down or relocation of industries and business dan The Government has done and is in the process of doing many management plans to help with Urban growth and decline. To support people to go to Rural areas, the government is giving tax breaks and reasons to new immigrants to move to these places. . There are many government decisions and responses. These include the City-West Redevelopment Program. was when the government constructed new urban infrastructure in the city of Pyrmont such as roads, lighting, communication, water, sewerage and cable. This government response is highly effective because it brought 22,000 residents as it was an affordable housing program, which built houses which had water views and it also brought a working population of 26,000 people. don is The Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority. This administered the urban renewal of Ultimo-Pyrmont. This is a very effective response as it aims to coordinate the three levels of government, the private sector and the community to improve social equity and environmental sustainability...
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...Urban Growth and Decline Decisions made by individuals, groups and governments regarding urban growth and decline, are ways in which each are involved in addressing the issue. Urban growth and decline are the geographical processes that are constantly shaping Australian cities. Managing these issues within a city is a key role of geographers as they work to make cities desirable, efficient and sustainable areas to live. This response will examine range of decisions made by governments, groups and individuals. Therefore this response will explain how decision making by individuals, groups and governments, is involved in addressing urban growth and decline. The various Governments have been involved in the decision making process, in order to address urban growth and decline. There are many government decisions and responses. These include the City-West Redevelopment Program, the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and the Honeysuckle Development Corporation. The City-West Redevelopment Program was when the government constructed new urban infrastructure in the city of Pyrmont such as roads, lighting, communication, water, sewerage and telecommunication. This government response is highly effective because it brought 22,000 residents as it was an affordable housing program, which built houses which had water views and it also brought a working population of 26,000 people. Another government response is The Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority. This administered the urban renewal...
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...Urban Growth and Decline CHANGE OVER TIME The spatial nature of Sydney has changed over time. In the 1830s, Sydney was a `walking' city with densely populated urban areas such as Redfern, Woolloomooloo and Paddington close to the central business district (CBD). After 1880, Sydney evolved into a transit city due to the building of railways, which encouraged the growth of suburbs such as Parramatta. In 1932, the Harbour Bridge was opened, providing a transport link and faster access to North Shore suburbs such as Pymble. The evolution to an automobile city began after World War II and saw the growth of suburbs north (Cherrybrook), south (Menai) and west (St Marys). Faster road and rail links and the availability of cheaper housing eventually led to the development of dormitory towns for commuters in the Wollongong, Central Coast and Blue Mountains areas. URBAN SPRAWL In the 1970s and 1980s, Australian cities tended to continually grow outwards in a process known as urban sprawl. Increasing car ownership and the development of freeways gave people greater choice in where they could live and work. The development of new housing on the rural±urban fringe also encouraged the development of shops, schools, medical centres, industries and recreational facilities to support the growing population. The impact of urbanisation in these outer areas has been a loss of natural environments and changes to rural land use on the edge...
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...population lived in urban areas. With the urban population growing two and a half times faster than its rural counterpart, the level of urbanisation is projected to cross the 50 per cent mark in 2005. United Nations projections further show that by 2025, more than three- fifth of the world population will live in urban areas (U. N. 1993). The growth rate of urban population of developing regions has been declining recently. It was estimated to be 3.9 per cent per annum during 1980-85, which declined to 3.79 per cent per annum during 1980-85, 3.62, and 3.43 during 199095 and 1995-2000 respectively. The decline in the rate of urbanisation is also continuing in developed regions of the world. As a result, some of the European countries have experienced negative urbanisation during 80s ( U. N. 1993 ). However, the continued absence, namely, adequate data on rural to urban migration in most developing countries as well as on natural increase in rural and urban areas separately precludes attribution of the slowing down of urban growth in most of the countries to any single demographic process. It reflects the effects the host of factors like the relatively week expansion of urban industries and price shifts unfavourable to manufactured goods, population aging, policies to alter migration and spatial distribution patterns in some countries, and no doubt other forces (Brockerhoff , 1998;1999 ). The arguments of Kelly and William (1984a; 1984b) that the slow growth of agricultural land...
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...BUS530 MACROECONOMICS ECONOMIC GROWTH & POVERTY REDUCTION IN BANGLADESH Prepared by Aadil Choudhury 112 0322 660 Section 1 INTRODUCTION The relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction is not always automatic. To achieve poverty reduction, robust economic growth is necessary but not sufficient. The financial allocation and source of finance play a crucial role in implementing the development endeavor and achieving macroeconomic objectives like growth, employment, and price stability. Investing in some sectors of the economy may contribute to rapid economic growth while others may contribute to poverty reduction. Again there are some sectors which may contribute to achieving both growth and poverty reduction. BANGLADESH’S CHALLENGES IN ECONOMIC GROWTH & POVERTY REDUCTION Bangladesh has had some success in attaining economic growth and reducing poverty. But many more challenges lie ahead of us which we must face to eradicate poverty and move towards a poverty-free Bangladesh. Challenge of better monetary management The country has opted for following a selective credit control measures with expansionary credit policy to essential sectors and contractionary policies to luxury items. It has been following 'free-float currency' policy which appears to be a mere luxury with both export and import sectors of the country suffering from structural rigidities. Free float of Bangladesh currency along with erosion of dollar vis-a-vis other currencies...
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...While Pittsburgh has experienced some suburban sprawl and population decline, population density is still highest near the downtown core and vacant areas can be attributed to green spaces (Appendix D). Additionally while Detroit has twice the land mass of Pittsburgh, its population...
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... It will cause the number of marine animals to decline quickly. It eventually will upset the balance of entire marine ecosystems What is an externality? Who pays for the costs of externalities? Describe one positive externality and one negative externality of living near the ocean. An externality is a cost or benefit of a good or service that is not included in the purchase price of the good or service. Human...
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...Sharply rising energy and food prices have once again raised the spectre of the human population outstripping the planet's natural resources. Ever since Malthus, pessimists have believed that mankind is doomed due to overpopulation and over consumption, while optimists have argued that technological innovation will improve standards of living and that population growth is at most a minor issue (Lomborg, 2001 and Ehrlich, 2005). While this renewed debate at the global level receives widespread media attention, another less visible but equally important discussion of the impact of demographic trends and policy options is under way among the leaders of the least- developed countries. A large majority of these leaders agree that population growth and birth rates are too high (United Nations, 2007). In many developing countries, these concerns have led to action. Since the 1960s, alongside efforts to increase educational opportunity and improve health conditions, the main policy response to concern about rapid population growth has been the implementation of voluntary family planning programs that provide information about, and access to, contraceptives. In the developing world, 137 million women who don't want to get pregnant are not practicing contraception (United Nations, 2007). The key cause of this unmet need for contraception is that contraception is often quite costly to individuals in terms of commodities (pills, condoms, Intrauterine devices (IUDs) etc.), transportation...
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...91 : 98 : 101 • Demand Review and Growth Projections Ø CTVs Ø Refrigerators Ø Washing Machines Ø RACs • Costs and Profitability Analysis • Critical Success Factors • Impact Analysis • Player Profiles 3 : 117 : 127 : 140 : 151 : 164 : 186 : 196 : 203 Color Televisions: Recent Performance 4 Overview •Rising disposable incomes, growing aspirations of consumers, declining prices, shrinking replacement cycle for colour televisions (CTVs) helped the industry increase at a 5 per cent CAGR during 2006-07 to 2011-12. •However, in 2011-12, colour television sales (volume terms) declined by 1.3 per cent y-o-y to 12.8 million units. •This was mainly due to decline in sales of conventional colour TVs (CCTV) and flat colour TVs (FCTVs) by 28 per cent and 8 per cent, respectively and also due to slower growth in LCD segment. •Also high inflation and rising interest rates combined with weak consumer sentiment put pressure on the demand during 2011-12. LCD,LED segment record strong growth •The CCTV segment has been steadily losing ground in the past few years mainly due to the narrowing price differential between CCTVs and FCTVs and the comparative advantages offered by the latter segment. •In 2011-12, share of CCTVs, with total sales volume of 1.4 million units, declined to 11 per cent from 15 per cent in 2010-11. •During the same period, FCTV sales also declined by 8 per cent y-o-y to reach 7.7 million units. •FCTV sales in urban areas declined mainly due to shift in...
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...formed about 18.5 to 19 percent of the national population in the early 1990s, and numbered about 159 million at the time of the 1991 Census. Over 53 percent of them (85 million) were in the labour force. By 2001, the number of youth is projected to rise to 212 million, and the number of youth in the labour force to 107 million (almost 23.6 percent of the projected total labour force of 453 million). The data provided by the National Sample Survey Organisation confirm that the rate of unemployment among the youth, measured according to alternative concepts, exceeds the average for the general population by between 100 to 200 percent. The unemployed youth formed 40 to 50 percent of all the rural unemployed and 58 to 60 percent of the urban unemployed in terms of the weekly status. The range of...
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...CARITAS UNIVERSITY AMORJI-NIKE, ENUGU NAME: JOSEPH FLORENCE REG NO: URP/2012/064 COURSE: URBAN DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CODE: URP 212 LECTURER: PROF. ARTHUR DATE: FEBRUARY, 2015 URBAN PROBLEMS IN NIGERIA URBANIZATION IN NIGERIA Spurred by the oil boom prosperity of the 1970s and the massive improvements in roads and the availability of vehicles, Nigeria since independence has become an increasingly urbanized and urban oriented society. In 1970s, Nigeria had possibly the fastest urbanization growth rate in the world as a result of great influx of people into urban areas, in 1986; the growth rate was estimated to be close to 6% per year more than twice that of the rural population. Between 1970 and 1980, the population of Nigerians living in Urban areas was estimated to have grown from 16 to more than 20% and by 2010, urban population was expected to be more than 40% at the nation’s total population. Although Nigeria did not have the highest population or urban population in sub-Saharan Africa. It had larger cities and the highest total urban population at any sub-Saharan African country. Available data reveal that the population of Nigeria has been increasing at an alarming rate. Our towns and cities are growing rapidly. In 1921, the population of Nigeria was only 18.72 million. In 1952, it rose to 30.4 million and in 1963 to 55.67 million. The preliminary census data for 1991 (although the 1991 census figure...
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...With reference to examples, evaluate the success or otherwise of urban regeneration schemes in combating the causes and consequences of urban decline. (40 marks) Urban decline is the deterioration of the inner city often caused by lack of investment and maintenance. It is often but not exclusively accompanied by a decline in population numbers, decreasing economic performance and unemployment. There are many reasons for urban decline such as loss of industry through changing market conditions or a lack of withdrawal of government support, Political decisions – governments can favour some cities over others, and encourage the development of some areas over others. Outmigration of wealthier and more skilled people leaves a lesser qualified population behind, which means less skilled workers are taking the jobs, and not doing them right linking back to a loss of industry, really urban decline is one big cycle, and it’s very hard to escape. This is where urban regeneration schemes come into play, urban regeneration schemes are used to improve the appearance of our towns and cities and to regenerate the area by restoring confidence and attracting new investment. In most cases they are used to improve the appearance of public open spaces in the centres of our cities, towns and villages. There are various government led schemes to regenerate cities, I am going to write about three such schemes, in London, Bradford and Southampton, and evaluate the overall effectiveness of whether they...
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...Urban-rural Rising Income Inequality in China As a developing country, China is trying to develop its economy and solving the threat of poverty since the economic reform. As a well-known economist Arthur Lewis said that "development must be inegalitarian because it does not start in every part of the economy at the same time" in 1954 (Lewis, 1954). It is also true for China. The income inequality issue between poor and rich increased faster, which has a negative impact as China tries to become a more stable society. The gap between rich and poor is caused by complex factors. This paper is intended to discover and explain the issue of income inequality through urban-rural gap, and also give some suggestions according to today’s situation. Historical Analysis In pre-reform, China is very poor and has about 90% rural population (Knight et al., 2004). At that time, Gini coefficient measure income distribution is 0.280 (0 means perfect equality, and 1 means extreme inequality) (Naughton, 2007, p.217), which shows that Chinese people has almost equal income across the whole republic. Although it is good to show China is “one of the most equal countries in the world”(Naughton, 2007, p.217), the truth is that everyone is equally poor at the same time. In order to decline poverty and connect the new republic to the world, the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping institute market reform and said “let some people get rich first”(The economist, 2001). Since then, China has maintained rapid growth...
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...Evaluating the Growth of Australia based on Economical, Political, and Social Changes Laura Rutherford Southern New Hampshire University Abstract For this short paper we have been asked to select a region of our choice and research current events to further discuss how economic, political, and social changes will impact growth in our selected region. I have selected Australia for this discussion. It is a region that I know very little about, but have always wanted to visit. In my discussion I will evaluate Australia’s economic, political, and social changes in order to evaluate the continent’s growth. Australia has a population of 22,507,617 as of July 2014. The population growth rate is currently 1.09% (Central Intelligence Agency, 2014). Australia is comprised of six separate regions that are call states, and each state has their own capital. Australia’s economy has been quite strong over the years. They have experienced continuous growth, low unemployment, contained inflation, as well as very low public debt (Central Intelligence Agency, 2014). However Australia’s economic growth has been slower than expected these past few years. Between the months of July and September 2014, Australia reported a weaker-than-expected economic growth (BBC, 2014). A major cause of this inadequate growth is due to a large drop off in mining investments. Coal and iron ore are two of Australia’s biggest exports, and decreased prices have negatively affected economic growth. Analysts have...
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...World Cities The global pattern of urbanisation: millionaire cities, mega cities and world cities • At a global scale, rapid urbanisation has occurred over the last 50 years. • Almost 50% of the world’s population lives in towns and cities. 19% of the world’s population lives in cities of more than 1 million people. • The most urbanised continents are Europe, North and South America and Oceania and the least urbanised continents are Asia and Africa. • The number of urban dwellers is by far largest in Asia, with 1.4 billion people living in towns and cities (40% of the population). • Urbanisation is increasing most rapidly in Africa and Asia. • This trend is expected to continue so that by 2025 almost half the population of these continents will live in urban areas and 80% of urban dwellers will live in developing countries. • Increased global urbanisation has resulted in the development of many millionaire cities. • There is also a significant number of enormous megacities, some of which are classed as world cities. ❖ Millionaire cities are those with more than 1 million people. India and China have the most millionaire cities in the world. ❖ Megacities are those with more than 10 million people, of which there are 20 (15 in the developing world) ❖ World cities are those which have great influence on a global scale, because of their financial status and worldwide commercial power....
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