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Urban Migration On Aboriginal People

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Effects of Urban Migration on Aboriginal Peoples

Independent Study Seminar Project Since the start of the Residential School era, urban migration, the process of people moving from rural areas to cities, among Aboriginal peoples has been a common practice for many. Whether it is for educational or work-related purposes, this practice continues on today. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of urban migration on Aboriginal peoples and whether these effects have positively or negatively impacted their lives. The reason for leaving, how leaving affected migrants emotionally and/or mentally, social impacts, opportunities, challenges, impacts of family/life at home, and native culture were all factors looked at to determine the …show more content…
Surprisingly, most participants stated that they experienced little to no racism in their new surroundings. Debbie Jolly, a participant, stated in her interview: “There were a few social impacts I encountered, like racism. To my surprise it wasn’t with other students, it was with professors.” However, interestingly enough, participant Allan Jolly said in his interview: “There were some experiences with racism (on a few occasions), but those were few and far between… Some of my teachers were rooting for me to do well and finish my schooling.” Overall, the participants in the study did not typically experience racism, as encounters were meagre, if at all. Participants also stated that making new friends was easy and made the overall transition to life in the city a lot more …show more content…
This factor was all over the board as the participants in this study mentioned both good and bad impacts their absence had on their family and themselves. They explained that leaving home was hard for everyone and that they missed their family a lot while away but they also gained a better sense of appreciation for their family. For older generations, such as grandparents, seeing their family members leave most likely brought back memories of residential school and their own children leaving. Michael Jolly recalls what it was like leaving home after a visit: “My grandmother would cry as we hugged and would stand there in her window as I would drive away. I most likely took her back to the days of her children leaving for residential school and the pains and heartache it brought her.” At the perspective of a residential school survivor, Allan Jolly recalls the following: “Upon returning home, I didn’t seem to fit well into my own cultural setting and community life in general. Neither did I fit in the non-native culture that will either… I felt out of place at home because I couldn’t do the things my parents expected me to do as part of our way of life. I had not picked up bush-life skills that I would have learned otherwise from my parents had I not gone away [for school].” The experience of a residential school survivor

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