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Uruguay and Paraguay, are two of the smallest nations of South America, are often confused with one another because of their names are so similar. However, their differences are probably among the greatest between any two countries in Latin America and can be traced as far as the beginning of the Spanish conquest. Both countries developed around a city: Asuncion in the case of Paraguay, Montevideo in the case of Uruguay.
Uruguay's recent economic history can be divided into two starkly contrasting periods. During the first, from the late 1800s until the 1950s, Uruguay achieved remarkable growth and a high standard of living. Expanding livestock exports, principally beef, mutton, and wool accounted for this economic growth. Advanced …show more content…
The Spanish, however, found little of economic interest in their colony, which had no precious metals and no sea coasts. The typical feudal Spanish economic system did not dominate colonial Paraguay, although the encomienda. System was established. Economic relations were distinguished by the reducciones (reductions or townships) that were established by Jesuit missionaries from the early seventeenth century until the 1760s. The incorporation of Indians into these Jesuit agricultural communes laid the foundation for an agriculture-based economy that survived in the late twentieth …show more content…
Stroessner's economic policies took a middle course between social reform, desarrollismo, and laissez-faire, all in the context of patronage politics. Relative to previous governments, Stroessner took a fairly active role in the economy but reserved productive activities for the local and foreign private sectors. The new government's primary economic task was to arrest the country's rampant and spiraling price instability. In 1955 Stroessner fired the country's finance minister, who was unwilling to implement reforms, and in 1956 accepted an International Monetary Fund (IMF) stabilization plan that abolished export duties, lowered import tariffs, restricted credit, devalued the currency, and implemented strict austerity measures. Although the sacrifice was high, the plan helped bring economic stability to Paraguay. Labor unions retaliated with a major strike in 1958, but the new government, now firmly established, quelled the uprising and forced many labor leaders into exile; most of them remained there in the late

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...The intention of this paper is to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages for Ecuador if it becomes a member of the Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur). Currently, the world is going through a change in important ways in the economy, the importance of belonging to an economic bloc is that through this you can get "mutual benefits in international trade" The Mercosur as we know is a South American economic bloc that “is integrated by Argentina, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Paraguay, the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” (Exhibit 1). The countries that belong to the MERCOSUR are differentiated by the alliance of values ​​held and reflected in its democratic and pluralistic societies, the protection of human rights, the environment and sustainable development. MERCOSUR is also committed to strengthening democracy, eradicate poverty and strengthen the economic and social development of the members with equity. In recent years the President of Ecuador Econ. Rafael Correa expressed his desire to become a member of this economic bloc, but what does it mean to Ecuador to join to this organization? This economic bloc offers attractive proposals for countries; among them is the establishment of a common external tariff, plus the free movement of goods and services between the member countries. For a developing country like Ecuador, it is difficult to make the decision of belonging to an economic bloc, as it must evaluate...

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Entorno Internacional

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Acuífero Guaraní

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Carlos Gardel

...Acaricia mi ensueño el suave murmullo de tu suspirar. Como ríe la vida si tus ojos negros me quieren mirar. Y si es mío el amparo de tu risa leve que es como un cantar, ella aquieta mi herida, todo todo se olvida. El día que me quieras la rosa que engalana, se vestirá de fiesta con su mejor color. Y al viento las campanas dirán que ya eres mía, y locas las fontanas se contaran su amor. La noche que me quieras desde el azul del cielo, las estrellas celosas nos mirarán pasar. Y un rayo misterioso hará nido en tu pelo, luciérnaga curiosa que veras Que eres mi consuelo. El día que me quieras No habrá más que armonía. Será clara la aurora Y alegre el manantial. Traerá quieta la brisa Rumor de melodía. Y nos darán las fuentes Su canto de cristal. El día que me quieras Endulzara sus cuerdas El pájaro cantor. Florecerá la vida No existirá el dolor La noche que me quieras Desde el azul del cielo, Las estrellas celosas Nos mirarán pasar. Y un rayo misterios Hará nido en tu pelo. Luciérnaga curiosa que veras Que eres mi consuelo. It caresses my dream, The smooth murmur of your sighing. How life laughs, If your black eyes look at me. And if it is mine the shelter Of your slight laughter That is like singing, It calms my wound, Everything is forgotten. The day that you love me The rose that adorns, Will dress in celebration With its best color And to the wind the church bells Will say that already you are mine, And...

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