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Carlos Gardel


Submitted By smrtblkmn1
Words 916
Pages 4
Acaricia mi ensueño el suave murmullo de tu suspirar.
Como ríe la vida si tus ojos negros me quieren mirar.
Y si es mío el amparo de tu risa leve que es como un cantar, ella aquieta mi herida, todo todo se olvida.

El día que me quieras la rosa que engalana, se vestirá de fiesta con su mejor color.
Y al viento las campanas dirán que ya eres mía, y locas las fontanas se contaran su amor.

La noche que me quieras desde el azul del cielo, las estrellas celosas nos mirarán pasar.
Y un rayo misterioso hará nido en tu pelo, luciérnaga curiosa que veras
Que eres mi consuelo.

El día que me quieras
No habrá más que armonía.
Será clara la aurora
Y alegre el manantial.
Traerá quieta la brisa
Rumor de melodía.
Y nos darán las fuentes
Su canto de cristal.

El día que me quieras
Endulzara sus cuerdas
El pájaro cantor.
Florecerá la vida
No existirá el dolor

La noche que me quieras
Desde el azul del cielo,
Las estrellas celosas
Nos mirarán pasar.
Y un rayo misterios
Hará nido en tu pelo.
Luciérnaga curiosa que veras
Que eres mi consuelo.

It caresses my dream,
The smooth murmur of your sighing.
How life laughs,
If your black eyes look at me.
And if it is mine the shelter
Of your slight laughter
That is like singing,
It calms my wound,
Everything is forgotten.

The day that you love me
The rose that adorns,
Will dress in celebration
With its best color
And to the wind the church bells
Will say that already you are mine,
And the crazy fountains
Will tell about their love.

The night that you love me
From the blue of the sky
The jealous stars
Will watch us go by.
And a mysterious ray
Will nest in your hair,
Inquisitive glow-worm that'll see
That you are my consolation.

The day that you love me
There’ll be nothing but harmony.
The dawn will be clear
And the water spring will be happy.
The breeze will quietly bring
A rumor of melody.
And the fountains will give us
Their crystal song.

The day that you love me
The singing bird
Will sweeten its cords.
Life will bloom
Pain will not exist.

The night that you love me
From the blue of the sky
The jealous stars
Will watch us go by.
And a mysterious ray
Will nest in your hair,
Inquisitive glow-worm that'll see
That you are my consolation.

El Día Que Me Quieras by Carlos Gardel

This song was introduced to the word by the world renowned Carlos Gardel in 1935. It’s slow and harmonious tone has touched the hearts of its listeners around the globe. The song, which when translated means “The Day That You Love Me”, was sung by Gardel in the Hollywood movie starring himself ironically called “El Día Que Me Quieras”. Like most Tango songs this one tells a story about love however it is a creation story rather than a reflection on a bad experience. In the song Gardel eloquently explains to the woman in which he is in love with what will happen on the day that she loves him. The poetic expression within the song is moving as he elaborates more and more about the changes that will occur on the day in question. The song begins with “Acaricia mi ensueño (It caresses my dream)”. This is both the first line in the song and the first step in his explanation. He starts his description with his dream. This starts a development trend that starts inside of Gardel and expands to other outside factors. Later in the first stanza for example, Gardel expands his metaphor to include her dark eyes but then in the next few lines returns the focus back on himself as he talks about the effect her love will have on his pain. In the second stanza the metaphoric expression is expanded to include the rest of the world. The stanza begins with a description of the roses. They represent a third party that will join in the celebration of the love this couple will share. The actions portrayed in the second stanza are also an internal reflection of the joy that Carlos Gardel will feel. It is not uncommon in Tango songs for artist to use the outside world to reflect back on and support the emotions they are trying to portray. In this song, Gardel also supports his words with his exquisite voice. He draws out the words of this stanza that emphasize his emotions. In the third stanza, the only stanza that is repeated, Gardel’s metaphor transcends reality as he describes the journey he will take with his lover amongst the stars. In this stanza Gardel progresses his emotions by replacing the words “el día” with “la noche”. He moves forward both in time and increases the level of his joy as he flies through the night with his love. The stanza is preceded by a musical pause to emphasize the impact of temporal advancement. In the next few stanzas Gardel continues with is metaphor. He follows the Tango layout of repeating a metaphor twice for extra emphasis. This is an expression of passion and also a way of lengthening the song. The same words are not repeated; however the metaphor is redone in with similar poetic expression in true Tango fashion as only Carlos Gardel can.

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