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Submitted By baqx2001
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Marriott Corporation: The Cost of Capital
The risk premium will differ across all divisions, because this is the market (all assets) return versus the respective risk free rates for each division. In computing the risk premium, we should use the arithmetic returns for both the T-bills and market return for the period of 1927-1987. We are using the arithmetic average because the geometric average tends to underestimate the expected return. A reason for favouring the arithmetic mean is given in Kolbe et. al. (1984):
Note that the arithmetic mean, not the geometric mean, is the relevant value for this purpose. The quantity desired is the rate of return that investors expect over the next year for the random annual rate of return on the market. The arithmetic mean, or simple average, is the unbiased measure of the expected value of repeated observations of a random variable, not the geometric mean…the geometric mean underestimates the expected annual rate of return.
We use a long period to calculate returns because we want to capture the effects of economic expansion and contraction. We select long term US Government Bond returns because we are focusing on a long term investment:
Rf = 4.58% (page 10, Long-Term US Government Bond Returns, arithmetic average)
Rm = 12.01% (page 10, S&P 500 Composite Stock Index Returns, arithmetic average)
Risk premium: Rm - Rf = 12.01% - 4.58% = 7.43%
As explained above, given that it is a long term project, the risk premium is 7.43%. For our beta calculations, we will take the average of our comparables:
Company Unlevered Beta
Hilton BL: 0.88 - BU: 0.81
Holiday BL: 1.46 - BU: 0.48
La Quinta BL: 0.38 - BU: 0.17
Ramada BL: 0.95 - BU: 0.47
To unlever beta, we used the following formula: BU = BL / [1+ (D/E) (1-T)]. For the tax rate, we calculated the effective tax rate of Marriot for the years

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Environmental sustainability involves making decisions and taking action that are in the interests of protecting the natural world, with particular emphasis on preserving the capability of the environment to support human life. 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E -commerce, one of the most promising of these maturing Information Technology specializations, affords an excellent opportunity to draw together the fundamentals of the field into a capstone series of courses. E -commerce fulfills a present demand from industry, provides a wonderful project and group-based “studio-style” learning environment, and is quite popular with students. This paper discusses our e-commerce degree specialization as a capstone to undergraduate Information Technology coursework. We also discuss the motivation for, design and execution of, and results from our courses. Keywords: E-commerce, information technology, capstone project, studio -style learning 1. MOTIVATION E-commerce degrees and Computer Science/Information Technology specializations in e-commerce are becoming more and more popular with students, universities, and industry. Companies seek graduates with skills to develop and manage e-commerce solutions, and universities are responding with an increased offering of e-commerce-related courses and degree programs. This is no surprise given many forecasts that e-commerce will account for as much as $1.4...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 3800 - Pages: 16</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/How-Does-Inflation-Affect-Economic-Growth/72487" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-premium-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Premium Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">How Does Inflation Affect Economic Growth</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...HOW DO IN W OES NFLAT TION AFFE ECT ECO ONOM GROW MIC G WTH? EC CON30 01 ASSO OC.PRO OF.DR Ayla OĞUŞ O Gör rkem To opuz 07 7020111 13       A Abstract t; T This pape examine relation er es nship betw ween infla ation ,defl lator and current GDP o econom growth with usi econometric tec on mic h ing chniques w that provide with p approp priate proc cedures fo estimati and in or ion nference.Fo many c or country, in nflation has an importan effect in econom situatio n nt n mic on.Moreov ver,inflatio is used for to on d see how much countries developed. w d .But in my case i us inflatio for how much y sed on w it effec cted econo omic grow wth.And a also i follo up oth variabl with in ow her les nflation to show how the effect economic g w ey growth. T mode include a poten The el es ntial impa of inf act flation on growth ,current , GDP, inflation effect on consume prices via anuua % valu and in er al ues nflation on deflator(an nnual %). effect o GDP d T mode highlig The el ghts if inf flation inc creses dir rectly ther is a negative re n impact on grow t wth.When inflation above th percent he tage of … …then gro owth is affect in a nega ative way.Below tha rate inf at flation does not hav any ef ve ffect on h y ve tly e growth or it may even hav a slight positive effect. S So,in this paper inc clude both negative and posi h e itive affec of inflation on ct econom grow but mostly neg mic wth m gative aff fect, and also incl lude time series e eviden about how muc inflatio...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 3473 - Pages: 14</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Rfp-Microsoft-Office-Training/196340" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-premium-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Premium Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Rfp Microsoft Office Training</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Microsoft Office Training RFP #10-075 Closing: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 2:00 pm local time. Halifax Regional Municipality Procurement Section P.O. Box 1749, Halifax 3 rd Floor, Duke Tower, Scotia Square, 5251 Duke Street Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3A5 Halifax Regional Municipality July 27, 2010 RFP # 10-075, Microsoft Office Training Pa ge 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Rev 01-01-2010 July 27, 2010 NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #10-075 Microsoft Office 2010 Training The Halifax Regional Municipality is seeking proposals from qualified individuals/ firms to provide Microsoft Office Training Sealed Proposals, Three (3) copies – Two (2) bound and one (1) unbound for #10-075, Microsoft Office Training , Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax, Nova Scotia will be received by Halifax Regional Municipality Procurement Office, 3 rd Floor, Duke Tower, Scotia Square, 5251 Duke Street, P.O. Box 1749, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 3A5, until 2:00 P.M. local time, Tuesday August 10, 2010 All questions concerning the procurement process shall be directed to Stephen Terry, Senior Procurement Consultant, at (902) 490-2175, Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. or E-mail to and those of a technical nature to Frans Sanders , Phone 490-2909, or E-mail to . Instructions, forms, and specifications may be obtained from the Halifax Regional Municipality ...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 5429 - Pages: 22</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Stochastic-Vehicle-Routing-Problem-With-Restocking/361191" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-free-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Free Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Restocking</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...Comparison of the Algorithms over Demand Variations 5.4. 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In place just to take a recourse...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 5634 - Pages: 23</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Continental-Carriers-Inc-Case-Analysis/377619" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-premium-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Premium Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Continental Carriers Inc. Case Analysis</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...Exchange: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Ticker symbol: FDX Sector: Services Industry: Air Delivery and Freight Services Price: $166.11 (as of 30 January, 2015) Price Target: $189.13 Recommendation: HOLD / BUY * * Business Description FedEx Corporations (“FedEx”) is one of the largest operating delivery service companies within the United States as well as globally. The company was first founded in 1971 and today operates in over 220 countries with its headquarters based in Memphis, Tennessee. The company has over 300,000 employees worldwide. The revenue for 2014 was $45,6 billion and the net income was $2,1 billion. The firm is the prevailing leader within the delivery and freight service industry. This is substantiated through sales, profit, and growth. FedEx’s revenue is one that still manages to continuously increase. FedEx provides a broad portfolio of services, which includes transportation, e-commerce, and the employ of business services through companies who either compete collectively, operate independently, or work collaboratively under the respected FedEx brand. The primary operating companies are Federal Express Corporation, the world’s largest express...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 5723 - Pages: 23</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Quality-Planning/148020" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-free-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Free Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Quality Planning</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...UTS: ENGINEERING Assignment Cover Sheet STANDARD and BLOCK Mode SUBJECT NAME: QUALITY PLANNING AND ANALYSIS SUBJECT NUMBER: 49309 ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: ASSIGNMENT 1 STUDENT LAST NAME: LUU STUDENT FIRST NAME: THIET XIEU STUDENT ID: 11311848 Declaration of Originality: The work contained in this assignment, other than that specifically attributed to another source, is that of the author(s) and has not been submitted in any other subject or published elsewhere before. It is recognised that, should this declaration be found to be false, disciplinary action could be taken and penalties imposed in accordance with University policy and rules. Signature: __________________________________ THIET XIEU LUU - 11311848 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3 Customer satisfaction ..................................................................................................... 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 Stakeholder identification ................................................................................................... 5 Methods for capturing customer needs................................................................................ 6 Customer needs identification ............................................................................................ 9 3. Design requirements ..............................</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 6702 - Pages: 27</p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row"><div class="columns margin--top-5 margin--bottom-5"><div class="relative flex flex-col bg-clip-border rounded-xl bg-white text-gray-700 shadow-md"><div class="p-6 callout callout-list-box"><h3 style="color:#994800" class="callout-list__heading mb-4">Popular Essays</h3><div class="popularEssays"><div class="callout-list__item"><a href="/essay-on/Management/99777" title="Management Essay" class="callout-list__item-link text-decoration-none block">Management Essay</a></div><div class="callout-list__item"><a href="/essay-on/Amri/99778" title="Amri Essay" class="callout-list__item-link text-decoration-none block">Amri Essay</a></div><div class="callout-list__item"><a href="/essay-on/Chinese-Yuan-Rmb-Can-Become-Global-Reserve-Currency/99779" title="Chinese Yuan Rmb Can Become Global... 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In computing the risk premium, we should use the arithmetic returns for both the T-bills and market return for the period of 1927-1987. We are using the arithmetic average because the geometric average tends to underestimate the expected return. A reason for favouring the arithmetic mean is given in Kolbe et. al. (1984):\u003cbr /\u003e\nNote that the arithmetic mean, not the geometric mean, is the relevant value for this purpose. The quantity desired is the rate of return that investors expect over the next year for the random annual rate of return on the market. The arithmetic mean, or simple average, is the unbiased measure of the expected value of repeated observations of a random variable, not the geometric mean…the geometric mean underestimates the expected annual rate of return.\u003cbr /\u003e\nLodging\u003cbr /\u003e\nWe use a long period to calculate returns because we want to capture the effects of economic expansion and contraction. We select long term US Government Bond returns because we are focusing on a long term investment:\u003cbr /\u003e\nRf = 4.58% (page 10, Long-Term US Government Bond Returns, arithmetic average)\u003cbr /\u003e\nRm = 12.01% (page 10, S\u0026amp;P 500 Composite Stock Index Returns, arithmetic average)\u003cbr /\u003e\nRisk premium: Rm - Rf = 12.01% - 4.58% = 7.43%\u003cbr /\u003e\nAs explained above, given that it is a long term project, the risk premium is 7.43%. For our beta calculations, we will take the average of our comparables:\u003cbr /\u003e\nCompany Unlevered Beta\u003cbr /\u003e\nHilton BL: 0.88 - BU: "])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"0.81\u003cbr /\u003e\nHoliday BL: 1.46 - BU: 0.48\u003cbr /\u003e\nLa Quinta BL: 0.38 - BU: 0.17\u003cbr /\u003e\nRamada BL: 0.95 - BU: 0.47\u003cbr /\u003e\nAVERAGE BU: 0.48\u003cbr /\u003e\nTo unlever beta, we used the following formula: BU = BL / [1+ (D/E) (1-T)]. For the tax rate, we calculated the effective tax rate of Marriot for the years1a:T5e8,...Ethically \r\nand is Socially Responsible\r\n\r\n Assignment Instructions\t|\r\n To complete this assignment: 1. Select question 1, 2, or 3 below and answer it in the space provided. 2. Reflect on the information presented in this week’s lesson and provide an insightful response to each question writing no more than two paragraphs. 3. An example of an excellent response is given for you.\t|\r\n Save and Submit to Dropbox\t|\r\n 1. Save your work as a Microsoft Word 2010 (.docx) file that includes your name, course code, and title in the file name. For example: JaneSmith_MAN1030_Week2.docx. 2. To submit your assignment, go to the Dropbox and click \"Submit Assignment.\" 3. Click on the drop-down menu to select the Week 2: Individual Work basket in the Dropbox. \t|\r\n\r\nObjective:Describe the importance of business ethics and social responsibility.\r\n\r\n EXAMPLE:Find a current article about ethics in business. After reading the article, write a response in which you summarize the article and, in your own words, assess the article.\t|\r\n Example answer:I found an article discussing NSA spying on Verizon, and whether it was ethical for Verizon to disclose that it was providing NSA with all phone records. If the government requests data, I believe that Verizon should be more transparent. Their contracts say they will not disclose your phone records unless subpoenaed and they did. However, I believe that any use of our private phone calls should be communicated to us. Verizon is obligated to...1b:T580,...alphabet A to S. His most famous car was model T, whose production was started in 1908. By implementing principles of scientific management, Ford Motor Company successfully manufactured over 15 million models of T series betw"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"een 1908-1927. Ford’s effort decreased the cost of production, which ultimately lead to low prices of car in market. This was very first attempt to apply scientific methods in engineering processes and in management. Henry Ford based his assembly line in three simple principles.\n a. Planned, Organized and Continuous progression of services through the shop\n b. Delivery of work.\n c. Scrutiny of operations in to their basic parts.\nThis was totally Henry’s effort that leads to innovation of entirely new discipline, industrial engineering and scientific management. According to Taylor, factory management task was the best way for worker to do the job, by providing them proper tools and trainings, and incentives on outstanding performances. Taylor divided the work in different segments and used stop watch with the workers. Taylor named his work scientific, because there was implementation of scientific principles to work. This was result of scientific management that lead to increase the efficiency of workers with minimum effort, and in return workers received more money.1\nTaylors theory of scientific management was based on four principles.\n 1. By...1c:T5e9,...son and the CEO to Wayne Enterprises. Whenhe was young, he witnessed his parents death leaving a scar within him. As he grew, he created another identity know as \"Batman. Batman would serve justice and keep Gotham a safe place. In the movie \"The Dark Knight\", Bruce faced conflicts with an individual, a group, himself and reality.\r\n\r\n​Bruce Wayne's nemesis as Batman is The Joker. The joker is the individual who Batman conflicts with most in this movie, The Dark Knight. The Joker targets the people of Gothem to reveal the identity of Batman. The joker's only concern throughout all his actions is only Batman. He is not afraid to kill or put people at risk for his purpose and will use any method or trickery to do so. Batman is a man of justice who can't watch it all happen before his eyes but he cannot reveal his identity as easily (relating to"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1," the conflict with himself). Joker threatened to kill many people and used many methos, for example, killing a man an hour until Batman is killed and blowing up a whole hospital. This individual uses Batman's weakness (his love interest) Rachel Dawes as part of his threats as he threatening her life but also tricked Batman into saving the wrong person and letting her die. The conflict is resolved when thhe Joker was finally taken into custody for good. Batman other nemesis is a group, the people of Gothem.\r\n\r\n​Batman faces conflict with a group, the people of Gothem. The joker is threatening to kill people of Gothem if Batman doesn't reveal...1d:T76f,...Validation Of FORM Using Java Script.\n\n7\n\n6\n\nImplementation Of CSS(All 4 Types)\n\n8\n\n7\n\nDevelop  A Clock Using Java Script\n\n9\n\n8\n\nDHTML(Layer/DIV)\n\n10\n\n9\n\nASP­Implement Response Object\n\n11\n\n10\n\nConnectivity To Database Through ASP\n\n12\n\n11\n\nPROJECT­Develop A E­Commerce Web Site\n\n13\n\n\fPractical 1\nTitle:                            Implements Basic HTML Tags.\nAim:                             Create a home page which has an image and a list to \n                                      navigate to other pages of the same site.\nReferences:                   Kriss Jamsa­\nRequirements:             Write a program which will perform the following tasks:\n1. Use of \u003cHTML\u003e\u003cHEAD\u003e\u003cTITLE\u003e\u003cBODY\u003e Tags\n2. Use of \u003cH1\u003e to \u003cH6\u003e Tags\n3. Use of \u003cimg\u003e Tag\n4. Use of \u003cbr\u003e,\u003chr\u003e,\u003cp\u003e Tags\n5. Use of All Text Formatting Tags like \n\u003cb\u003e,\u003ci\u003e,\u003cu\u003e,\u003cem\u003e,\u003cbig\u003e,\u003csmall\u003e,\u003csub\u003e,\u003csup\u003e,\n\u003caddress\u003e,\u003cdel\u003e,\u003cins\u003e\n6. Use Of Hyperlink i.e. \u003ca\u003e\u003c/a\u003e Tag.\n\n\fPractical 2\nTitle:                           Implementation Of Table Tag\nAim:                             To display UniversityMarksheet Using Tables Tag\nReferences:             "])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"      Kriss Jamsa­\nRequirements:            Tables are defined with the \u003ctable\u003e tag. A table is divided into \nrows (with the \n  \u003ctr\u003e tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with \nthe \u003ctd\u003e tag). The \n  letters td stands for \"table data,\" which is the content \nof a data cell. A data cell \n  can contain text, images, lists, paragraphs, forms, \nhorizontal rules, tables, etc.\n  Tags required are as follows :\n1) \u003ctable\u003e...1e:T5f9,...calculated with\r\n \r\nB.\tDescribe the principles and assumptions used in the metho.\r\nAnswer: The Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates the area of land and ocean required to support our consumption of food, goods, services, housing, and energy and assimilate our wastes. The ecological footprint is expressed in \"global hectares\" (gha) or \"global acres\" (ga), which are standardized units that take into account the differences in biological productivity of various ecosystems impacted by our consumption activities. \r\nOur footprint is broken down into four consumption categories: carbon (home energy use and transportation), food, housing, and goods and services. Our footprint is also broken down into four ecosystem types or biomes: cropland, pastureland, forestland, and marine fisheries. \r\nMy life style currently is: a family of three living in a family house of around 200 square meter, own a car, healthy food diet, and once per year family trip.\r\n \r\nC.\tExplain quantitatively the relative impact of each of the input items on the footprint.\r\n \r\nFigure 2 Composition of my Ecological Footprint and it’s comparison with the country’s average (note that the country used here was China)\r\n\r\nAnswer: Refer to Figure 2, we can see that a very large part of my Ecological Footprint is from the Carbon Footprint session, 15.40/30.40 – responsible for more than 50% of my Ecological Footprint indeed. This large amount of Carbon Footprint is due to my significant amount of travel by flight p"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"er...1f:T5e7,...order to supply the missing nutrients of the plants. In crop production, fertilizer application is the one of the major aspect for them to achieve maximum yield. Timing of fertilizer application has a significant effect on crop yields. Proper timing of the fertilizer application increases yields, reduces nutrient losses, increases nutrient use efficiency and prevents damage to the environment. There are two types of fertilizer that being used these are; Organic fertilizers, it works over time to create a healthy growing environment, while inorganic fertilizers provide rapid nutrition. Determining which is better for your plants depends largely on the needs of your plants and your preferences in terms of cost and environmental impact.\r\nObjectives\r\n 1.To get acquainted with the various kinds of fertilizer materials and the different methods of application.\r\n2. To be able t compute the amount of a given fertilizer material to apply to a particular crop.\r\n3. To gain experience in the actual application of fertilizer.\r\n\r\nActivities\r\n1. Lecture/discussion on different fertilizer materials, fertilization methos and computation of amount/ rate of fertilizer. \r\n2. The class will visit the PomologyArea ,cacao or coffee Projects obthe Department of Horticulture. The methods of fertilizer application fo the cacao or coffee plants will be demonstrated.\r\n3. The class will do actual fertilizer application of any of the following crops: cacao, coffee and fruit...20:T5e4,...International Law Managerial Implications\r\n\r\nQuestion 1\r\nShe feels that she must have the support of the directors for any major overseas venture. What arguments can she offer to explain why SewTex should become active in the international markets? She understands that making a commitment is important but what does that really mean?\r\n\r\nSEWTEX exports about 5 percent of its production of industrial machine, of which, the most sophisticated industrial machines go to German \u0026 Swiss textile firms, whiles its ear"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"lier models are sent to India, Pakistan \u0026 Brazil. There is currently some concern about the US Textile industry which has been slowly declining. In this case, the objective is to increase the company’s turnover, which means SEWTEX has to exports more \u0026 be the main actor on foreign market.\r\n\r\nMajor commercial advantages for SEWTEX to be active in the international market:\r\n * First, it is an opportunity to dramatically increase their sales.\r\n * Increase profitability, the extent of the export price which can generate sufficient\r\nmargin and the profits will grow.\r\n * Gain of notoriety worldwide\r\n * Better understanding of the competition\r\n * Better using of their production capacity. For example if SEWTEX is not working at full capacity and if its facilities are under-utilized, it will increase its production through exports \r\n * Boost business \r\n * Exporting can bring a breath of fresh air in the business and allow to leave behind any bad habits and improve on...21:T5eb,...Summative Assessment 2 \r\nProject 1 \r\nEasy question – write a response to the following quote from unlimited sustainable develop solution. \r\nOrganisation today are begin asked to address an increasingly complex set of environmental issues, as noted in the quote.\r\nSustainability is achieved when we understand the economic environmental and social consequences of our actions and make deliberate choice that allow, all people to lead heathy productive and enjoyable lives.\r\nYour response should include a discussion of:\r\n * Complex environment ussies \r\n * Methos of measuring an organisation environmental impact \r\n * Methods of managing an organisation environmental impact \r\n * Methods of reducing an organisation environmental impact. \r\nSustainability refers to continuance preservation and renewal the capacity for a business to keep doing what it does without depleting the resource necessary for it is operation and without permanently damaging it is indirect linked resources and environs interacting with the totality of the sur"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"rounding conditions is ways that do not cause harm and will allow responsible generation. \r\nEnvironmental sustainability involves making decisions and taking action that are in the interests of protecting the natural world, with particular emphasis on preserving the capability of the environment to support human life. It is an important topic at the present time, as people are realising the full impact \r\nEnvironmental sustainability is about making responsible...22:T4af,...division coursework. E -commerce,\r\none of the most promising of these maturing Information Technology specializations, affords an excellent opportunity to draw\r\ntogether the fundamentals of the field into a capstone series of courses. E -commerce fulfills a present demand from industry,\r\nprovides a wonderful project and group-based “studio-style” learning environment, and is quite popular with students. This paper\r\ndiscusses our e-commerce degree specialization as a capstone to undergraduate Information Technology coursework. We also\r\ndiscuss the motivation for, design and execution of, and results from our courses.\r\nKeywords: E-commerce, information technology, capstone project, studio -style learning\r\n\r\n1. MOTIVATION\r\nE-commerce degrees and Computer Science/Information\r\nTechnology specializations in e-commerce are becoming\r\nmore and more popular with students, universities, and\r\nindustry. Companies seek graduates with skills to\r\ndevelop and manage e-commerce solutions, and\r\nuniversities are responding with an increased offering of\r\ne-commerce-related courses and degree programs. This\r\nis no surprise given many forecasts that e-commerce\r\nwill account for as much as $1.4...23:T5f3,...HOW DO IN W OES NFLAT TION AFFE ECT ECO ONOM GROW MIC G WTH?\r\nEC CON30 01\r\nASSO OC.PRO OF.DR Ayla OĞUŞ O Gör rkem To opuz 07 7020111 13\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\fA Abstract t;\r\nT This pape examine relation er es nship betw ween infla ation ,defl lator and current GDP o econom growth with usi econometric tec on mic h ing chniques w that provide with p approp priate"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1," proc cedures fo estimati and in or ion nference.Fo many c or country, in nflation has an importan effect in econom situatio n nt n mic on.Moreov ver,inflatio is used for to on d see how much countries developed. w d .But in my case i us inflatio for how much y sed on w it effec cted econo omic grow wth.And a also i follo up oth variabl with in ow her les nflation to show how the effect economic g w ey growth. T mode include a poten The el es ntial impa of inf act flation on growth ,current , GDP, inflation effect on consume prices via anuua % valu and in er al ues nflation on deflator(an nnual %). effect o GDP d T mode highlig The el ghts if inf flation inc creses dir rectly ther is a negative re n impact on grow t wth.When inflation above th percent he tage of … …then gro owth is affect in a nega ative way.Below tha rate inf at flation does not hav any ef ve ffect on h y ve tly e growth or it may even hav a slight positive effect. S So,in this paper inc clude both negative and posi h e itive affec of inflation on ct econom grow but mostly neg mic wth m gative aff fect, and also incl lude time series e eviden about how muc inflatio...24:T5f0,...REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL\r\nMicrosoft Office Training\r\nRFP #10-075\r\nClosing: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 2:00 pm local time.\r\nHalifax Regional Municipality\r\nProcurement Section\r\nP.O. Box 1749, Halifax\r\n3\r\nrd\r\nFloor, Duke Tower,\r\nScotia Square, 5251 Duke Street\r\nNova Scotia, Canada\r\nB3J 3A5\r\nHalifax Regional Municipality\r\nJuly 27, 2010\r\nRFP # 10-075, Microsoft Office Training\r\nPa\r\nge\r\n2\r\n_______________________________________________________________________________\r\nRev 01-01-2010\r\nJuly 27, 2010\r\nNOTICE\r\nREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #10-075\r\nMicrosoft Office 2010 Training\r\nThe Halifax Regional Municipality is seeking proposals from qualified individuals/ firms to provide\r\nMicrosoft Office Training\r\nSealed Proposals, Three (3) copies – Two (2) bound and one (1) unbound for #10-075, Microsoft Office\r\nTraining , Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax, Nova Scotia will be received by"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1," Halifax Regional\r\nMunicipality Procurement Office, 3\r\nrd\r\nFloor, Duke Tower, Scotia Square, 5251 Duke Street, P.O. Box\r\n1749, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 3A5, until 2:00 P.M. local time, Tuesday August 10, 2010\r\nAll questions concerning the procurement process shall be directed to Stephen Terry, Senior\r\nProcurement Consultant, at (902) 490-2175, Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. or E-mail\r\nto and those of a technical nature to\r\nFrans Sanders\r\n, Phone 490-2909, or E-mail to\r\ .\r\nInstructions, forms, and specifications may be obtained from the Halifax Regional Municipality\r...25:T423,...Comparison of the Algorithms over Demand Variations 5.4. Comparison with a Deterministic Method\r\n\r\n6. Summary References\r\n\r\n\fList of figures\r\nFigure 1 A desired truck route with restocking action of returning to the depot when a stockout occurs or in anticipation of a stockout Figure 2 The two updating Strategies a and b Figure 3 Defined or particular route of a single vehicle Figure 4 Expected costs of going directly to the next node Figure 5 Expected costs of the restocking action Figure 6 Monotonicity of function fj(q) Figure 7 Choosing the unused vehicle Figure 8 Forming the clusters Figure 9 Routing through the clusters Figure 10 Cyclic transfer Figure 11 String cross Figure 12 String exchange Figure 13 String relocation\r\n\r\n\fABSTRACT\r\nThis paper presents a Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem SVRP, where just the customer demand was unknown and other parameters were determined. In comparison with the deterministic, problems in stochastic vehicle routing are harder to be solved because the uncertainity. In place just to take a recourse...26:T4dc,...Exchange: \t\tNew York Stock Exchange (NYSE)\t\t\t\t\r\nTicker symbol: \tFDX\r\nSector: \t\tServices\t\t\t\r\nIndustry:\t\tAir Delivery and Freight Services\r\nPrice: \t\t\t$166.11 (as of 30 January, 2015)\t\t\t\t\r\nPrice Target: \t\t$189.13\r\nRecommendation: \tHOLD / BUY\r\n\r\n * \r\n * Business Description \r\n\r\nFedEx Corporations (“FedEx”) is one of the largest"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1," operating delivery service companies within the United States as well as globally. The company was first founded in 1971 and today operates in over 220 countries with its headquarters based in Memphis, Tennessee. The company has over 300,000 employees worldwide. The revenue for 2014 was $45,6 billion and the net income was $2,1 billion. The firm is the prevailing leader within the delivery and freight service industry. This is substantiated through sales, profit, and growth. FedEx’s revenue is one that still manages to continuously increase. \r\n\r\nFedEx provides a broad portfolio of services, which includes transportation, e-commerce, and the employ of business services through companies who either compete collectively, operate independently, or work collaboratively under the respected FedEx brand. The primary operating companies are Federal Express Corporation, the world’s largest express...27:T5e2,...UTS: ENGINEERING\r\n\r\nAssignment Cover Sheet\r\n\r\nSTANDARD and BLOCK Mode\r\n\r\nSUBJECT NAME:\r\n\r\nQUALITY PLANNING AND ANALYSIS\r\n\r\nSUBJECT NUMBER:\r\n\r\n49309\r\n\r\nASSIGNMENT NUMBER:\r\n\r\nASSIGNMENT 1\r\n\r\nSTUDENT LAST NAME:\r\n\r\nLUU\r\n\r\nSTUDENT FIRST NAME: THIET XIEU\r\n\r\nSTUDENT ID:\r\n\r\n11311848\r\n\r\nDeclaration of Originality:\r\n\r\nThe work contained in this assignment, other than that specifically attributed to another source, is that of the author(s) and has not been submitted in any other subject or published elsewhere before. It is recognised that, should this declaration be found to be false, disciplinary action could be taken and penalties imposed in accordance with University policy and rules.\r\n\r\nSignature: __________________________________\r\n\r\n\fTHIET XIEU LUU - 11311848\r\n\r\n2012\r\n\r\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\r\n1. 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3 Customer satisfaction ..................................................................................................... 5\r\n2.1 2.2 2.3 Stakeholder identification ..............................."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,".................................................................... 5 Methods for capturing customer needs................................................................................ 6 Customer needs identification ............................................................................................ 9\r\n\r\n3.\r\n\r\nDesign requirements .............................."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"6:[[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"className\":\"row\",\"children\":[\"$\",\"$L17\",null,{\"data\":[{\"text\":\"Home page\",\"url\":\"/\"},{\"text\":\"English and Literature\",\"url\":\"/subcategory/English-And-Literature/1\"}]}]}],[\"$\",\"$L18\",null,{\"essayMetaData\":{\"title\":\"Use This Metho\",\"titleColor\":\"#0a0a0a\",\"titleSize\":\"h1\",\"category\":\"English and Literature\",\"categoryUrl\":\"/subcategory/English-And-Literature/1\",\"submittedBy\":\"baqx2001\",\"wordCount\":352,\"pageCount\":2,\"premium\":true,\"essayFullViewURL\":\"/document/99776\"},\"essayContent\":\"$19\",\"similarEssays\":[{\"title\":\"Rainforest\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Rainforest/288359\",\"essaySnippet\":\"$1a\",\"wordCount\":532,\"pageCount\":3,\"premium\":true,\"freemiumTag\":\"Premium Essay\",\"titleColor\":\"#0e709f\"},{\"title\":\"Ford N Taylor\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Ford-N-Taylor/401912\",\"essaySnippet\":\"$1b\",\"wordCount\":561,\"pageCount\":3,\"premium\":true,\"freemiumTag\":\"Premium Essay\",\"titleColor\":\"#0e709f\"},{\"title\":\"Batman Nemesis\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Batman-Nemesis/133971\",\"essaySnippet\":\"$1c\",\"wordCount\":838,\"pageCount\":4,\"premium\":false,\"freemiumTag\":\"Free Essay\",\"titleColor\":\"#0e709f\"},{\"title\":\"Articles\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Articles/469275\",\"essaySnippet\":\"$1d\",\"wordCount\":1381,\"pageCount\":6,\"premium\":false,\"freemiumTag\":\"Free Essay\",\"titleColor\":\"#0e709f\"},{\"title\":\"Eas510 Homework 1\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Eas510-Homework-1/298493\",\"essaySnippet\":\"$1e\",\"wordCount\":1416,\"pageCount\":6,\"premium\":false,\"freemiumTag\":\"Free Essay\",\"titleColor\":\"#0e709f\"},{\"title\":\"Horticulture Laboratory Exercise No. 5c\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Horticulture-Laboratory-Exercise-No-5C/468712\",\"essaySnippet\":\"$1f\",\"wordCount\":1334,\"pageCount\":6,\"premium\":true,\"freemiumTag\":\"Premium Essay\",\"titleColor\":\"#0e709f\"},{\"title\":\"Nongbri's Argument For Dating P6?\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Nongbris-Argument-For-Dating-P6/C7FCFAB2A0C984AF\",\"essaySnippet\":\"...century appear convincing at first glance. 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