Free Essay

Use of Cantonese


Submitted By danike
Words 890
Pages 4











心抱(媳妇) |









| |
|起身(起床) |着(穿) |除(脱) |
|浪口(漱口) |飞发(理发) |电发(烫发) |
|洗面(洗脸) |屙屎(大便) |屙尿(小便) |
|闩门(关门) |熄灯(关灯) |水喉(水龙头) |
|瞓觉(睡觉) |食(吃) |食晏(吃午餐) |
|食烟(抽烟) |滚水(开水) |煲(煮) |
|焗(焖) |饮胜(干杯) |颈渴(口渴) |
|餸(下饭的菜) |腍nem4(软) |霄夜(夜宵) |
|饮(渴) |台(桌子) |梳化(沙发) |
|雪柜(冰箱) |傢俬(家具) |皮箧gib1(皮箱) |
|夹万(保险箱) |刀仔(小刀) |花樽(花瓶) |
|香枧(香皂) |镬(锅) |咪(麦克风) |
|插苏(插座) |火水(煤油) |遮(伞) |
|地拖(拖把) |电心(电池) |洋烛(蜡烛) |
|花洒(1莲蓬头,用于沐浴2喷壶,用于浇花) |壳(勺子) |
|番枧(肥皂) |扫把(扫帚) |匙羹(小勺子) |
|褛(外套) |大褛(大衣) |衫(衣服) |
|T恤(针织或棉质上衣) |裤(裤子) |鞋(鞋子) |
|底衫(内衣) |底裤(内裤) |高争鞋(高跟鞋) |
|领太(领带) |荷包(钱包) |唇膏(口红) |

|头壳(脑袋) |头皮(头屑) |面珠墩(脸蛋儿) |
|酒凹(酒窝) |下爬(下巴) |眼(眼睛) |
|眼眉(眉毛) |眼核(眼珠) |耳仔(耳朵) |
|耳屎(耳垢) |大牙(槽牙) |鼻哥(鼻子) |
|鼻哥窿(鼻孔) |身子(身体) |心口(胸口) |
|膊头(肩膀) |毛管(毛孔) |罗柚(屁股) |
|手板(手掌) |手瓜(胳膊) |脚(脚、腿) |
|背脊(脊背) |尾龙骨(尾骨) |肚腩(小肚子) |
|睇医生(看病) |驳骨(接骨头) |联针(缝针) |
|埋口(合口) |执药(抓药) |燥火(上火) |
|好翻(好了) |唔精神(不舒服) |冻亲(着凉) |
|头赤(头痛) |打冷震(发抖) |打噎(打嗝) |
|呕血(吐血) |浊亲(被水呛着) |心口翳(胸闷) |
|豆皮(麻脸) |血压高(高血压) |落晒形(憔悴不堪) |
|病猫(病鬼) |生萝卜(长冻疮) |热痱(痱子) |
|痕(痒) |黐线(神经失常) |发羊吊(发羊角疯) |
|盲佬(瞎子) |甩皮(脱皮) |损(破) |
|香港脚(脚气) |撞聋(听觉不灵) |作呕(恶心) |
|肚屙(拉肚子) |滞(消化不良) |身庆(身体发热) |
|咳(咳嗽) |焗亲(中暑) |晕酡酡(晕乎乎) |

|中意(喜欢) |爱锡(疼爱) |快活(快乐) |
|得戚(得意洋洋) |嬲neo1(生气) |发嬲(生气) |
|笑骑骑(笑哈哈) |笑口噬噬(张开嘴笑) |笑口吟吟(笑容满面) |
|莲子蓉面口(比喻笑容满面) |偷笑(暗笑) |
|熠熟狗头(形容人张开嘴笑,像煮熟的狗头一样) |火起(发火) |
|火滚(恼火) |一把火(一肚子火) |嬲爆爆(气冲冲) |
|眼崛崛(瞪大眼睛,表示不满或生气) |崛(瞪) |
|吹胀(1气坏,2无可奈何) |肉赤(心疼) |
|忧心(担心) |心淡(心灰意冷) |唔忿气(不服气) |
|闭翳(发愁) |喊(哭) |喊苦喊忽(哭哭啼啼) |
|苦瓜咁嘅面(像苦瓜那样拉长着脸,比喻愁眉苦脸) |
|谷气(憋气) |欢喜(喜欢) |乞人憎(令人讨厌) |
|心思思(老惦念着) |心挂挂(牵肠挂肚) |心水(心意) |
|愿(愿意) |情愿(宁愿) |心多多(三心两意) |
|心喐喐(指动了心想做某事,但还没有行动) |特登(故意) |
|爱(要) |激气(心里有气) |专登(特意) |
|失魂(慌张,精神恍惚) |失魂鱼(形容人惊慌失措如受惊的鱼) |
|心息(死心) |想话(打算) |谂住(打算,预计) |
|心罨ngeb1(心里悲伤难受) |心甘(甘心) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |花哩花碌(花斑斑) |
| |黄禽禽(发黄) |
| |白晒sai4晒(苍白) |
| | |
| |白雪雪(雪白) |
| |黑古勒特(黑不溜秋) |
| |乌卒卒(乌黑) |
| | |
| |红当荡(红通通) |
| |红粉绯绯(脸色红润) |
| |青悲悲(青青的) |
| | |
| |黑麻ma1麻(黑乎乎) |
| |乌灯黑火(一片漆黑) |
| |溶(浓) |
| | |
| |光猛(两堂堂) |
| |光鲜(整洁) |
| |呤(亮) |
| | |
| |光灿can4灿 |
| |光脱tüd1脱(光着身子) |
| |软熟(柔软) |
| | |
| |卜卜脆(松脆) |
| |矮细(矮小) |
| |肥(胖) |
| | |
| |奀瘦(瘦小) |
| |瘦蜢蜢(干瘦) |
| |长拉拉lai4(长长的) |
| | |
| |阔(宽) |
| |阔落(宽阔) |
| |齐缉缉(很整齐) |
| | |
| |静英英(僻静) |
| |静鸡鸡(悄悄地) |
| |生勾勾(活生生) |
| | |
| |巢(皱) |
| |烂溶溶(破烂) |
| |污糟(脏) |
| | |
| |葾yun1崩烂臭(臭气熏天) |
| |屈质(形容地方小又不整齐) |
| | |
| |的式(小巧,娇小玲珑) |
| |四正(整齐,端庄) |
| |企理(整齐,利落) |
| | |
| |幼(细) |
| |幼细(纤细) |
| |频扑(忙碌) |
| | |
| |滋油(慢悠悠) |
| |他条(从容,闲适) |
| |快趣(利索,很快) |
| | |
| |慌失失(慌里慌张) |
| |爽手(爽快) |
| |嚤(慢) |
| | |
| |痴缠(缠绵) |
| |架世(排场,气派) |
| |交关(厉害) |
| | |
| |挤拥(拥挤) |
| |牙烟(危险) |
| |重重沓沓(重重叠叠) |
| | |
| |零零丁丁(孤孤单单) |
| |手多多(多手多脚) |
| |凹凹凸凸(坑坑洼洼) |
| | |
| |匀巡(均匀) |
| |咩me2(歪) |
| |新净(崭新) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|啱啱(刚刚,刚好) |啱先(刚才) |正话(刚才) |
|凑啱(恰好) |不溜leo1(一向) |先至(才) |
|就嚟(就要) |经已(已经) |卒之(终于) |
|终归(终究) |终须(终究) |好(很) |
|仲(还) |鬼咁(那么) |十分之(十分) |
|极之(极) |相当之(相当) |非常之(非常) |
|稍为(稍微) |净(光,只有) |净喺(只是,光是) |
|差唔多(差不多) |连气(一连) |亦(也) |
|又试(又) |但凡(凡是) |逢喺(凡是) |
|咪mei2(别) |咪住(先别) |唔使(不用) |
|唔好(不好) |唔通(难道) |实(一定) |
|奉旨(肯定) |查实(其实) |是必(必定) |
|梗(肯定) |一于(就,表示下定决心去做某事) |
|千祈(千万) |专登(专门,故意) |特登(特地) |
|好在(幸亏) |直头(直接) |直情(简直,根本) |
|同埋(和,同) |一喺(要么) |事关(因为) |
|固然之(固然) |固之然(固然) |之不过(不过) |
|即管(尽管) |唔单只(不但) |不特止(不仅仅) |
|定(还是) |抑或(或者) |于是乎(于是) |
|然之后(然后) |同(和) |为咗(为了) |
|啫(罢了) |之嘛(罢了) |啩(吧) |

|开片(打群架,动刀动武。) |
|擦鞋(拍马屁) |
| |
|一身蚁(一身麻烦) |
|一镬泡(比喻一团糟糕) |
| |
|一镬熟(比喻全部遭殃) |
|一担担(半斤八两,彼此彼此) |
| |
|舂瘟鸡(比喻乱闯乱撞的人) |
|手瓜硬(比喻权力大) |
| |
|执死鸡(拣到便宜) |
|跌眼镜(估计错误,走了眼) |
| |
|大出血(大降价,血本无归) |
|摸门钉(吃闭门羹) |
| |
|踢晒脚(非常忙碌) |
|食死猫(背黑窝) |
| |
|抛浪头(吹嘘自己或吓唬人以显示自己威风,出风头) |
| |
|扯猫尾(演双簧,串通自来) |
|黐孖筋(神经质) |
| |
|鬼打鬼(自己人打自己人,贬义) |
|炮仗颈(火爆脾气) |
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|笃背脊(背后说人坏话,告发别人) |
|放飞机(故意失约) |
| |
|一仆一碌(跌跌撞撞) |
|三口六面(当着别人) |
| |
|三姑六婆(好馆闲事的女人) |
|七国咁乱(乱成一团糟) |
| |
|好人好姐(好端端的人) |
|话头醒尾(领悟力强,一说就明白) |
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|有纹有路(有条不紊) |
|生安白造(捏造,无中生有) |
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|死蛇烂鳝(一动不动,比喻懒惰) |
|把心唔定(下不定决心) |
| |
|定过抬油(镇定得很) |
|游离浪荡(无所事事,到处游荡) |
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|水静河飞(静悄悄,幽静) |
|衰到贴地(倒霉透了,坏透了) |
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|鬼五马六(狡猾古怪) |
|身水身汗(满身是汗) |
| |
|古灵精怪(稀奇古怪) |
|偷呃拐骗(招摇撞骗) |
| |
|无端白事(无缘无故) |
|冇尾飞铊(比喻一去不回) |
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|一天都光晒(云开雾散,大快人心) |
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|一部通书睇到老(用老的眼光看待新事物) |
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|十问九唔应(屡问屡不答) |
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|人怕危ngei1,迷怕筛(人就怕被人哀求) |
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|小心驶得晚年船(小心可保长久平安) |
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|手指拗出唔拗入(比喻自己人不帮自己人反而帮外人) |
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|数还数,路还路(人情归人情,数目要分明) |
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|十划都未有一撇(比喻事情离成功还早着) |
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|生人唔生胆(没有胆量,胆小怕事) |
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|各花入各眼(萝卜青菜,各有所爱,情人眼里出西施) |
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|手板眼见工夫(比喻工作范围小,一眼可见) |
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|有风驶尽利(比喻在得势的时候仗势凌人,不留情面) |
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|有头威冇尾阵(虎头蛇尾) |
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|跌落地都要楋翻揸沙(比喻失败了不认失败,硬撑着) |
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|楋手唔成势(手忙脚乱,措手不及) |
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|有碗话碗,有碟话碟(说话直率,有什么说什么) |
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|食咗人只车咩(想要人家的老命吗) |
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|食碗面反碗底(比喻忘恩负义) |
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|好心着雷劈(不领情,好心反被当恶意) |
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|猪仔得食墟墟冚(小人得志而忘形) |
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|崩口人忌崩口碗(有缺陷的人忌讳到类似的事物) |
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|鸡春(蛋)咁密都会哺出仔(若要人不知,除非己莫为,事情总会败露) |
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|偷鸡唔到蚀揸米(比喻不但占不到便宜反而吃了亏) |
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|光棍佬遇着冇皮柴(想敲诈勒索却遇着穷光蛋) |
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...For an undocumented Chinese immigrant, Chinatown has huge effect on the experiences of immigrants like my grandfather. According to Ling in “Hop Alley”, ethnic associations in China town were especially important in helping immigrants’ adaptation. For example, it provides tangible support and intangible support. Herman not only received housing and job through the help of ethnic organization, but also provided cultural familiarity when surrounded with Cantonese speaking in a foreign country. The feeling of resentment from the mainstream American society was still strong in the 1950s, the forming of a bachelor society (Nee, 1972) helped immigrants to retain their culture and identity when facing the unfamiliar...

Words: 1736 - Pages: 7

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Honda System

...identical, the Chinese term is written once. Chinese 汉语/漢語 or 中文 Hànyǔ or Zhōngwén Hanyu trad simp.svg Hànyǔ (Chinese) written in traditional (left) and simplified (right) characters Native to China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, the United States, Canada, Indonesia, and other places with significant overseas Chinese communities Ethnicity Han Chinese Native speakers unknown (1.2 billion cited 1984–2001)[1] Language family Sino-Tibetan Sinitic Chinese Standard forms Putonghua (Standard Mandarin) Dialects Mandarin Jin Wu (incl. Shanghainese) Huizhou Gan Xiang Min (incl. Amoy, Teochew, Hoochew) Hakka Yue (incl. Cantonese, Taishanese) Ping Writing system Chinese characters, zhuyin fuhao, Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, braille. Ancient use of 'Phags-pa script. Official status Official language in China Hong Kong Macau Taiwan Singapore Burma Wa State, Burma United Nations Recognised minority language in Canada Malaysia United States Regulated by China National Commission on Language and Script Work[2] Taiwan National Languages Committee Singapore Promote Mandarin Council Malaysia Chinese Language Standardisation Council Language codes ISO 639-1 zh ISO 639-2 chi (B) zho (T) ISO 639-3 zho – inclusive code Individual codes: cdo – Min Dong cjy – Jinyu cmn – Mandarin cpx – Pu Xian czh – Huizhou czo – Min Zhong gan – Gan hak – Hakka hsn – Xiang mnp – Min Bei nan –...

Words: 716 - Pages: 3

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Cross Cultural

...buildings are mainly concerned. These features did not only apply for the palaces, but also apply for the humble farmhouses. Apart from the main buildings, the open courtyard and/or the “sky well” can be easily found within the building complexes. Open courtyard and the “sky well” is an empty space surrounded by buildings that connected one building to another one building either directly. Chinese Siheyuan in Beijing is a very good example showing the symmetry, use of open courtyard and “sky well”. Another important feature of Chinese architecture is that Chinese architecture emphasizes on width, in contrast, Western architecture emphasizes on height. The wide halls of Forbidden City and castles in Western countries are very good examples in respect of Chinese and Western architectures. In relation to the structural materials, bricks, stones and wooden timber (frame and roof) are frequently used. Chinese architecture was well developed since ancient times, timber frames are mainly constructed by dowel, it is seldom to use glue or nails. Feng Shui Feng Shui is an ancient art related to the environment and the power of nature. It’s a systematic study based on the elements of astronomy, astrology, geology, physics, mathematics, psychology and intuition. It is mainly...

Words: 1105 - Pages: 5

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Article Review

...modifying them accordingly to use them in the present. There are many areas where these practices are more specifically designed toward native English speaking students, and to be used in the American business community. This offered a somewhat limited perspective on communication. The author also shares her opinion that the teaching of business communication is in transition at this point. Globalization is causing major changes to the way people communicate, and this would have an obvious effect on the ways teachers convey the topic. Where as communication has in the past been geared toward the American business climate, now communication transmissions undergo translation into many different languages and many different countries, cultures and communication dynamics. This has an obvious effect on the construction of the messages conveyed today. The author talks about some of the challenges faced by business communications teachers. Also new mediums of communication have emerged. Electronic communication has taken precedence over traditional mediums, making communication instant, sometimes thoughtless. The author discusses how she has modified her teaching style to accommodate the new era of business communication. She adapted some new skill building exercises, one transitioning from past to present, and the other transitioning from the present to the future. She accomplished a simulation of the cultural climate of Hong Kong. She had several Cantonese students participate in one...

Words: 824 - Pages: 4

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How to Use Chopsticks

...How To Use Chopsticks Will you eat a sandwich with a spoon or use a fork to have an ice cream? No? Why? Because every food, to taste better, must be consumed using the right vessels and cutlery! Same is the case with Chinese and Japanese foods which seem to taste better when eaten with chopsticks. The origin of chopsticks can be dated back to China, around 3000 to 5000 years ago. Widely used in Japan, China, Korea and Vietnam to eat all kinds of foods, most of the chopsticks are made of bamboo while some are also made of ivory, plastic, silver and jade. They are considered as extensions of the fingers and are considered much better than spoons and forks in their usage. Although the respective Asian communities use chopsticks as effortlessly and naturally as Europeans use forks, it doesn’t really come that easily for the rest of us. Despite the fact that most of the world thinks of them as impossible feats, chopsticks actually provides your hands with a physical affinity with the food — something that our quintessential spoons, forks and knives can never boast of. Having said that, we also acknowledge that eating with chopsticks could require some training and hence the next section that talks about how to use chopsticks. Eating With Chopsticks * Clasp one chopstick between your thumb and middle finger. The chopstick must be in such a position that it is placed at the base of your thumb and at the lower joint of the middle finger. While the bottom chopstick remains intact...

Words: 8121 - Pages: 33

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Kung Fu Movies

...Kung Fu movies Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date of submission: Introduction {introduce kung Fu movies] 0.5 Kung Fu movies are part of a subgenre of martial arts films. They are set in the modern period of futuristic martial arts. Kung Fu has its origins in China, which before being modernized, was popularly known as Wuxia (Greene, 2014). This film genre is an important creation of Hong Kong Cinema. The main difference between Kung Fu and Woxia is that the former has less sword play, instead, used more armed combat. It however found its way to the West, where it was embraced in Hollywood as one of them most loved action film genres. The genre was first played on screen in the 1930s in a film known as The Adventures of Fong Sai-Yuk (Kato, 2012). The first directors choreographed the fights to become more realistic on screen. The genre reached its heights in the 1970s and overtook some of the most famous genres of the time. Today, Kung Fu has reached international audiences across the world. The genre is mainly produced Hong Kong, main land china japan and India. This paper looks at the genre as produced in these countries, contrasts and compares them. Characteristics of kung Fu movies in Hong Kong, main land china japan and India The Hong Kong Kung Fu films combine action, mainly as codified by Hollywood, and Chinese storytelling. This is interwoven with aesthetic traditions, which combine to create a distinctive form that has a wide transcultural appeal. However...

Words: 2432 - Pages: 10

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Book Company Case Study

...I. Introduction: Chinese cuisine is served anywhere , even in our own homes. Even at our simple gatherings we usually include Chinese cuisine in our entrails. Chinese cuisine is introduced in the Philippines as early as the 10th century. From appetizers to main curses like dim sums, noodles, meat dishes like sweet and sour, asado, roasted and many more. We Filipinos love to eat Chinese foods. Most Filipinos loved Chinese foods because Chinese influences them to their cuisine. Filipino cuisine is influenced principally by China, Spain, and the United States, integrated into the pre-colonial indigenous Filipino cooking practices. When restaurants were established in the 19th century, Chinese food became a staple of the pansiterias, with the food given Spanish names. The "comida China" Chinese food includes arroz caldo rice and chicken gruel, and morisqueta tostada fried rice. When the Spaniards came, the food influences they brought were from both Spain and Mexico, as it was through the vice-royalty of Mexico that the Philippines were governed.In the Philippines, trade with China started in the 11th century, as documents show, but it is conjectured that undocumented trade may have started even two centuries earlier. Trade pottery excavated in Laguna, for example, includes pieces dating to the Tang Dynasty. The Chinese trader supplied the silks sent to Mexico and Spain in the galleon trade. In return they took back products of field, forest - beeswax...

Words: 4443 - Pages: 18

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Ip Man 3

... This is it. The final installment in the kung-fu movie trilogy that dramatizes the life of the legendary Chinese folk hero: Ip Man. And what a colossal letdown it is. While less disgustingly nationalistic than the second installment, Ip Man 3 lacks the Cantonese humor and the glowing humanity of the first one and is overall a lackluster conclusion to what was supposed to be a kung-fu epic. Donnie Yen returns yet again to play the role of Ip Man, the martial arts master who taught the “Wing-Chun” style to hundreds Cantonese students including the young Bruce Lee. Unsurprisingly, Ip Man is the canonical hero who embodies the Chinese values of familial love, filial piety and flipping men over walls to protect the underdogs of society. Most of the characters in Ip Man 3 are one-dimensional and extremely polarized. For example, Patrick Tam plays the zougou (what the Chinese called fellow countrymen who served their colonial masters), the one who betrayed his master for money. He is lackadaisical, an absolute evil with neither depth nor duality. Ip Man 3’s cast is predictable and even worse, boring. Perhaps the worst thing about Ip Man 3 is its weak pedestrian plot chock full of clichés. So many Chinese movies use either a corrupt Westerner or a barbaric Japanese invader as the main antagonist that it has become a cliché. Ip Man 3 subscribes to the same formula and underwhelms me with its lack of imagination. Ip Man himself is a stoic, impassive and uninteresting hero...

Words: 611 - Pages: 3