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Using a Strategic System in Today’s World


Submitted By llporter
Words 1324
Pages 6
Using a Strategic System in today’s World
Linda Porter
Grand Canyon University: CHL 520
March 26, 2014

Using a Strategic System in today’s World
The purpose of this paper is comprehend the need for 21st century churches to not disregard the strategic systems model plan that God has put in place to enhance, equip, and engage the church to full maturity in the Body of Christ.
It is essential that the church I shepherd as senior pastor be equipped in the knowledge of the principles in which the church was built on which is the same foundation Jesus built his Church when he spoke to Apostle Peter “that upon this rock he would build his church”, (Matthew 16:18, NIV). The church goals have to be Christ centered and heaven focus, meaning the vision and mission of the church (Blackaby, 2001) is relative to the Word of God. As leaders that shepherd in the House of God we must have the on the characteristics of spirituality that is part of the foundation of the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20. We were built to evangelize the world that others may see Christ. God hand picked up for his purpose.
Every ministry leader and auxiliary need to be spirit lead and Word fed and mindset (Ogden, 2003) must be that of God. Jesus taught the disciples that their main focus should be on evangelism. “Go into the hedges and highways and compel men to come unto me”, (Luke 14:23, NIV). Jesus had a strategic system in mind. He chose men that were willing to serve, he trained and equipped them for his godly purpose, and he allowed them to go and do the same things they were taught that his kingdom would be full. It is essential as senior pastor that I ensure those in my care that we are to be kingdom minded and not just come to a building for fellowship but that knowledge and approach the world with the mind of Christ and begs them to become be a part of the world’s greatest

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