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Vacation Bible School

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Many Americans share a common summer memory. No, not of going to the beach or an amusement park. Instead this memory is one where they spent a week of their summer vacation visiting a local church during their annual installment of Vacation Bible School or VBS for short. Some kids attended numerous church's Vacation's Bible Schools, attempting to enjoy as many of the fun-filled activities as possible.
How Popular Was Vacation Bible School?
According to a recently released by LifeWay, entitled "Even If They Don't Go to Church, Americans Still Love VBS," some six in every 10 Americans surveyed said they attended VBS while growing up. Two-thirds say they plan to send their kids to VBS, even if they don't currently attend a church.
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Their particular interest in the continuation of VBS is understandable. To complete this study, LifeWay surveyed 1,200 American adults.
Additional Findings From LifeWay's Study
The research conducted by LifeWay found 60% of the parents surveyed planned to send their kids to a VBS held at a church where they currently did not attend. Another 69% of parents said they would be open to sending their kids to another church's VBS if they child was invited by a friend. Some 88% of the adults surveyed said VBS was vital to the development of their own understanding of the Bible, and 95% said they believed VBS to be an overall positive experience for their children. Even those who did not attend VBS said it was overall held an overall positive view of the program.
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Burfeind, author and pastor, is one person who isn't a huge fan of VBS. He believes it's a classic example of "bait n' switch philosophy." He says it's akin to "trying to get your child to eat vegetables by embedding them in a Twinkie." He goes on to add, "Sure, the child will hear some good things about God, but the medium of the message--the razzle-dazzle theme, characterless music, throwaway crafts, forced theatrics, the theological minimalism--is what the child internalizes."
Why VBS is Still so Important
Regardless of those who believe otherwise, VBS has served a vital role in church outreach towards non believers since the late 19th century for good reason. This is because it has been proven that most people who become a Christian will make their choice to follow Christ when they are a child. A Barna study found that 64% of born again Christians made their commitment to Christ before turning 18 years of age. Some 43% said they accepted Christ as their savior before turning 13. In addition, only 23% said they came to Christ after they turned 21.
The fact that most people will make their decision to follow Christ before the age of 18, makes programs like VBS that much more important. Without an concerted effort by churches to reach children before they grow up, one can only wonder how many would be lost

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