...A VARK Questionnaire Analysis of an Online Nursing Student Zackary S. Stringer, RN Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V Family Centered Health Promotion November 17th, 2013 A VARK Questionnaire Analysis of an Online Nursing Student When entering the realm of online education, one must step back and ask themselves if they are truly able to step away from traditional brick-and-mortar school systems and succeed in an online learning community. One way to assess whether or not this is a possibility is through the VARK questionnaire. The VARK questionnaire was developed by Fleming and Mills in 1992 in an attempt to help students better understand the modalities in which they learn best. The questionnaire is a series of questions that present real life situations relating to learning new skills or teaching new skills to others. The four answer choices then apply to one of the four VARK modalities: visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic. Those taking the VARK questionnaire are also given the opportunity to select more than one response if they feel that more than one answer applies to them. After submitting the responses, the scores for the four modalities are revealed, and then a dominant modality is given. As well, someone could be considered multimodal if they scored highly in more than one modality (Sinclaire, 2012). In the exercise that will be discussed, a twenty year old online nursing student who attended a nursing diploma school currently enrolled in a nursing diploma...
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...Learning style is defined as "an individual's unique approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preferences" (Dictionary.com, 2013). Learning styles can differ from one individual to another. Even if two individuals have the same kind of learning style their leaning strategies can be different. How can a person find what their learning style might be? What are the strategies for their learning style can a person learn best? One method to find one's learning style is by using the VARK learning tool. VARK was developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming to find the way that different people learn best (Fleming, 2011). VARK is an acronym that stands for the different learning styles visual, aural, reading/writing and kinesthetic (Fleming, 2011). One can go to the VARK website and fill out a questionnaire that will then provide a person with a profile of their learning approach based on the way they answered the questions (Fleming, 2011). Once a person has determined their learning style they would be able to find a list of different learning strategies that might work for them. Visual learners have a better time learning with graphical representations as in flowcharts with step-by-step direction (Bastable, 2008). Aural learners can learn best by listening to lectures, often they might need directions read aloud and prefer to discuss topics in class or study groups (Bastable, 2008). Read/write learners like to review written information, by reading or writing with references...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Elaine Boyd Grand Canyon University May 24, 2015 VARK Analysis Paper According to the VARK questionnaire the learning strategy that best describes this student’s style is multimodal learning style. Experience has shown this person learning to be strongest in visual and kinesthetic and less in the aural and read/write styles. Amazingly, this corresponds with the results of this questionnaire. Multimodal learning style means that all styles are used to some degree. Many people find they need the same material taught using several of the learning modes to grasp the meaning of the subject being taught. This finding is very accurate looking on past experiences with understanding of written instructions being the most difficult. It is necessary to not only listen to the instructor, take good notes, review notes and recite information out loud to really understand and learn the material provided. Participating in study groups is extremely helpful for many, as not only do you repeat what was discussed in class, but you hear information from another student’s perspective. This information may have been missed or not understood completely. Let’s look at the other different learning styles. First, there is visual, which means you use colors, flowcharts, and pictures to point out important parts. You use symbolism and prefer different arrangements. You like teachers who use hand gestures, posters, slides and graphs. It is advised this...
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...Vark Analysis paper Introduction Individual learning styles vary from student to student. Each student brings different experiences, culture, level of preparedness and learning style to class room environment. To understand your individual learning style Neil Fleming as a questionnaire for understanding learning styles. The VARK-Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic questionnaire was developed to be used as tool to better understand learning styles and how to apply to learning. VARK focuses on the sensory modality dimension of learning; the way that information is taken And processed by the leaner: visual, aural, read/write, or kinesthetic (Sinclaire, Spring 2012). Visual learners favor information presented in diagrams, illustration, powerpoints and handouts. Also the visual learner is more likely to take additional notes during lectures. Learning by seeing the information being presented. Aural learners learn through listening. During Aural learning the student learns best hearing lectures, tutorials and discussions. Autditory learners understand the underlying meaning of speech through active listening. Read/Write learners favor printed information. They learn best through reading and writing. Read/Write learners comprehend information being displayed as words. Kinesthetic learners learn through touching, moving and doing. The hand on approach works well for kinesthetic learners. The kinesthetic learners needs to...
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...Running head: VARK ANALYSIS VARK Analysis Paper Catherine L. Cook Grand Canyon University: NRS 429v Family Centered Health Promotion Professor Mishalene Fisher RN, MSN, CPN July 1, 2012 In order for students to be successful beyond the classroom, they must retain and use what they have learned. True learning is when one can use the information obtained. People learn in different ways. In this paper, the VARK learning analysis quiz and learning styles will be discussed as well as the advantages and implications of understanding one’s learning style. The acronym VARK stands for visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic. Neil Fleming and Colleen Mills designed a questionnaire for students of all walks of life to help them identify their individual learning style. The different categories identified by creators of the questionnaire are sensory modalities that people use to learn (Fleming & Mills, 2011). The quiz is 16 simple questions that break down one’s learning style into the mentioned four categories. Some may find that they score the same or overlap in several of the categories making them multimodal learners. Visual learners are those who take in and process information that is in a visual format such as maps, graphs, charts and diagrams that take the place of the written word (Fleming & Mills, 2011). It is interesting to note that television, movies, photographs or power-point format are not considered tools for teaching visual learners. “Visual...
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...Vark Analysis Visual Learning Style The Vark Analysis is an assessment test based on sixteen questions that is used to be able to interpret what type of learner a person is. It distinguishes a person from being a visual, auditory, kinesthetic read/write or a multimodality learner. (Fleming, 2011) Visual Learners are exactly what the word visual implies- they learn best by being able to see written directions rather than spoken word. They learn by demonstration opposed to spoken lectures. They respond well to charts and graphs and can often picture lecture notes in their head. Visual study strategies of this type of learner would include the use of pictures and slides and posters also books with diagrams and the use of different colors and highlighting. (Fleming, 2011)(Kendra Cherry, n.d.) Kinesthetic learners is a type of learner that learns best by example. The use of field trips a laboratory, exhibits at a museum. They learn by a teacher who uses real life examples rather than a teacher who adheres to the use of slide presentations. (Fleming, 2011) Aural learners benefit from attending class and discussing topics with others, the use of a tape recorder-maybe recording notes in their own voice. It is easier for auditory learners to explain new information learned to others. (Fleming, 2011)(Desire Hendricks, n.d.) The read/write learner benefits from the use of textbooks and handouts. When studying they may have to write ideas over and over to understand them. They...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V January 20, 2013 VARK Analysis Paper According to the VARK Questionnaire, kinesthetic is the type of learning style that is the strongest. There is a big difference in the scoring, where the highest score was kinesthetic at an 11 and the lowest score of 4 went to aural. Visual and read/write scored about the same where visual is a 5 and read/write is at a 6. Taking the VARK questionnaire has been able to bring to light a lot of issues and insecurities about preparing for assignments and exams. Knowing which learning style a person is and understanding the proper strategies for learning can help increase the knowledge base for that person. The learning style that has proven best for this student is more of a hands-on approach of the material that is being taught. It is similar to jumping into the deep end of the pool when first starting to learn how to swim. The online program has had better success with this method compared to a lecture and exam setting. Seeing the whole picture first and then breaking down the steps that build up to the final product helps understand and retain the information. This is similar to a study performed to see the optimal learning environment of students in the healthcare field. Kim A. Noble conducted a study and found that “nursing students were classified as more field-dependent than students in other health-related disciplines” (2008, pg 245). Which makes it a little hard...
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...The VARK Questionnaire Eric Garcia Grand Canyon University NRS-429V Family Centered Health Promotion February 21, 2013 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this analysis is to review and summarize preferred learning styles that are preferred to learning new strategies and styles. The purpose of this paper is to identify the many different learning styles noted in the “VARK Questionnaire” developed by Neil D. Fleming a teacher from New Zealand. Topics outlined in subsequent paragraphs will delineate the different learning styles and study strategies regarding: aural, multimodal, read/write, and kinesthetic learning strategies. Identification of learning preference through the corresponding link and this analysis will be discussed in comparison to the other learning strategies. Method Personal Learning Report After addressing questions to the VARK report it was noted that one is noted to be one in the majority, as 60% of any population fits the category of Multimodal. What this means is that one may have two or three strong preferences of aural, visual, read/write, and kinesthetic. Various preferences give you choices of two or three styles to use for your learning and interaction with others. It’s often necessary for individuals to use more than one strategy for learning and communicating. The feeling of insecurity is often noted with one strategy, that’s why multimodal individuals tend to utilize the other strategies to incorporate into their learning and communicating...
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...As a successful student with several years of experience, struggling to pass a few nursing exams come to mind. Numerous study strategies were tested in the process. Some were adopted and some failed. What assisted in the success of passing nursing school and ultimately the NCLEX can be attributed to being an active learner who took responsibility for any and all information presented and having a clear goal in mind at all times. This achievement was accomplished by attending ALL class/lectures and interacting with the instructor and classmates. This also meant teaming up with a study buddy who each supported and encouraged each other. All information needed to be well organized. Successfully prioritizing school and personal life was a necessity. Attending class without a variety of colorful pens and highlighters, a large stash of note cards, and a digital voice recorder would have been detrimental. Not knowing all these self learned study habits were actually researched and documented learning styles and strategies is very impressive and quite the accomplishment. Upon completion of the VARK questionnaire, it is determined that this self-learned style is actually multimodal. It includes the READ/WRITE, VISUAL, and AURAL learning style and study strategies (VARK). The VARK assessment tool indicates that the READ/WRITE learner takes in information best by studying lists, headings, utilizing dictionaries, looking up definitions, referring to handouts, and following manuals...
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...Running head: The VARK Analysis Paper The VARK Analysis Paper June 9, 2012 The VARK Analysis Paper The VARK questionnaire was created by Neil Fleming who taught about teaching and learning. VARK is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic. This survey can bring awareness to people about different learning strategies by offering simple information on studying tips. This analysis paper will focus on Sylvia Arias’s learning style, preferred learning style, and identified learning style using the VARK questionnaire. Learning Styles Sylvia’s current learning style is to read the learning material over and over until she understands it. When she does not know a word’s meaning, she uses an on-line dictionary and thesaurus for reference. If she does not understand the reading material after reviewing it several times, she will refer to the internet to look up other learning sources pertaining to the subject that may explain in a simpler way. Memorization has been a learning style of Sylvia’s but will only last temporarily. If she writes down what she is learning with notes and key words, this helps her to remember her subject material and it will be stored in her brain. In nursing school she studied by making note cards with pictures that was helpful for her. Tape recording class lectures and listening while driving or at home has been another learning style. Preferred Learning Strategy Sylvia’s preferred learning...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Rebecca Rivera Grand Canyon University July 23, 2016 Abstract The acronym VARK stands for visual, aural, read and kinesthetic comprised if 16 question to analysis and gain a better understanding of personal learning styles (VARK a guide to learning styles, 2016). Understanding of personal learning style aids in the ability to teach others in a variety of styles to ensure that the learner has an understanding on new information. An analysis of an individual study will aid in the understanding of how the VARK learning styles can be applied. VARK Analysis Paper The VARK system was developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming to aid in understanding and providing strategies through a series of questions to evaluate how a person learns (VARK a guide to learning styles, 2016). As diverse as the human population is so being the different styles of learning that can be used to understand new knowledge. There are four categories to the VARK learning style. The acronym VARK represents these categories being visual, auditory/aural, read/write and kinesthetic. A detailed analysis of an individual study including VARK analysis, ones preferred learning strategies compared to ones identified style and how it can influence teaching and learning. The VARK questionnaire is comprised of 16 questions and can have more than one answer creating very individualized results. After completion of the questionnaire the highest score was in read/write category at 11. Next was the category...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Sara Currell Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V Hortense Turner May 3, 2013 VARK Analysis Paper The VARK questionnaire, designed by Flemming in is a tool to provide scores relating to prefeences for learning. The author of this paper, Sara Currell, completed the online questionnaire and received scores in the following categories: Visual (13), Aural (10), Read/Write (13), and Kinesthetic (12). Since VARK is about one preference for taking in and putting out information, according to Sara’s scores she has a multi-modal approach., which is the most popular result. The multi-modal preferenece may be placed in two group;, the context specific approach and whole sense approach. Sara’s results indicate a score with three – four similar score which indeicates a whole sense approach. In addition those who have a total VARK score greater than 30, (Sara has 48) tend to use their preferences in combination, needing all their preferred modes to get a good understanding (flemming) This preference employs the use of each category decriminatley before coming to a decision or understanding of a learning situation. The multimodal learner needs a broader slection of information input and takes longer to leanr or make a decision, since a variety of perspectives may be utilized. This group may get bored or frustrated with just one teaching style presented to them. When considering online learning this may be a challenging environment...
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...VARK Analysis More and more, today’s student is becoming less traditional in many areas of their lives and fields of study. Variances can be found in the students’ culture and background, age, degree of intelligence and conditioning. This is becoming truer especially in the medical sciences such as nursing. Much of today’s earning of an advanced nursing degree is done in an environment where the student is not in the traditional learning setting which could include lecturing which can be defined as a passive form of learning. The modern curriculum must explore other methods in the delivery of its goals along with meeting the needs and expectations of the student (Alkhasawneh, Mrayyan, Docherty, Alashram, & Yousef, 2008). One such tool is the VARK method. VARK, which is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. A common misconception of VARK is that it is a learning style itself. Rather, it is a tool to be utilized to determine the preferred learning style of the student. The VARK questionnaire, which consists of 16 questions, was developed by Neil D. Fleming. There are basically three principles associated with the VARK tool. First everyone can learn academic issues. However, everyone has their own specific learning style. Next, there is found to be an increase in learning motivation when an awareness of the learner’s specific is learning style. Finally concepts are learned through using the senses to differentiate various perceptions (Peyman, Sadeghifar...
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...VARK Analysis from a Read/write perspective Grand Canyon University: NRS-429 Family Centered Health Promotion February 24th, 2013 VARK Analysis from a read/write perspective This paper will reflect a nurses learning preference of mild read/write according to the visual, aural, read/write or kinesthetic (VARK) analysis questionnaire. “VARK is a questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their learning preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take-in and give-out information (Fleming2001-2011)”. A review of each of the other learning preferences will be reviewed. Also a discussion of why this nurse would not be successful with the other learning preferences and why read/write is the optimum choice. Visual Visual, the first of the four learning preferences is a learning method with the need to use visual aids. “This preference includes the depiction of information in maps, spider diagrams, charts, graphs, flow charts, labelled diagrams, and all the symbolic arrows, circles, hierarchies and other devices that people use to represent what could have been presented in words (Fleming 2001-2011).” Simply put if visual is your learning preference the need to see information in graphs or presented as a pie chart alone with little wording would help better understand the information relayed. A read/write learning preference would need more words less diagrams to be able to retain the correct information. Too many pictures of charts, or diagrams...
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...Learning Style Analysis Kathie Kaiser Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V June 23, 2013 Learning Styles Analysis Everybody has their own way of learning, how they like to receive information, process it, and file it in their brain for future use either for their jobs or for formal education. The most common styles of learning are Visual, you like to see what you are learning, Aural, you like to hear what you are learning, Read/Write you like to see on paper in words what you are learning, Kinesthetic, you like a hands on approach to learning, and Multimodal you learn best using different styles. This writer completed the VARK questionnaire to discover her learning styles. The VARK questionnaire has 13 questions and indicates the preferences in which learning is taken in. It is not a definitive measure of learning, just a tool to discover learning preferences. VARK Questionnaire with scores From the profile generated from the VARK questionnaire, this writer confirmed that she enjoys a variety of learning styles, this is known as multimodal. The VARK learning scores were Visual=5, Aural (hearing) =10, R (read/write) =12, and K (Kinesthetic) =7 for a total score of 34 (Fleming). This is very close to what the writer already knew about her preferred learning styles. Preferred learning styles According to the VARK questionnaire this writers’ strongest learning preference is read/write. When listening to a lecture, writing notes and seeing a power point presentation...
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