...Running head: AN ANALYSIS OF THE VARK An Analysis of the VARK Assessment Tool Rebecca Milakovich Grand Canyon University: NUR429V December 16th, 2011 An Analysis of the VARK Assessment Tool Do you know how you learn best? There are many different ways to learn something new but do you know which one would benefit you the most? The VARK analysis tool can help you find the answer to that question. VARK stands for Visual, Aural/Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic which are the four categories of learning preferences. The online VARK questionnaire is free and consists of 16 questions that are based on real-life situations that users can easily answer and relate to. Users are able to check more than one answer to each question if more than one answer applies to them. After finishing the questions, the user is provided with a score in each of the 4 categories. If a person scores high in more than one area they are considered multi modal and are flexible in their learning styles (VARK, n.d.). The website then provides several study strategies for each learning preference that users can implement to improve their learning. The website cautions that “The results indicate a 'rule of thumb' and should not be rigidly applied. Remember that the questionnaire is not intended to 'box' respondents into a mindset that they have been 'diagnosed'. Rather, it is designed to initiate discussion about, and reflection upon, learning preferences” (VARK, n.d.) The author of this paper...
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...VARK Analysis VARK learning style is one of the most useful and widely used learning styles that was designed and developed by Neil Fleming in 1987. It was designed to assist learners about their learning preferences and describe how learners can gather, and interpret in order to organize and retain all information for future use (Chick, 2014). Learners are identified by what their preferences upon taking the VARK questionnaire; it includes visual leaning (diagram, picture), auditory learning (discussion, lectures), reading and writing (taking notes, making list, reading instruction), and kinesthetic learning (hands-om, experiment, activities). Visual learners often learn best by visualize information such as maps, diagrams, signs, symbols, handouts, and video. All of these learning tools are used as to retrieve and retain information in a visual rather than the written instruction. Auditory learners learn best on hearing the information, for examples, words, lectures, group discussion. Most of auditory learners are great listener and be able to remember what they were told (Cherry, 2014). Reading and writing learners prefer to learn by reading and/or taking notes from information that represented as words or handouts. This type of learner often use and find that dictionaries, written instruction, or quotations work best for them. Kinesthetic learners or tactile learners often learn best by doing hands-on, and enjoy learning by involving directly with objects and materials...
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...Learning Style Analysis Kathie Kaiser Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V June 23, 2013 Learning Styles Analysis Everybody has their own way of learning, how they like to receive information, process it, and file it in their brain for future use either for their jobs or for formal education. The most common styles of learning are Visual, you like to see what you are learning, Aural, you like to hear what you are learning, Read/Write you like to see on paper in words what you are learning, Kinesthetic, you like a hands on approach to learning, and Multimodal you learn best using different styles. This writer completed the VARK questionnaire to discover her learning styles. The VARK questionnaire has 13 questions and indicates the preferences in which learning is taken in. It is not a definitive measure of learning, just a tool to discover learning preferences. VARK Questionnaire with scores From the profile generated from the VARK questionnaire, this writer confirmed that she enjoys a variety of learning styles, this is known as multimodal. The VARK learning scores were Visual=5, Aural (hearing) =10, R (read/write) =12, and K (Kinesthetic) =7 for a total score of 34 (Fleming). This is very close to what the writer already knew about her preferred learning styles. Preferred learning styles According to the VARK questionnaire this writers’ strongest learning preference is read/write. When listening to a lecture, writing notes and seeing a power point presentation...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Family Centered Health Promotion VARK Analysis Paper There are a array of different learning styles, each and every person will learn differently depending on how their brain works and there life style of learning. Learning is a goal-directed act and all human beings and living creatures have different learning behaviors and styles. On the other hand, the process of learning is done over a progression of time and usually includes a learning curve that each person will follow. One familiar assessment used to create a person's learning style is the VARK Analysis (Fleming, 2011). VARK is an phrase for visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic learners. This determination is done online and clusters information on how individuals answer a sequence of questions. Educators and students alike will use this tool become better at teaching and the learning process as a whole. At the conclusion of the VARK questionnaire, a learning type based on four categories that will give your preferred learning type. This will give the individual a beginning foundation on how he/she best learns and retains information. This paper will compare Betty's learning behaviors based from the results of VARK Analysis (Fleming, 2011). VARK Learning Styles The Vark Analysis is separated by four categories: visual, aural, reading/writing and kinesthetic. According to VARK, the visual learner uses pictures and concept maps. These learners retain information best...
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...“The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best?” Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V June 9, 2013 “The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best?” People are different in so many ways, from physical differences, personality differences, culture differences, and learning differences. We all have different ways that we take in information and understand information we are receiving. This increases the challenge to understand how some tasks are easier to learn then others in various students (Meehan-Andrews, 2009). A learning model was created in the 1980’s by Neil Fleming called VARK that defines and explains the different ways people learn (VARK, 2011 ). VARK is an acronym for visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic learning styles in one model (Alkhasawnch, 2007). The evaluation breaks down the person’s different learning styles into four different areas of learning and gives the learner an idea of what area of learning is the strongest. There are four different learning styles presented in this VARK model: visual (pictures, movies, diagrams), auditory (music, discussion, lectures), reading and writing (making lists, reading textbooks, taking notes), and kinesthetic (movement, experiments, hands-on activities) (VARK, 2011). My Learning Style The Reading/Write learning model is one of the four different learning styles presented in the VARK model. The results for this learner were a strong Read/Write learning preference and the score given was 9. Visual was a 3, Aural...
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...VARK Analysis Paper NRS-429V June 23, 2014 VARK Analysis Paper Learning styles or preferences are based on personal characteristics, preferences or individual strengths. It can be important for students to know or be familiar with their specific style of learning, so that they can develop learning strategies that can help them be successful in the material being studied. You can use tools to help ascertain the specific learning styles, like the VARK questionnaire. It provides an insight to how you “take in and give out information” (Fleming, 2014, FAQ). Also, it can help to isolate and identify strategies based on your identified learning preference. Based on the Vark questionnaire taken, my learning preference is multimodal. The multimodal preference may consist of two or more learning styles, which are comprised of Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic (VARK). The results were as follows: * Visual: 8 * Aural: 3 * Read/write: 6 * Kinesthetic: 7 The results reflect a strong preference to Visual, Read/write, and Kinesthetic (VRK). The multimodal preference can prove beneficial to learning information, but can also have drawbacks. With a multimodal approach to learning one can employ different means of processing the information whether it is being presented through visual presentations, lectures, demonstrations, or reading assignments. The student can adapt or match a preference with what is being presented (Fleming, 2011). In contrast...
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...Reading and Writing Learning Preference Crystal D. Lynch Grand Canyon University NRS 429V November 11, 2012 Learning Style After completing the Vark questionnaire, this author showed a strong preference for learning by reading and writing. In the reading and writing learning preference, this preference is for information displayed as words (Fleming, 2001). Many students and teachers show a high preference toward this type of style. The ability to write, and read well are attributes widely sought by employers of recent graduates. In this learning style, emphasis is on text based input and output, using all forms of material especially manuals, reports, essays and textbooks (Fleming, 2001). People who prefer this model spend hours on the internet, gravitating toward power point presentations over audio presentation. In defining the reading and writing learning strategy, the author identified that the reading and writing learning model uses intake of material in a text-based format. It uses lists, headings, dictionaries, handouts and textbooks as the prime source of intake material. Notes taken during lecture and manuals are also used as a source. When preparing to study, rewriting notes taken during lecture, and reading notes over and over, either out loud or silently, are some strategies used in this type of learning style. When preparing for test assignments or exams, taking practice exams with multiple choice questions is often helpful for students...
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...head: The VARK Analysis Paper The VARK Analysis Paper June 9, 2012 The VARK Analysis Paper The VARK questionnaire was created by Neil Fleming who taught about teaching and learning. VARK is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic. This survey can bring awareness to people about different learning strategies by offering simple information on studying tips. This analysis paper will focus on Sylvia Arias’s learning style, preferred learning style, and identified learning style using the VARK questionnaire. Learning Styles Sylvia’s current learning style is to read the learning material over and over until she understands it. When she does not know a word’s meaning, she uses an on-line dictionary and thesaurus for reference. If she does not understand the reading material after reviewing it several times, she will refer to the internet to look up other learning sources pertaining to the subject that may explain in a simpler way. Memorization has been a learning style of Sylvia’s but will only last temporarily. If she writes down what she is learning with notes and key words, this helps her to remember her subject material and it will be stored in her brain. In nursing school she studied by making note cards with pictures that was helpful for her. Tape recording class lectures and listening while driving or at home has been another learning style. Preferred Learning Strategy Sylvia’s preferred learning strategy...
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...VARK Analysis More and more, today’s student is becoming less traditional in many areas of their lives and fields of study. Variances can be found in the students’ culture and background, age, degree of intelligence and conditioning. This is becoming truer especially in the medical sciences such as nursing. Much of today’s earning of an advanced nursing degree is done in an environment where the student is not in the traditional learning setting which could include lecturing which can be defined as a passive form of learning. The modern curriculum must explore other methods in the delivery of its goals along with meeting the needs and expectations of the student (Alkhasawneh, Mrayyan, Docherty, Alashram, & Yousef, 2008). One such tool is the VARK method. VARK, which is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. A common misconception of VARK is that it is a learning style itself. Rather, it is a tool to be utilized to determine the preferred learning style of the student. The VARK questionnaire, which consists of 16 questions, was developed by Neil D. Fleming. There are basically three principles associated with the VARK tool. First everyone can learn academic issues. However, everyone has their own specific learning style. Next, there is found to be an increase in learning motivation when an awareness of the learner’s specific is learning style. Finally concepts are learned through using the senses to differentiate various perceptions (Peyman, Sadeghifar...
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...Running head: VARK LEARNING STYLE ANALYSIS Vark Learning Style Analysis September 08, 2011 Vark Learning Style Analysis Vark is a questioner tool that can assist different people from different approaches to improve their learning skill, improve communication ability and save time. It can specially help individuals who have experienced learning difficulty in the past. Since more learning situations require the use of more than one modality vark can provide an assessment of how the respondent applies the four learning modalities in learning activities. When individuals know about their own learning style it can help them to concentrate, process, absorb, and retain new and difficult information. Most people about 60% of any population are multimodal learners(as cited in Jdental.org, 2011). The vark analysis results showed I am also one of the multimodal learners. Preferred learning style based on testing are read-write score of 13, aural 11, kinesthetic 12, and visual with the lowest score of 5. For the people who have multimodal learning style such as myself is preferably to try to use all different types learning approaches. For instance to learn visually using maps, charts, graphs, diagrams, different colors, and pictures can be helpful. Aural learners should explain new ideas , discuss topics with other students or instructors, use tape recorders, and attend lectures. Individuals who learn through read/ write should take notes, read printed hand outs, and also...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Violet Aigbe GCU Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V Kimberly Hare August 8, 2014 VARK Analysis Paper VARK stand for Visual, Aural, Reading/Writing and Kinesthetic. VARK Score; V=5, A= 10, R/W= 10, K=7, and learning preference is Multimodal. Neil D. Fleming (2011) developed this method to study how different individuals learn and retain information. With this method, many people are now able to know their preferred method of learning, understand what they have been taught and are able to put to practice that which they have learned. The VARK tool helps an individual to compare their preferred learning style to their own learning preference, this will help them understand and assimilate what they are being taught which will eventually facilitate their learning process. Acquiring knowledge or skill is a continued or never-ending process, so being able to identify learning style is an important asset that will propel an individual to great and successful learning experience. The goal of this paper therefore is to inform readers of the learning styles, preferred learning strategy of the writer and to compare these with the identified strategies, then appraise how the writer’s awareness of learning attributes influences the teaching and learning. Writer’s Preferred Learning Style The collection of information, processing it, retaining it and applying it sums up a learning style. The writer of this paper falls into the multimodal group of...
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...VARK is an assessment tool developed by Neil Fleming and David Baum in 1987. The questionnaire assesses a persons’ learning style. Learning style refers to the way a person gathers, processes, organizes and thinks about information ("Learning styles," n.d.). The acronym VARK refers to visual, auditory, read/write and kinesthetic (Fleming & Baum, 2006). VARK is utilized by students and teachers to assist in determining which learning technique or combinations of techniques are used by the person being tested. This tool will allow a person to identify and understand ones strengths and weaknesses which can lead to strategies to help strengthen any identified weaknesses. There are a multiple of learning environments which a student must adapt to. These various environments require a person to implement different learning styles for their own success. The results of the VARK questionnaire will capitulate number results for each learning style and indicate how an individual functions in each kind of learning style. Usually the results will reveal one or two types of learning styles in which the person excels (Bednarik,R., & Franti,P., 2004). Here are the results from an individual that recently took the VARK online assessment. Visual=3, Aural=6, Read/Write=2, Kinesthetic=6. As seen, the score of the test reveals an equality on kinesthetic and aural styles of learning, and an inadequacy in read/write (Fleming & Baum, 2006). This assessment shows the individual where...
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...a study buddy who each supported and encouraged each other. All information needed to be well organized. Successfully prioritizing school and personal life was a necessity. Attending class without a variety of colorful pens and highlighters, a large stash of note cards, and a digital voice recorder would have been detrimental. Not knowing all these self learned study habits were actually researched and documented learning styles and strategies is very impressive and quite the accomplishment. Upon completion of the VARK questionnaire, it is determined that this self-learned style is actually multimodal. It includes the READ/WRITE, VISUAL, and AURAL learning style and study strategies (VARK). The VARK assessment tool indicates that the READ/WRITE learner takes in information best by studying lists, headings, utilizing dictionaries, looking up definitions, referring to handouts, and following manuals. It also states that when studying, this type of learner writes and rewrites words endlessly and reads study notes or flash cards silently over and over (VARK). In a Anatomy and Physiology class, while dissecting the cat, each muscle name, correct spelling, and location was memorized by writing the very complex muscle names over and over and over again until the hand could write these...
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...VARK Learning Style Courtney Asher NRS 429V GCU “VARK Learning Style” At some point in our student lives, we will be introduced to a short questionnaire referred to as a VARK. Usually one is required to take the questionnaire in the beginning of their college journey to assist with learning strategies or varied studying styles that provide personalized learning and positive outcomes. If one is lucky, a teacher might introduce it in high school or even middle school because learning styles may change as we age, but it is important to tackle correct study techniques earlier than later. A VARK is a one dimensional tool used to assist a person in identifying a learning preference or preferences for taking in and putting out information when learning is the objective. (VARK, 2014). An individual learning style refers to the preferential way an individual absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information. (Teach, 2014). It is important to understand how we prefer to receive information because we may not be getting everything we possibly could from a course. Current practice may warrant a B- student, but after participating in the VARK the student may apply new learning strategies ultimately bumping their grade up to an A with the feeling that they actually understand the material being taught. I have taken the VARK countless times and the results have always been the same, I am told I learn predominately by reading/writing with notable points in visual and aural styles...
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...Learning Strategies Learning Strategies This paper will discuss the “VARK, a guide to learning styles” (VARK, 2015). One subject who took the “VARK Questionnaire, How Do I Learn Best?” learned the results were Aural and Kinesthetic “AK”, a multimodal learning style preference. The subject’s preferred learning strategies were compared and found to be compatible with the VARK learning style strategies. Using VARK as a tool can give an instructor awareness of the individual’s learning style. This aids the instructor in developing strategies that will accommodate and influence the individual’s learning style. The subject that took the sixteen part VARK questionnaire chose to answer some categories with one selection and others with two or more selections. The questionnaire concluded the subject’s scores were Visual “V”-3, Aural/Auditory “A”-11, Read/Write “R”-5 and Kinesthetic “K”-9 resulting in a multimodal “AK” learning preference. This individual’s learning style mixes “A” and “K” modalities where they have the ability to switch between them, allowing the individual to adapt to the learning strategy. VARK defines four sensory modalities that are used for learning (VARK, 2015). The “V” modality uses graphics such as maps, charts, diagrams and symbols instead of words to represent the information they are trying to learn. “A” modality prefers information that can be heard or spoken. This represents a traditional classroom type providing lectures, open group discussions, webinars...
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