As Mahatma Ghandi once said, “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind”. The desire to settle a score for old and new grudges only leaves chaos and waste in its wake. Throughout the ages vengeance has played an important role in history and literature. In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller the theme vengeance is portrayed as neighbor turns on neighbor. First, as the theme vengeance reoccurs throughout the play The Crucible many people end up turning on each other to exact their revenge. For example, Hale is in the home of the Proctors when he brings up how Rebecca Nurse’s and others names got brought up in court. Then Francis Nurse the husband of Rebecca Nurse enters the house following Giles Corey to inform them about his wife’s arrest, Francis exclaimed, “For the marvelous and supernatural murder of Good Putnam’s babies”(Miller 1175).…show more content… Giles then hands the deposition over to Danforth who then according to giles states, “You coldly prompted your daughter to cry witchery upon George Jacobs”. This is significant because Thomas Putnam is seeking out land and power in Salem as well as revenge. He then, as others have, sees the opportunity to condemn people by accusation of witchcraft. If and when the people he has accused get hung or are forced to give up land he swoops in to buy it. All in all, Thomas Putnam along with others use the chaos to profit and settle the scores on old grudges. The theme Revenge has been seen in many great literatures including The Crucible by Arthur Miller. In the play The Crucible people took advantage of the situation to exact their revenge. This causes the situation in Salem to reach a tipping point when 20 people are executed based on spectral evidence. Many of the people executed and accused had grudges that ran deep with other people and were used as scapegoats by their