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Veronica Roth

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This book is a dystopian science fiction story intended for young adults. Veronica Roth wrote this to entertain readers, just like her other books in the Divergent series including Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant.
Throughout the story, Roth changes the point of view for each chapter between Tris and Tobias. These main characters are the focus of the book while they embark on a journey outside of the fence that is closing in their city from the outside world. They go through changes of learning to accept life, and learning about their city that was used as an experiment. The title relates to the group of people leaving the city who were called the Allegiant, meaning loyalty to whoever started the experiment. Throughout the book, the Allegiant …show more content…
The first theme is identity, shown by the struggles the characters go through regarding their genes and getting used to not wearing the clothes of their faction. Another theme is sacrifice in terms of giving up something for the greater good of a society, shown by many characters, but mostly Tris. The third theme is guilt and regret, apparent in almost all of the characters that came from the city. Memories of things they did or should have done haunt them and affect their mood and the decisions they make in the end. The style of this book is very easy to read and intriguing to the reader because it is written in the point of view of Tris and Tobias. Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and I would recommend this to anyone who likes to read dystopian stories. It has many parts to it, including action, romance, and multiple suspenseful situations that leave the reader wanting more. One particular part in the book that I couldn’t stop reading was when Tris was talking to David about sacrifice. “She taught me all about real sacrifice. That it should be done from love... That it should be done from necessity, not without exhausting all other options. That it should be done for people who need your strength because they don't have enough of their own”

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