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Book Report On Wonder

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Wonder Book Report

Wonder is a book about a kid called August that growing up had a medical issue causing him to go through lots of surgeries. August is at first worried about coming back to school fearing kids might judge him. Mr. Tushman the principal asks some kids to introduce him around the school. While some people tried to be nice about it, but Julian most of the time always made fun of him about it. While he’s at school he makes lots of friends like Jack and Summer. In Halloween though Jack was talking with Julian and said lots of mean stuff about him that August heard. Jack didn’t knew this and apologized for making fun of him. Later he faces lots of struggles and people who bullied him along with Julian. Later he deals with this problems with the help of Mr. Tushman and others he gets through these struggles and gains lots of love from the …show more content…
He is most of the time happy and a bit shy. He has a passion for Star Wars, outer space, and science. August however seems to get his feeling hurt sometimes due to his appearance from his surgeries.
Summer is one of most popular kids in the school and while she knows this, she doesn’t do what the usually popular girls do. She’s one of August’s friends and she usually sits with him and hangout at lunch.
Olivia is the older sister of August. She is in Highschool and is in a relationship with Justin which is her boyfriend. She is often looking out for her younger brother like when she asked to change a part of the play that she thinks that would make August a bit sad or emotional.
Jack, or as kids call him in the story Jack Will, is a kid that goes to school with August. He was one of August's first friends in the school and is one of the one that he hangs out with the most like in classes, projects and homework. Jack later in the story says something hurtful to August behind his back but later apologizes about

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