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Journal Article


Submitted By reofernandez
Words 2820
Pages 12
Book Reviews Thompson, J.D., Organizations in Action (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967). Yie, Robert K., Case Study Research: Design and Methods, vol. 5, rev. ed. (San Francisco: Sa^e Publications, 1989). Anthony A. Atkinson


University of Waterloo

Thomas H. Johnson and Robert S. Kaplan, Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School ftess, 1987) pp. 269. Given the reaction that this book has caused in the management accounting milieu, it seems destined to play an important role in the direction that teaching and research may adopt in the near future. In fact, the accounting literature is already witnessing an increasing number of articles regarding the lack of relevance of management accounting systems (MAS) in the decision making process of the firm. The book of Johnson and Kaplan (J&K) is implicitly divided into three parts. Part I—^The Rise of Management Accounting, chapters 2 through 5, provides an interesting overview of the evolution of management accounting in the United States from the 1880s through the 1920s. According to the authors, MAS were developing and adapting to management's needs, providing relevant, accurate, and timely information. Part II—The Fall of Management Accounting, chapters 6 through 9, analyses and explains the loss of relevance of MAS. Unlike some historians, J&K assert that this was not due to the fact that financial accounting unduly influenced managerial accounting, but to the prohibitive costs of implementing adequate MAS. Part III—Possible Course of Action, chapters 10 and 11, sets out what can be done to recover the relevance of MAS. Tliis review looks at the three parts in tum. The last section provides conclusions. The rise of management accounting In its early years, MAS appeared to fill the need for information regarding the internal activities of the firm (e.g., wages, raw

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