...Journal Article Review Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 305 RN Health Assessment Journal Article Review Introduction “A guide to taking a patient’s history” was written by Hilary Lloyd and Stephen Craig. The article was published in the December 5, 2007 issue of Nursing Standard. The article discusses the process of taking a patient history, preparing the environment, communication, and the importance of order. Summary of Article The patient history is an important part of the patient assessment that nurses conduct. The article provides steps on how to take a full and detailed patient history. The first step before obtaining a patient history is obtaining consent from the patient. The patient must be able to provide consent if they are able to act on their own free will and are able to understand what they have agreed to. The next step is preparing the environment. Preparing the environment includes: ensuring that the environment is safe for both the patient and the nurse, maintaining privacy, protecting patient confidentiality, and allowing enough time to complete the assessment. Communication is the next step. During this step, the nurse introduces themselves to the patient. Using active listening and allowing the patient to tell their story is very important during this step. Use of technical terms should be avoided. Questioning should begin with open-ended questions. Examples include: “Tell me about your health problems” or “How does the affect you”...
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...Journal Article Review I Lauren Pedersen Liberty University Journal Article Review Summary Spousal emotional abuse is ongoing, significant problem, impacting nearly 35% of women. Emotional abuse by a spouse or romantic partner can often lead to negative psychological outcomes, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, posttraumatic stress disorder, learned helplessness, and resentment of the abuser that persists even when the abuse ends. There have not been designated therapies designed to help these women. Gayle L. Reed and Robert D. Enright (2006) examine the roles forgiveness therapy has on emotionally abused women in the article The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress for Women After Spousal Emotional Abuse. According to Reed and Enright (2006), forgiveness therapy is designed to help the client let go of the anger and resentment that stems from a justifiable wrongdoing. The researchers believe that forgiveness therapy will be beneficial to the women who were emotionally abused by their spouse because it targets the resentment the woman has for the abuser. These emotionally abused women often times experience learned helplessness and accusatory suffering. Learned helplessness often occurs when women develop self-blame in response to their abusive spouse’s criticism and ridicule. Whereas accusatory suffering is when the emotional abused spouse continues to feel like the victim and hold onto the resent. Because of the...
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...Journal Article Review #2 Felicia Sauls Jones Chamberlain College of Nursing NUR 305 Health Assessment Wendy Swope, Instructor Fall B 2010 Introduction ‘Sexuality and the Chronically Ill Older Adult’ is an article published in Sexuality and Disability, March, 2000 issue, written by Verna C. Pangman and Marilyn Seguire. In this article, the authors provide an awareness of how sexuality, as it relates with the chronically ill older adult, is not adequately addressed by the healthcare professional. This article promotes awareness, dispels myths and provides an overview of recommended approaches to addressing the sexual needs of this population. Summary of Article Sexuality, though described as one of the most natural and basic aspects of life that affects an individual’s identity as a human being (Pangan & Seguire,2007), has developed very devaluing reactions from society. Addressing sexuality for this population is often neglected. It is unfortunate because sexuality is a very natural instinct that doesn’t go away just because you grow old or develop a chronic illness. Sexuality and growing old have been coupled together in a myth that presents the perception that one cancels out the other and this is so far from the truth. This perception leads to the misconception of the importance of sexuality to the elderly while making it difficult for the elderly to hold onto the value of sexuality as a part of their normal lives. The article continues on to describe...
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...Journal Article Review Health Assessment Introduction Hilary Lloyd and Stephen Craig outline the process of using a systematic approach on obtaining a comprehensive patient history. In order to gather the history properly, the nurse also has to use their interpersonal communication skills in an efficient and professional manner along with an assessment of the individual and their surrounding environment. Once you establish a comfortable environment for the patient, you can utilize your nursing skills to obtain a comprehensive history and present it in an orderly fashion. Summary of Article Craig and Lloyd (2007) emphasize that obtaining a patient history is “arguably the most important aspect of patient assessment” (p. 42). The nurse’s role in the health care field is every changing but utilizing the information given to them by the patient is critical in proper assessment of the problem at hand. The first step in being able to gather information from the patient is establishing an environment that is conducive to the patient and nurse interaction. The environment should be “accessible, appropriately equipped, free from distractions and safe for the patient and the nurse” (Craig, 2007, p. 42). Being considerate to the patient’s beliefs, values, and to be open minded even if the nurse does not share the views of the patient goes a long way to gain respect as well as consent from the patient. Communication skills of the nurse is also vital in attaining the patient history...
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...Journal Article Review # 1 Sherry Moore Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 305 Health Assessment Professor Kettley November 10, 2013 Introduction “A guide to taking a patient’s history” is an article which was written by Hiliary Lloyd and Stephen Craig, published in volume 22, issue 13, of Nursing Standard in December 2007. Lloyd and Craig describe the process of taking a health history and explain how environment and other factors affect the accuracy of the health history obtained. This article provides different methods to taking a comprehensive history and the order in which to do so. Summary of the Article Taking a patient’s health history is an integral of patient assessment and it is important that nurses hone their assessment skills while expanding their role as a nurse. Before a health assessment is taking the nurse must first have informed consent from the patient. While taking a health history it is important to choose the right environment, free from distractions if possible and safe for the patient and nurse. The nurse should convey respect for the patient as a person and maintain a level of privacy and dignity. Good communication skills are essential; the nurse must introduce herself to the patient, develop a rapport with the client by being professional, friendly and show interest by actively listening to the patient, the patient should not feel rushed or hurried. Nurses should refrain from using medical jargon when possible and utilize verbal and non-verbal...
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...Neil J. Hunsinger Sonia Weeks LUO 201420 PHSC 210-D05 4/18/14 Journal Article Review #2 I. Introduction Discussing the East African Rift System, Alex Guth and James Wood have written “East Africa’s Rift Valley: A Complex Rift System”. In this piece they discuss from a geological standpoint what a rift system, how they form, and what exactly the East African Rift System is comprised of. Both of these individuals are qualified to speak on this topic as they are with Michigan Technological Institute, and Mr. Wood has his PhD from Johns Hopkins University. II. Overview and Main Points Africa is an amazing continent with a vast amount of land for wild animals, as well as being a dream for geologists. To start it is important to understand what a rift system is (quote textbook on rift). As the article discusses, in the east African region of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda this phenomenon is at its greatest height on full display. The most well known and well aged rift is in Ethiopia and is rightfully named the “Ethiopian Rift”. There is also the “Albertine Rift” which along with the Ethiopian Rift makes up the East African Rift. What makes up the entire system are the East African Rift and the “Kenya Rift”. The latter rift is also known as the “Gregory Rift” which is named after the first geologist that mapped it in the early 1900’s. The next logical question becomes one of how do these rifts form, where do they come from? “One popular model for the...
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...Corporate Reputation Review Volume 12 Number 4 A Systematic Review of the Corporate Reputation Literature: Definition, Measurement, and Theory Kent Walker Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada ABSTRACT A systematic review of the corporate reputation literature is conducted. The final sample of 54 articles (and one book) consists of well-cited papers, and papers in journals that have published high quality work in corporate reputation. The sample is then analyzed and the three fundamental problems in the reputation literature are addressed – the need for a comprehensive and well-accepted definition, the difficulty in operationalizing corporate reputation, and the ongoing need for more developed theory. Two main findings evolve from this analysis: (1) reputation may have different dimensions and is issue specific, and (2) different stakeholder groups may have different perceptions of corporate reputations. The implications for future research are discussed. Corporate Reputation Review (2010) 12, 357–387. doi:10.1057/crr.2009.26 KEYWORDS: corporate reputation; definition; operationalization; organizational identity; organizational image; systematic review INTRODUCTION There are many reasons why organizations and researchers should care about corporate reputation. The relationship between reputation and a sustained competitive advantage is widely acknowledged in the literature (eg, Fombrun and Shanley, 1990; Fombrun, 1996;...
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...Journal Article Review by Madison Goodpasture Abnormal Psychology - 2230 December 9, 2015 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental condition that affects ~5-10% of children with symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. While both children and adults can have ADHD, it is typically diagnosed in children around the age of seven. Along with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness, ADHD is also thought to lead to other behavioral issues including substances use/abuse and addiction. Since ADHD can continue through adolescence and into adulthood, it is important to learn if this disorder puts individuals at risk substance use. The object of one study conducted by Brooke S.G. Molina and William E. Pelham, Jr. was to clarify the magnitude of risk for early substance use and SUD in clinic-referred children with ADHD compared to children without ADHD. Their results were published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2003, Vol.112, No.3, in their paper titled, “Childhood Predictors of Adolescent Substance use in a Longitudinal Study of Children with ADHD”. The research was performed by two distinguished psychologists, Dr. Molina and her mentor, Dr. Pelham, both of whom have significant experience in studying ADHD in children. The article reference section was lengthy and covered numerous topics of children behavior specific to ADHA issues. The authors themselves had several other publications included in the References. The longitudinal...
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...Journal Review: Why God Became Man Kenneth Paul Watson II Liberty University THEO 313-D03 July 20, 2015 Critique Upon reading Why God Became Man, the author’s purpose becomes clear: to help the reader understand the incarnation of Jesus Christ and His purpose for doing so. The article goes into great detail in defining incarnation, how Jesus, from eternity, took human form, and His multi-fold purpose for becoming man. Strauss takes an orderly and focused approach to the article guiding the reader so that they understand the basis for incarnation and why Jesus became God-man. While lengthy, the article has logical structure and each point felt concise. The author demonstrated thorough knowledge of the Bible and of the person of Christ as he quoted multiple verses from both the Old Testament and New Testament to validate his claims. There were few assumptions as each argument became validated by scripture. Strauss failed to reference opposing viewpoints and arguments directly, but in a few instances generalized a couple of viewpoints that Christians have of the incarnation. For instance, when discussing the “steps in Christ’s exaltation,” instead of generalizing, Strauss should have provided direct opposing sources to help in strengthening the point. In reading the article the general purpose felt more to teach and explain incarnation as opposed to the defense of the concept, which may explain the lack of opposing viewpoints. Strauss used strong, precise, and...
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...08 Fall 08 Fall Journal Article Review Kim Watson Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 305 Health Assessment Professor J. Deibel Spring B 2014 Journal Article Review Introduction ‘A guide to taking a patient’s history’ is an article published in the nursing standard Journal, volume 22, issue 13, dated December 5, 2007, written by Hillary Lloyd and Steven Craig. In this article, Lloyd and Craig describe the practice of obtaining a patient history in a systematic way, importance of communication skills, preparing the environment, and explaining why a thorough assessment is indispensible. Summary of Article Obtaining a patient’s history is of utmost importance, for the nurse or healthcare provider, when conducting a patient assessment. It is during this time the patient presents valuable and pertinent information. Also, it is at this time a relationship is evolved between the nurse and patient. Prior to taking the history it is important to prepare the environment. The nurse may come across many varied environments. Such as, patient’s homes, emergency room, clinics, community settings, and different areas of the hospital. Having all needed equipment accessible and area to avoid interruption is important. The environment should support safety for both the patient and nurse. Making sure enough time is allotted to conduct the assessment is stressed. “Not allowing enough time can result in incomplete information, which may adversely...
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...Running Head: Land O Lakes Land O Lakes and use of Facebook Aaron Van Manen May 9, 2012 Jeannette Taylor MGT 438 Cornerstone University Can a company survive without the use of Facebook, twitter, and YouTube in the 21st century? Land O Lake thought they could for many years. That was until the new CIO came into Land O Lakes. Barry Libenson, who became the CIO at Land O Lakes in 2010, looked at the company policy, which stated that Facebook, twitter and YouTube were sites that the company had banned from use by all employees with Land O lakes. Libenson’s commented on the policy stating, “We need to move into the 21st century.” (Boultan, 2012). When faced with the development of new ways to pass on information a company has to adapt to how they handle those situations. Part of corporate strategy is levering your information and tools for your profits. When things like Facebook are looked at as time wasters and things that threaten profits and information you ban them. That is the strategy that Land O Lakes took until Libenson came along. He spent the first few months he was employed by Land O Lakes spending ten of thousands of dollars in company time developing a new social media policy to use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for the companies gain. Libenson saw social media as a way to market the company, not as something employees would waste company time on. The time spent on developing a new social media policy was embraced by the CEO and adapted for marketing purposes...
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...The point of the article is to inform readers that the Fed is becoming more and more unreliable and misleading. As the Labor Department’s January job report stated, unemployment rate fell to 6.6% although there are few new jobs created. It is only 0.1% from Federal Reserve’s Evan’s Rule target rate (6.5%), which is a guide to consider raising interest rates as the central bank said in December 2012, and it will be reached in a few months. However, the Fed needs more time than that to increase fed-funds rate, and they will continue tapering its bond purchase at a rate of $10 billion a month and saying rates will stay as low. The Editors object to the fact that the Feds are bending the rules, which is causing them to lose credibility. As stated in the article, the Editors think that maybe they should have called it Evans Suggestion instead of calling it Evans Rule. The reason why the Editors are object is because the Fed made a mistake in telling markets that there was a fixed rule when the only thing they’re doing is improvising. What is the point of setting standards if you do not abide by them? As the Fed’s responsibility, I it’s necessary to publish their thoughts more carefully and provide a certain monetary policy. Also, the Feds should do what they promise. Lastly, I think the economy is getting better, and unemployment rate is getting lower; people start to think of spending money and the interest rates are low. It would cause “too much money chasing too few goods," and...
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...Journal Article Review on The Origin of Old-Earth Geology, and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century by Doctor Terry Mortenson. Introduction This document is a journal article review providing a brief synopsis, observed strengths, and observed weaknesses of Doctor Mortenson’s “The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century”. This article is not an attack on Christianity or the Christian ideology. This paper is simply an honest attempt to review Mortenson’s information provided, his hypothesis, and venue chosen for Christian Apologetics. Brief Overview and Main Points The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century, by Doctor Terry Mortenson, is a journal article that claims to be about Old Earth Geology history, and perceived consequences that this ideology has inflicted on our society today. In actuality, this article provides little knowledge or background on the Old-Earth theory. This article utilizes most of its text explaining Scriptural Geology, key individuals of Scriptural Geology, arguing the validity of the Young-Earth belief, and closing with an over generalized assessment of Old-Earth theory’s impact on society. Article Strengths The article clearly identifies the writer’s discontent with the flaws in modern science, and the downfall of modern society. Doctor Mortenson provides, with vast detail, the belief of validity regarding Scriptural Geologist theories, and their credentials...
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...The Cues Program: A Review of a Nursing Journal Article Rachel M NURS The Cues Program: A Review of a Nursing Journal Article Infants born weighing less than 1,500 g are called very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. These infants are usually preterm and often require hospitalization in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU.) VLBW infants are at higher risk of developmental problems so there has been an emphasis on developing programs to prevent these problems. The Cues program was designed to include six sessions that begin soon after birth. It focuses on helping lower the psychological stress on the mother which occurs when their infant is in the NICU and also to encourage sensitive mother – infant connections. This program includes written information, observational exercises, one on one discussions and video feedback. This gives important knowledge to mothers of VLBW infants on how to cope with anxiety, the skill of how to interpret their infants’ behavior cues all while encouraging a sensitive mother- infant bond (Feeley, Zelkowitz, Westreich, & Dunkley, 2011). Purpose of the Study and Article The purpose of the article, “The Evidence Based for the Cues Program of Very Low Birth Weight Infants: An Innovative Approach to Reduce Anxiety and Support Sensitive Interactions,” which was published in The Journal of Perinatal Education, “is to outline the empirical evidence that guided the development of the innovative Cues intervention program as well as to describe...
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...Journal Article Review “What’s Behind The Cat Bond Craze” Summary: Covering catastrophe risk has traditionally been the domain of insurers and reinsurers. But it was not until recently that private capital began pouring into the reinsurance industry. In this article, the author talked about one specific ILS, namely the cat bond, managing to analyze the reasons behind its quick growth. He did that by talking from the sponsor’s perspective and investor’s perspective. From the sponsor’s view, declining reinsurance pricing rates for cat bond means the sponsor can transfer its risk to capital market at a much lower cost. Further, more forms of quasi-governmental and state-sponsored entities, rather than large insurers and reinsurers, are emerging. Last, indemnity trigger has remained the dominant form, making up about 75% of triggers or attachment points used by June, 2014 (Angelo John Lewis, 2014). This has helped to negate any calculation of basis risk and accounted for the actual losses endured by the sponsor. From the investor’s point, the author mainly proposed four explanations. First, investing in ILS offers additional possibilities for risk diversification. Since insurance risk is largely uncorrelated with credit or market risk, the risk-return profile of investors can be improved. Also, climate modeling has become more detailed and accurate, giving investor more confidence in participating in indemnity trigger deals. Third, cat bonds provide...
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