Premium Essay



Submitted By vietnguyen1333
Words 312
Pages 2


This assignment is designed for students to demonstrate and develop their research and critical evaluation skills.


Students are required to submit a written report (approximately of 3000 to 5000 words).


Students are expected to conduct a systematic literature review on any Entrepreneurship areas covered in the course. The common areas (but not restricted to) are impact of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial mind set, creativity and innovation, legal challenges in the entrepreneurial ventures and business plan. A maximum of eight (8) articles obtained from scholar / academic journals should be used as the source of references.

The literature review should be structured into three sections comprising of introduction, body and conclusion. Introduction explains the purpose and scope of the literature review, including key areas that the review will address. Body, which is the integral part of the assignment, is a section where the context of inquiries is established. Here, the students should be able to discuss the emerging themes extracted from the eight articles (summarise, organise and criticise). The literature review ends with a conclusion section where a brief summary of the review should be furnished.


Introduction – 8 marks
Body – 40 marks
Conclusion – 8 marks
References – 4 marks


Assignment Format:
a. Use double space and 12-point of Times New Roman font.
b. The assignment should contain about 3000 – 5000 words (15 – 20 pages)
c. Provide reference using the American Psychological Association (APA) format
d. References should be latest (year 2005 onwards)

Notes: • Assignments should be submitted according to the due date. • You are required to submit a

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