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Vietnam War Sociology

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The Vietnam War was a war fought between 1959 and 1975 to prevent the reunification of Vietnam under a communist government. They participated the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), with the support of the United States and other nations, against the local guerrillas of the Vietnam Liberation Front (Viet Cong) and the army of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), backed by China and mainly by the Soviet Union.The decade of the 60s, was of deep transformations in the most powerful country of the world that tried to maintain the military and economic hegemony achieved with the defeat of fascism in Europe, a summer of 1945.
When, in January 1973, the Peace Accords in Paris were concluded, most Americans were relieved that the Vietnam …show more content…
In addition, the Vietnam War, the only one the US has lost, was a major impetus for widespread discontent. The conflict of the war made think that the death of men was unnecessary, especially if these did not have to defend their country, but to one that in no case thought about being "rescued", reason why the discontent was generalized, little by little people from all over the country began to demonstrate, the young people began to become aware that people like them died day by day away from what they loved for fighting for others, in this way the protests became massive, little by little groups began to emerge, groups with a rebellious attitude, but far from all violence as a way of expressing that violence wasn't the only way to solve conflicts, but the discourse, as demonstrated by Ghandi in 1947 …show more content…
They began to take a rebellious attitude, withdrawing from the society they condemned for a comfortable and conservative attitude. They began, then, to meet in communes, constituted as free organizations and without hierarchies, in total contrast to what was happening in bourgeois society. The meetings of the hippies became more and more known, but what was installed in the memory, was the festival of "Woodstock" in 1969, which met for three days, half a million young people. In addition, the hippie movement found in rock, an unparalleled mode of expression, its basic values were tolerance and love.
The hippie icon is usually characterized by a man with long hair and a beard much longer than what is considered "normal" for the time. Both sexes tended to leave their hair long and imitate the African-American style.
Most of the society of the time, considered these "long hairs" as an offense, or as synonymous with dirt, or women thing. The fact of using long hair, for both sexes and their particular way of dressing, acted as a sign of belonging and a sample of their counter-cultural and counter-cultural

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