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My Dyslexia Research Paper

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I am Ian Shevory I am so complicated it is hard to make a picture of me while only focusing on one part of me that makes me. If I justed focused on wrestling which since I have started the sport has given me leadership qualities, confidence, and many other things. I could not just focus on my dyslexia and how it has made writing and reading terribly hard for me. If I only focused on my attention deficit disorder and how it makes it almost impossible for me to focus on something for more than thirty seconds. If I focused on just one of those major parts of my life then whoever reads this could not understand me and what makes me the person I am.
Before freshman year I had never given a thought to wrestling. The first practice I went to I thought, …show more content…
My dyslexia has always been so hard to explain to people, they think that I see stuff different but that is not it. It's not that I see stuff differently it is that sometimes I can not recognize the difference between letters. When I read I have to reread the passage multiple times and it can become very frustrating. Dyslexia has been a very key part of my life and very difficult part. It has made school so much harder and it has made my life so much harder but it has strengthened me. The paper has been extremely difficult to write I have but I push thru and try even harder. Dyslexia makes reading harder but I have found ways to make it easier. I use audiobooks and I go to teachers before the school year starts and ask for the list of the books we are going to read that year and read them before the rest of the class so I can be on pace with the class. Dyslexia has been an obstacle I have had to overcome.
Some people may think that attention deficit disorder is bad but I do not think that. It has made me so unique. I would never give up my attention deficit disorder I like it. Yes, it makes life more difficult to handle and I can not focus on something for very long. My A.D.D has been apart of me for forever it is a disability but I really like it. It makes the class harder and it makes reading and writing harder. It helps me recognize emotions and it helps me relate to people. It is hard to explain why I like

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