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Bravery: The Most Important Character Traits In Homer's Odyssey '

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I picked Bravery for the most important character trait. Odysseus let his crew tie him up to the Luger of the boat so he can feel and hear the harpies on what it’s like, I find this brave on why because something could’ve happened to Odysseus. The scene of “Sirens” he thinks of, how of a way he’s going to defeat the harpies and seeing and learning what they are like and what they are capable of what they are. It’s very brave for Odysseus, he could’ve got killed if he got untied the harpies have a loud terrible noise they make. They lure men in their singing to kill them. Sirens have a special singing voice they are very dangerous they make your ship crash from their singing, there singing is so powerful. I also choose the scene of the Cyclops

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