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Violence In Popular Music

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The Violence to Go Through A Label
Popular music created by Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, and Jason Derulo has hit the radio, iPod’s and concerts for many years. Before an artist even dreams of hitting the radio, preparation has to occur and the preparation can take years. Some artists get noticed by record companies and unfortunately get lost in the depths of the record company if not successful. Some artists decide to not follow the record company and take major risks in independently create their own label. That is what the band Throbbing Gristle did.
Throbbing Gristle was formed in the fall of 1975. The band consisted of Genesis P-Orridge who was the lead vocalist. Cosey Fanni Tutti was responsible for lead guitarist position. Peter “Sleazy” …show more content…
Many beginning artists have a difficult time trying to take the first few steps into their career. Bands that are successful are likely to have possessed something new that they bring to the music world. Throbbing Gristle brought in the innovation of violence to their music. Today, violence is sometimes a crucial piece that needs to be implemented in the music that a band or bands produce depending on the genre or style that the band is. Throbbing Gristle used violence religiously in their music (Kromhout). Threats were made to Throbbing Gristle for their offensiveness that they were going to get in trouble if they kept going on with the act. Adding fuel to the fire, during their premiere gig, Genesis P-Orridge mounted an art exhibit consisting of entirely of used tampons and soiled diapers (Ankeny). Now not every band is encouraged to reenact some of the performances that Throbbing Gristle did but the consumers of media are intrigued by these ‘new things’. Bands are finding the ‘wow’ factors that bring more people to their concerts or more people to buy their CD’s or download their music online. Vaulting to the 21st century, Bands and producers are more involved with social media than ever before. A prime example of a 21st century artist is none other

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