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Visual Argument Analysis

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A visual argument is using an image to make a specific statement. In the world we live in today we are surrounded with visual aids, for example magazines, newspapers, internet ads, and billboards. I think visual arguments are becoming more popular because when done correctly are able to get a point across faster, especially now that we are always looking at some type of technological device like a laptop, cell phone, and television. Also a visual argument gets a point across without having to use too many words, catching the eye of the audience and immediately getting the information across. My operational definition of an effective visual argument is an argument that makes a clear point, must capture the intended audience attention, and evoke an emotion from the viewer(s).

The advertisement I chose was about the Coca Cola brand. The ad shows a glass Coca Cola Bottle with pictures of people and things that are iconic/classic to American Culture. Midway through the bottle there is a label, and on the label it is written Coca- Cola Classic. The …show more content…
I think it evokes emotion from people of all generations. If an older person looks at this bottle they will feel a connection, for example if they were born during the time of these artists, it will bring back memories. Younger generations will also feel a connection because for example if your parents listen to Elvis while you grew up, and as a grown up you look at this ad and see Elvis, it will bring back the emotions you felt when your parents made you listen to Elvis. There are just generational connections, and that will bring up emotions for people. Also it makes you feel love for American Culture, because you realize how many great things are parts of the culture, brings that feeling of patriotism. So it makes you feel good when drinking or buying Coca Cola because you feel like you are contributing or are part of the American Culture, feeding your

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