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Visual Effect In Art

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Describe how lines are used for visual effect in artwork.

All lines mark a visual path between two points, leading the eye around a composition and serving as the base that constructs a work of art. However, artistic lines differ in an infinite variety of ways, not just varying in width, length, or direction, but also in shape, pattern, outline, depth and texture. They can convey an enormous range of emotions - everything from delicate, tentative elegance to brutal, forceful power. Additionally, expressive lines create emphasis, and can either definitively outline or merely suggest shapes, evoke movement, imply solid mass, create shadows, show distance and demonstrate depth.

List the types of lines that artists use in your submission. …show more content…
I was drawn to it because it expresses an incredible depth of emotion, lifelike structure, and meticulous detail by using a single, continuous line. Because it is a continuous line, the lines fill the entire work.

What type of lines are used?
Curved line segments appear to be most often used, often doubling back on each other to give the appearance of being a thicker line. A few jagged, squiggly lines fill up space in some areas, such as in his hair and beard. I can also detect the use of vertical and horizontal segments as well, such as under the eyes. In addition, there appears to be some diagonal cross-hatching in the fabric of his coat.

How are the lines used or what is the visual effect of the lines in the composition?
A weathered, aged human male face is depicted with the use of one continuous line, twisting in an infinite variety of ways to express depth, emotion, form, emphasis, and shadow. The continuous line, which at first glance appears to be many separate lines, succeeds in spite of the fact that it is all of one width. Emotion is conveyed by the weary sadness in his eyes while he gazes into the distance as if lost in deep thought. His hair appears white due to the lack of shading in that area, while his mustache and beard seem

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