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Submitted By all4life2013
Words 297
Pages 2
This paper was written to describe the impact of visual and hearing impairments on student’s academic achievement to teachers and other educators. Having knowledge of these impairments allows the teacher to better serve students with these impairments in the classroom.

Hearing and Visual Impairments
Hearing and visual impairments have a major impact on a person’s development and academic achievement. Hearing and seeing are critical to speech and language development, communication, and learning. The earlier in a person’s life that they develop or have these impairments, the more serious the development of the person will be effected. In the same manner, the earlier that the problem is identified and intervention begun, the less serious the impact on that person’s development may be (American Speech Language Hearing Association, 2011).
Hearing Impairments
Hearing impairments are defined as the decreased ability to hear and differentiate sounds. This can range from mild hearing loss to total deafness (March of Dimes, 2010). Humans are able to hear sounds through the brains relationship with the ear. The outer ear absorbs sound waves that travel through the eardrum. These sound waves are then transferred to the middle ear before entering the cochlea. The cochlea is the main receptor organ for hearing and works with inner ear canals that assist with balance to hear and register sounds to the brain. Before an educator can differentiate or modify lesson plans they must first understand the basics of the impairment. The ability to hear sounds directly affects the ability to speak. If speech is affected then the ability to read and write will be affected because these skills are directly related to speech and learning. There are two main types of hearing loss. One is conductive hearing loss. This occurs when there are abnormalities of the

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