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Voluntary Sector

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The national council for voluntary organisations estimates that an additional 150,000 registered charities and a further 250,000 voluntary and community organisations.
The voluntary sector plays an important role in providing services in every community, they provide support for specific client group and although they may charge for this service they are a non profit making. Social work in the voluntary sector is also referred to as the “third sector” in comparison to those employed by the statutory sector. This sector is more flexible and allows greater potential for creativity. It provides opportunity to use their skills, knowledge and experiences to work directly with vulnerable people in ways they couldn’t if they worked for the local …show more content…
Some examples of this is that if you work for the statutory sector you are the first port of call and have more authority and duties that you would if you worked in the voluntary sector, if you choose to work in the voluntary sector this may be because you have developed a passion in a specific area and fell you can help and support your client better than you could if you work in the statutory field. The tasks of the social worker are still the same but there are better opportunists in the voluntary sector and the pay scale tends to be better.
The independent sector consists of voluntary and private sectors , the voluntary provided a variety of services including practical help and advice and the private sector owns all of the nursing homes and most of the residential homes and is gradually become more involved in helping the elderly within their own homes.
Due to the increase in size and importance there is now greater need for all sectors to have better communication. Many private organisations specialise in crisis provision and hard to place children.
All sectors pay differently the conditions, training and support offered to social workers vary enormously as does the ethos and reputation of the

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