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Vulvovaginitis Research Paper

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Vulvovaginitis, also called vulvitis and vaginitis, is an inflammation or irritation of the vulva and vagina, caused by a variety of reasons. Vulvovaginitis is very common in young girls; however, the condition is not a serious issue, because mild vulvovaginitis can often with improve with simple steps. Girls can experience symptoms such as irritation in the vaginal area, redness around the labia, itching and burning in the skin, some strong-smelling discharge from the vagina. Discomfort when urinating; light bleeding, or spotting; and pain during sex, are also common symptoms of vulvovaginitis. There are three common types of vaginal infections that cause vaginitis such as: Bacterial vaginosis, Yeast infection, and Trichomoniasis. Bacterial …show more content…
Collecting the discharge sample can help doctors identify the type of vaginitis and give the appropriate treatment for quicker recovery. Treatment for vulvovaginitis can vary, depending on what type of infection it is. Mild vulvovaginitis can be treated at home using over-the-counter products such as: topical ointments and vaginal creams. Garlic and coconut oil is also known for curing vaginal infections; however, it is best to speak with a doctor before starting home remedies. A doctor, on the other hand, can prescribe specific medications to eliminate the infection. Oral antibiotics; antibiotic, antifungal, and antibacterial creams applied directly to the skin; and oral antifungal pills, may also be necessary to eliminate the condition, (Healthline). There are few suggestions that help prevent vulvovagnitis. For example, practicing a good daily hygiene routine and proper cleansing can incredibly make a difference. Avoiding wearing tight clothing, using strong scented soaps to clean the vagina, and taking bubble baths can reduce the risk of future vaginal infections. With these simple steps, most women heal quickly and go about their normal

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