...INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO Y DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES DE MONTERREY SEMINARIO INTEGRADOR DE FINANZAS Caso “The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company: Capital structure, Valuation, and Cost of Capital” Profesor Titular: Dr. Roberto Joaquín Santillán Salgado Profesor tutor: Mtra. Karla Macías Yanin Guerrero Enríquez A01180790 29/Mayo/2014 Introducción Blanca Dobrynin, administradora asociada de Aurora Borealis LLC, propuso a Susan Chandler, una asociada, a iniciar la búsqueda de una inversión potencial en Wrigley. Aurora Borealis tenía un fondo de cobertura de 3 billones bajo administración y una estrategia de inversión que se enfocaba en empresas con dificultades, arbitraje de fusiones, transacciones de cambio de control y recapitalizaciones. El típico modelo de operación de Blanca Dobrynin consistía en identificar oportunidades para una corporación para reestructurarla, invirtiendo significativamente en el capital de la empresa objetivo, y encargarse del proceso de persuadir al administrador y directores de reestructurar. Chandler notó que el valor de mercado del capital común de Wrigley era de 13.1 billones. Dobrynin y Chandler discutieron de las condiciones del mercado de capital actual y decidieron enfocarse en el supuesto de que Wrigley podía pedir prestados 3 billones en una clasificación crediticia entre BB y B, con un rendimiento del 13%. La compañía Wrigley era el fabricante y distribuidor de goma de mascar más grande del mundo. La industria era intensamente...
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...Calaveras Vineyard GUSTAVO OCATVIO HERRERA OCAMPO A00313848 FZ 4007 – Finanzas corporativas avanzadas Calaveras Vineyard Antecedentes • NationsBank´s investment-banking group invita a Goldengate Capital a participar en un préstamo para la adquisición de Calaveras Vineyards. • El préstamo asciende a $4.5M; $2M a largo plazo, $2.5 línea de crédito revolvente. • Calaveras Vineyard es una empresa fundada en 1883 con una exitosa gestión de la marca a través del tiempo. Cuenta con 220 acres de los cuales 175 son viñedos. • Calaveras cuenta con 5 categorías de producto: 2 en el segmento super-premium (64.3% de las ventas). • Alta concentración de la distribución en el canal de mayoreo (67%). • Disminución de la demanda de bebidas alcohólicas excepto para la categoría de vinos. • 50% de los requerimientos de uva son obtenidos con mediante 2 contratos de largo plazo, una porción limitada del proceso de fermentación y el almacenaje de producto terminado estaba arrendada a un vecino • Evolución positiva de la rentabilidad gracias al aumento del precio promedio. • Proyecciones financieras ambiciosas (optimistas) • Valor de mercado de los activos se estima entre $5 y $7 M. • Actual gerente general y gerente operativo potenciales compradores (con participación de 85% y 15% respectivamente) FZ 4007 – Finanzas corporativas avanzadas Calaveras Vineyard Análisis cualitativo Fortalezas: • Empresa con abolengo. • Expertos en producción y comercialización de vinos (Saberhacer)...
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...asertivo usar una tasa de descuento apropiada para utilizar el método VPN o utilizar la tasa interna minima con el método TIR. Esta duda lleva a que no se esta logrando lo deseado. Identificar objetivos Uno de los objetivos principales es la valoración de estos proyectos. Chem- Cal Corporation debe volver a calcular el VPN de cada proyecto. Lograr una tasa de capital es decir la mejor opción es el Wacc y ver las fuentes para conseguir los recursos. Análisis de opciones para conseguir más capital - Elevar Ratios de deuda (30% cerca de la media del sector) - Vender bonos de 5 millones de dólares (un poco mas de 10.5%) - Fondo de amortizaciónDiagnostico Encontrar una fuente de financiamiento que no sea superior o igual al 11% y esa tasa seria un 10% para ajustar al wacc ya que los cálculos de valor presente neto VPN no entrega una representación adecuada de los proyecto. Además la compañía debería mantener algún sistema para considerar las inversiones propuestas. Plan de acción La compañía debe utilizar el valor presente neto VPN con una tasa de descuento del Wacc ya existen restricciones de capital, el VPN es una herramienta mas útil ya que considera al...
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...qué ha llegado a tal conclusión. 2.- ¿Cuál es el precio máximo que pudiera llegar a pagar Monmouth, basándose en una valuación usando análisis de flujo de efectivo descontado, cálculo de WACC, y determinación del valor terminal? Ver Notas y/o “Tips” relacionadas con esta pregunta. 3.- ¿A qué se debe que Simmons esté tan deseoso de vender su posición a Monmouth por $50 por acción? ¿Cuáles son las preocupaciones, así como las alternativas, para cada uno de los otros grupos de accionistas de Robertson? 4.- La administración de Monmouth le solicita asesoría acerca de cómo debe de diseñar, así como también el implementar, una oferta que resultara exitosa para la adquisición de Herramientas Robertson. ¿Cuál, o cómo sería su asesoría? Por favor, justifique su respuesta. NOTAS Y/O “TIPS” (1(1) El título del capítulo 9 de su libro de texto es, precisamente: “Usando análisis de flujo de efectivo descontado para hacer decisiones de inversión?, entonces usted puede aplicar lo estudiado en dicho capítulo. (2(2) Se le recomienda ampliamente estudiar la sección 13.2: “The Weighted-Average Cost fo Capital” (WACC), a partir de la página 367 del libro de texto. En particular, asegúrese de que ha interiorizado tanto la lógica, como la o las fórmulas para calcular el WACC. (3) De igual manera, ampliamente se le recomienda estudiar la sección 13.7 de su libro de texto, (a partir de la...
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...02/2012. <vbk:978-1-4562-0587-4#outline(13.11.6)>. 5. Cálculo del costo de la deuda Shanken Corp. emitió un bono a 30 años a una tasa semestral de 7% hace siete años. Hoy, el bono se vende en 108% de su valor nominal. La tasa tributaria de la compañía es de 35%. a) ¿Cuál es el costo de la deuda antes de impuestos? b) ¿Cuál es el costo de la deuda después de impuestos? (ROSS 422) ROSS, STEPHEN A.. FINANZAS CORPORATIVAS, 9th Edition. McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 02/2012. <vbk:978-1-4562-0587-4#outline(13.11.6)>. 8. Impuestos y WACC Miller Manufacturing tiene una razón de deuda a capital accionario fijada como meta de .45. El costo de su capital accionario es de 17%, y el de su deuda es de 10%. Si la tasa tributaria es de 35%, ¿cuál será el WACC de Miller? (ROSS 422) ROSS, STEPHEN A.. FINANZAS CORPORATIVAS, 9th Edition. McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 02/2012. <vbk:978-1-4562-0587-4#outline(13.11.6)>. 11. Cálculo del WACC En el problema anterior suponga que las acciones de la compañía tienen una beta de 1.2. La tasa libre de riesgo es de 5.2% y la prima de riesgo de mercado es de 7%. Suponga que el costo total de la deuda es el promedio ponderado que implican las dos emisiones de deuda en circulación. Ambos bonos hacen pagos semestrales. La tasa tributaria es de...
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...194.00 21,847.00 24,305.00 TOTAL PATRIMONIO 122,958.00 TOTAL PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO 244,353.00 ESTADO DE RESULTADOS 2011 Ventas Costo de ventas Utilidad bruta 333,307.00 266,475.00 66,832.00 Gastos de venta y distribución Gastos de administración Otros ingresos operativos Otros gastos operativos Utilidad operativa 41,048.00 13,851.00 2,342.00 409.00 13,866.00 Ingresos financieros Gastos financieros Diferencia de cambio Utilidad antes de impuestos 619.00 4,326.00 644.00 10,803.00 Impuestos Utilidad Neta 3,554.00 7,249.00 COSTO DE CAPITAL Beta desapalancado Beta apalancado Rf (Rm - Rf) Rp Kd t Kd neto Ke WACC 0.8 (Damodaran) 0.98 2.19% 6.00% 2.31% 6.50% 30% 4.55% 10.36% 8.74% NOPAT Activos Operativos (A.O.) ROCE (ROCE - WACC) EVA BENEFICIO ECONÓMICO SUPUESTOS Crecimiento...
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...PRODUCTOS DE HOGAR - VALORACIÓN DE BONOS Y ACCIONES En todos los libros de texto, la valoración de las acciones y bonos se limita a indicar que es el valor actual de todos los flujos de efectivo futuros esperados con seguridad. El concepto es lógico, sencillo, y engañosamente simple. La valoración de los bonos por lo general se presenta primero, hasta los relativos flujos de efectivo seguros se dividen en una anualidad y un pago del valor nominal en una fecha específica en el futuro. La valoración de las acciones preferidas deduce o sigue la valoración de bonos y el valor de las acciones preferentes se muestra como el valor actual de la anualidad perpetua. Los flujos de efectivo de los dividendos de tamaño constante es bastante seguro, y la mayoría de las acciones preferentes no tienen una fecha de vencimiento. Por último, las acciones comunes se presentan pero ni los flujos futuros de efectivo (de dividendos), ni el valor final se conoce con certeza, generalmente, los estudiantes parecen entender las técnicas de valuación de bonos y acciones preferentes, pero tienden a ser muy escépticos del modelo de valoración de las acciones comunes. El uso de los modelos de flujo de efectivo descontados en una empresa real puede ayudar a disipar algunas de las dudas, pero lo más importante, puede indicar cómo los modelos explican el comportamiento de los precios. HOME PRODUCTS, INC. Home Products, Inc, (HPI) es un fabricante líder de medicamentos de receta y éticos; especialmente...
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...arriott Corporation: The Cost of Capital (Abridged) Executive Summary: The case "Marriott Corporation: The Cost of Capital (Abridged)" focuses on an ideal opportunity to review the capital asset pricing model and the weighted average cost of capital through calculation of the cost of capital for Marriott as a whole. Dan Cohrs is faced with making recommendations for the hurdle rates at Marriott Corporation and its three divisions utilizing CAPM and WACC. This case illustrates how to calculate beta based on comparable companies and to lever betas to adjust for capital structure; the appropriate risk-less rate and market risk premium; the choice of time period to estimate expected returns and the difference between the geometric and the arithmetic average as a measure of expected returns. SYNOPSIS Marriott Corporation began in 1927, and over the next 60 years, the company grew into one of the leading lodging and food service companies in the US. In 1987, the Marriott's annual report stated, "We intend to remain a premier growth company. Our goal is to be the preferred employer and provider, and the most profitable company". Marriott's profits were $223 million on sales of $6.5 billion. In April 1988, vice president of project finance at the Marriott Corporation, Dan Cohrs, must prepare annual recommendations for the hurdle rates at each of the firm's three divisions, including restaurant, lodging, and contract services, as well as...
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...With these developments, it is obvious that conflicts between parties of different nationalities occur and liability to tax on income of foreigners especially among those engaging in trading venture. Whilst the laws affecting domicile and residence may be sufficiently settled, it is paramount for courts to pursue a detailed analysis to ascertain specific preliminary issues so as to avoid controversial rulings. Courts often handle numerous financial cases that involve what can be best described as foreign or international elements. In such cases, court must decide whether it has the jurisdiction under the Family Law Act 1975 to make a decision on such cases. In the event that it is determined that the court is invested with the jurisdiction to determine the case, the court has to consider whether there is a system of law in foreign country that also has the jurisdiction to handle the case. As it was addressed in the case Attorney General of New Zealand v Ortiz [1984] AC 1, these benefits and costs to either party if the case resolution is made in foreign country as compared with the apparent country should also be a subject of concern. [1] Legal systems in most countries around the world adopt community property regime, which takes effect at the inception of marriage or at the time of divorce. For instance, California and Massachusetts in the United States have adopted community property regimes that support equal division of assets upon divorce. However, this provision...
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...Adapted from Bernhardt & Kinnear (1988). Cases in marketing management, pp. 6-16. Plano, TX: Business Publications, Inc. Pay careful attention to the following points. They are often used by instructors to evaluate either a written or oral analysis. 1. Be complete. Each area of the situation analysis must be discussed, problems and opportunities identified, alternative presented and evaluated using the situation analysis and relevant financial analysis, and a decision must be made. An analysis that omits part of the situation analysis or only recognizes one alternative is not a good analysis. Second, each area must be covered in-depth and within insight. 2. Avoid rehashing case facts. Every case has a lot of factual information. A good analysis uses facts that are relevant to the situation at hand to make summary points of analysis. A poor analysis just restates or rehashes theses facts without making relevant summary comments. 3. Make reasonable assumptions. Every case is incomplete in terms of some piece of information that you would like to have. A good case analysis must make realistic assumptions to fill in the gaps of information in the case. For example, the case may not describe the purchase decision process for the product of interest. A poor analysis would either omit mentioning this or just state that no information is available. A good analysis would attempt to present this purchase decision process by classifying the product and drawing upon real life...
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...are given. It is understandable then that we should seek out more opportunities to apply our skills and make more positive impacts within our jurisdictions. It is this general attitude that led us to get involved in investigating cold cases. How We Got Started Mark had, for several years, been consulting with our Coroner’s Division as a forensic anthropologist. During this time he came to learn that there were numerous coroners’ cases in which the identity of the decedent was unknown. These cases were kept in three-ring binders on a shelf in the Sergeant’s office. Over the years, in the course of this forensic work, we would discuss these cases and the progress that was being made on them. The conversation usually ran along the lines of us asking “any luck with that 1980 homicide victim?” and the sergeant answering “well, we’ve gotten so many new cases that I haven’t been able to even look at it yet.” This went on for a few years and through two different sergeants. One day we, as a crime analysis unit, were brainstorming about how we could broaden our “client base”, as it were. We had been successful in integrating ourselves into our Investigations Bureau and had been involved in numerous major cases. And, of course, we had always been active in producing tactical and strategic analyses for our patrol personnel. But we knew that we could be doing more, particularly given the size and responsibilities of our agency. It was during...
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...BUSINESS CASE Presented to the Accountancy Department De La Salle University In partial fulfillment Of the course requirements In ACCTBA2 (C33) March 2, 2015 A stakeholder is typically concerned with an organization delivering intended results and meeting its financial objectives. In general, a stakeholder can be one of two types: internal (from within an organization) or external (outside of an organization). The stakeholders in this situation are Lanie Marquez and Tim Rodriguez who are also partners in the retail distribution business and their capital contributions are as follows P500,000 and P300,000 respectively they are an internal stakeholder since they are also the owners. The total Capital of both stakeholders is P800,000 and with a monthly salary for both partners at P15,000 on the assumption that both of them will contribute to manage the business equally. Assuming that both managed the business equally the total salary for the year for Lanie and Tim are P180,000 each. They share profit and loss equally and no interest will be given on capital contributed. The problem for this situation is that Lanie is starting to get concerned with the behavior of her other partner Tim. He only manages the business 50% of the time, which will mean that his salary of P15,000 will need to decrease by also 50% since he does not manage the business equally with his partner. The business has seen a downturn in the profit outcome and for the current financial...
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...Ralph’s Grocery and United Food and Commercial Workers Union The case that I chose for the week 6 critical thinking assignment concerns Ralph’s Grocery Company, located in California. It applies to this week’s material due to the fact that the case involves unlawful suspension and discharge of an employee, as reviewed by the National Labor Relations Board. Background In May 2011, Vittorio Razi was an employee at Ralph’s Grocery and was suspended and terminated after he refused to take a drug test without first consulting with his UFCW Local 324 representative. The company (Respondent) says that on the day in question, Razi’s behavior was in question, acting nervous, anxious, agitated, and slurred speech. After a couple managers discussed the...
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... Many people wonder why their own teeth stain so easily. The enamel on your teeth and chromogens are what stains your teeth, but what exact beverage stains teeth the most? I chose this topic because I was curious to know what stains teeth the most. It affects us daily because it could rot your teeth or you can’t pick up hot chicks anymore. So what causes teeth to stain? The temperature causes teeth to expand or contract making it easier for stains. So hot and cold drinks affect that. Color in foods and beverages come from chromogens. Chromogens are intensely pigmented compounds that stick to teeth enamel. Chromogens cause a lot of trouble when they mix and react with other stain causing and stain promoting factors. Tannis may be natural or synthetic tannis is another factor that stains teeth. Tooth enamel is porous making it extremely susceptible to stains. The darker the liquid the darker the stain. There are some examples that stain teeth. Not only sodas bad but also Gatorade. Beets are bad for you also. Mostly cause they’re concentrated. Berries dark skins stain teeth. Ketchup is also really bad because of its bright red color and high levels of acid. Dark liquids and sauces you put on your foods also stain teeth. Colored candy and popsicles both contain colorants that will transfer to the teeth and embed in the porous enamel. Fruit juices, especially grape and cranberry, leave a colorful tinge on the teeth and tongue. Colored sodas instantly discolor teeth. The citric acids...
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...efficient investigative products and services. As a result, the coverage requirements for ANACI and NACLC investigations have been enhanced to support a common content baseline for all agencies. Note that these enhancements apply only to those ANACI and NACLC cases submitted on an SF 86. The purpose of this FIN is to provide you with information concerning what case coverage changes have been made. The case price adjustments necessary to support these changes will be reflected in the FY 2007 case prices. ANACIINACLC Cases Currently, listed and developed issues which are identified in ANACI and NACLC cases (for non-DoD customers) are not pursued beyond the normal scope of the investigation. These cases are returned to the requesting agency so that the agency may decide whether to adjudicate the case based upon the information in hand, conduct additional follow-up themselves, or request a Reimbursable Suitability Investigation (RSI) from FISD to cover the additional issues. Beginning with FY 2007, expansion of these issues will become a standard part of both the ANACI and NACLC products. Effective October 1, 2006, issues apparent at scheduling or developed during the course of the investigation and which fall within the 5-year case coverage period, unless otherwise noted, will be expanded upon according to the following chart (exception: issues which are known to have been covered in previous investigations, or which would reasonably have been expected to...
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