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Warrior Peru Analysis

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The object I have chosen is called “Warrior.” This six and three-fourths inch tall sculpture was made in Peru and is to be dated at about 100-800 AD. The first reason why I chose this object is because the name. Its name appealed to me because it sounds fierce and bold and I’m the type of guy who likes ferocious things like warriors. The second reason is because how this sculpture looks. This sculpture looks like is equipped with lots of shiny armor like a real warrior should be. I also like this sculpture because it symbolizes how warriors looked like during that time. Another thing that appeals to me is how the artist gave the sculpture a touch of red on the eyes. The green eyes of the sculpture could symbolize how a warrior is courageous …show more content…
The Moché existed on the north shore of present-day Peru from 100 to 800 AD. To them, fighting and religion were interconnected. Creature and human offerings, normally of caught foes, were customarily performed to sustain the earth and the divine beings and to advance rural richness. Moché designed massive, beautified sanctuaries on which to establish these service. In spite of their forceful nature, the Moché were additionally incredible artisans. Expert metalsmiths, they utilized gold, silver, and copper in a mixture of systems, some still not completely understood. Despite the fact that gold and goldworking was a vital piece of their society, silver additionally assumed a huge part. Silver was the feminine partner to the masculine substance of the sun, and each was a component of the universe sized parity important for survival. This remarkable warrior is made out of silver and copper lines with small layers of gold procedure known as gliding. The diverse surfaces make a striking difference. This warrior was a burial offering for sovereignty of the Moché society. He holds a club and a shield and wears a cushioned tunic, a helmet, and ear flares. The item on his back seems to be a drum and his eyes are green because of the oxidized copper in the …show more content…
The skin of the warrior is all black while its eyes are green due to the oxidized copper. And the gold color comes from the gilt copper which is on the shield, armor, helmet, ear flares, drum, and the block the warrior is standing on. The texture of this object seems rough but smooth at some places. For example, the armor and drum looks rough because there are spots that the copper is torn off which makes it look rough. However, on the block he is standing on there are spots where nothing has affected the copper so it seems as if it is smooth. This object is three-dimensional so the space is all filled up. There is no negative space in this artwork. The only negative space that is in this piece is the space around it which is empty. The mass of this object appears to be fairly light because it is only six inches tall. It doesn’t have much to it and the sculpture is made from silver and copper. The volume of this object appears to be completely solid. There seems to be no holes in this object so that means it cannot be hollow because then it would just explode. The reason this object is most likely completely solid is because it is made from gold, silver, and copper which are all solid. If you put these in a kiln, they would just melt so that means the artist had to carve this object making it solid. The perspective in this object can be any perspective depending on which angle you look at it. The picture that is shown

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