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Water Pollution In Ancient Egypt

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The Nile River is the backbone of Egypt’s health and wealth. As the main source of water for the North African country, Egypt is suffering a shortage of renewable fresh water with an influx of citizens rushing to be closer to the river (Dakkak, 2017). But the Nile River may soon be dammed up and Egypt will be left with 3 percent of the water it has in an average years (Nunzio, 2013). With water and silt from the Nile River being the main source of agriculture for trade in Egypt, the Egyptian government is facing massive crisis. Upon analyzing the situation in Egypt, it is evident, Egyptians must find a way to preserve water, irrigate the land and desert and feed their people without depending nearly 100 percent on the Nile River as a source. …show more content…
The influx of water comes from the flooding of the Nile River. With the rush of the rainy season comes the highest producing months of the year in revenue from crops and tourism in Egypt. The economy of Egypt rises and falls with the Nile River. Improper irrigation, extensive pollution, and lack of sanitation of the water supply reduces Egypt’s cleanliness, which decreases its rank among places to visit and live. The lack of irrigation reduces the ability to grow crops, thus reducing exports for gross national product, and the lack of sanitation reduces the countries ability to draw international companies, national businesses and for leisure travelers while reducing the waters usefulness in agricultural (Dakkak, 2017). The heavy metals from industrial waste running off into the water supplies has reduced the viable use of the river’s water as it has increased the risk of health problems for humans and crops …show more content…
The sudden reduction in water supply occurring because of the Ethiopian new dam will bring further change to the Egyptian economy as less water reaches Egypt and more water is afforded to Palestine, Ethiopia and other forgotten parts of Africa and the Middle East (Powers, 2014). Though the dam will bring great water supplies to other areas of Africa, Egypt will suffer tremendous loses as all but 3 percent of Egyptian water comes from the Nile River (Nunzio, 2013). The dependence on the Nile River has left Egypt desperate to stop other nations from stopping the damming of the water source, which Egypt was successful at for decades, until Pakistan wavered from their staunch government alliance with Egypt, opting to seize the opportunity to financially grow their own country (Nunizo, 2013). If the dam is constructed, the thin patches of irrigated lands near the silts of the Nile River will dissipate, and with it, the majority of the economic stability of

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