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Ways of Food Contribute to Health of Individual


Submitted By tintin25
Words 456
Pages 2
1.1 Describe ways food contributes to the health of individuals

Babies grow quickly, so they need plenty of energy and nutrients. Breast milk is an important food for babies until at least 12 months of age, it also has antibodies and other substances that help protect your baby's immune system. Healthy food that is right for his age will help them grow and develop normally. When your baby is around 6 to 12 months you can offer new foods to your baby such as strained fruits, vegetables, or meat. At about 9 months of age give your baby finger foods, you can feed him finger foods such as soft pieces of fruit, vegetables, cheese, meat, or well cooked pasta. Toddlers have little tummies, so serve foods that are packed with the nutrients, they need to grow healthy and strong, and limit the sweets and empty calories. Milk is an important part of a toddler's diet because it provides calcium and vitamin D, which help build strong bones. Most kids under age 2 should drink whole milk for the dietary fats needed for normal growth and brain development.

As a teenager, their body is going through physical changes, changes that they need to be supported by a healthy balance diet. They should be able to get all the energy and nutrients they need from the food and drink they consume, allowing the body to grow and develop properly. Some important nutrients are iron, vitamin D and calcium. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of many of vitamins and minerals your body need during the teenage years. They should eat at least five portions of variety of fruit and vegetables a day. Teenagers that are studying in secondary and colleges are mostly get stressed they need to eat healthy balanced diet to feed the brain. They should eat a balanced diet of meat, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables and oily fish.

Adults need to eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy balanced diet is

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