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We Are Dead


Submitted By Ynpatel12
Words 611
Pages 3
History Midterm(Yash Patel)

What is a patriot? A person who fights for his or her country

What happened at Valley Forge? The military camp of the continental army, which turned out to be very devastating in the winter

Who said, “ I have not yet begun to fight.” John Paul Jones

What did George Washington do after war? Went back home at Mount Vernon

How many states were needed to approve the Articles of Confederation? 13

The final authority in the Federal System is… Constitution/Judicial

What are checks and balances? A system that limits power between the three branches of government

What are Federalists? People who supported a strong central government therefore they were the ones who also favored the constitution.

What was America’s first constitution? Articles of Confederation

What happens in a depression? The economy goes down and most people are jobless.

What were the Federalist Papers? An 85 page essay, trying to get New York to ratify the Constitution

What is the most distinctive feature of the US Government? Separation of Powers

The president can check congress through what? Veto

What was the most important crop in Jamestown? Tabaco

What is pacifist? A person who believes that violence and war is unjustifiable

Why were separatists called pilgrims? They were the separatists in England and Pilgrims in the colonies.

What type of relationship did the French have with the Native Americans? The strongest of anyone else

How were the Indians paid for the island of Manhattan? $24 of beads and trinkets

New England practiced what type of farming? Subsistence farming

What is a militia? Non-Professional Army

How did Pontiac view British settlers? He didn’t like them, he thought they threatened the Native American way of life

Who worked the southern rice fields? Slaves

Where are backcountry farms found?

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